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I can't decrypt the files; when I run the process, I get the following:


D:\Marvels>call Decrypt_Bigfile

D:\Marvels>TigerDecrypt bigfile.000.tiger 0 0
Marvel's Avengers (Tiger Decrypter) - v2.8.2.0
By Gh0stBlade
Failed to open file: bigfile.000.tiger

I got TigerDecrypt_v2_8_2_0 from here:

What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any help.

  • 4 months later...
On 2024/9/2 at AM4点51分, Pikatro1976 said:



D:\Marvels>调用 Decrypt_Bigfile

D:\Marvels>TigerDecrypt bigfile.000.tiger 0 0
Marvel's Avengers (Tiger Decrypter) - v2.8.2.0
By Gh0stBlade

我从这里获得了 TigerDecrypt_v2_8_2_0: https:

我做错了什么? 我将非常感激您的帮助。

I can run Decrypt very well.In fact,all you need to do is place the corresponding file,such as Decrypt_Bigfile.bat,and the Bigfile000.tiger file in the Decrypt directory(the simplest method is to drag the file onto Decrypt_Bigfile.bat).A new tiger file will be generated in the Decrypted folder under the root directory.

However,when I proceed to the second step,unpacking,the program keeps reporting an error that it cannot find the file:

"Archive bigfileupdatel.000russian 000.tiger does not exist,file unpacking will be skipped!"

I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this issue.You might want to give it a try.

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