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Vicious Engine

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A proprietary game engine I got curious about is the Vicious Engine, by Vicious Cycle Software.

It's mostly in games from the mid to late 2000s and nobody ever thought to do a deep look into it.

The thing that doesn't help is that internally, all the file names are just random letters and numbers, though there are folders that are actually labelled. Here's my guesses to what these folders mean


Configurations (.cfg) - likely some code for the engine

EntityTemplates (.et) - elements like characters and items

Games (.gam) - unknown

LoadingScreens (.ls) - Loading screens, self explanatory

Maps (.map) - Levels, also self explanatory

Regions (.rgn) - Regional variations of in-game text

Sounds/VoiceOvers (.str) - Music & Sound effects respectively

.loc files - Localized versions of any given element


I sent a few of these file types from one of their games (Ben 10: Galactic Racing) 

Vicious Engine Files.zip

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