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Hello, sorry if this isn't the appropriate place for to ask for help regarding modifying a game but I'm looking for help trying to modify the Far Cry 3 Editor. I've tried reaching out to countless different modders that have made mods for Far Cry 2 and 3 aswell as in the Far Cry Modding Discord to no avail.

I'm far from tech savvy or a software developer/hacker but I'll be more than happy to help along the way in any way that I can since I would really love to enjoy all of the different models that the game has to offer.

What I'm looking to achieve:

-Add in all of the missing models, NPC's (Pirate Beheader, COOP Heavy Pirate Flamer, Guard Dog/Attack Dog)

-Different textures/materials of models (different colors of crates, barrels, tarps that appear in-game, but not the Editor.) /To my knowledge only vehicles cycle trough the different textures.

-Missing COOP, Multiplayer, DLC content

There are already some mods that try to do this, like https://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/156, https://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/334

Unfortunately there are still many missing models and the different textures aren't present.

Basic Introduction:

This modding guide should be a wonderful read for those interested, while it is for Far Cry 2, all principles still apply. It can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ozhN9s_4puzSXVYs12ZAOayyL036hgQuFCVS_jSXbd0/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.5yuedjwzmzz8

NOTE: If necessary I'll personally provide these archives, including after they have been unpacked. I can guarantee you that none of these have any sort of malware.

Inside of our Far Cry 3 installation is the data_win32 folder, inside of it are .dat & .fat file archives which contain different folders as well as the different file formats that the game uses.

In order to open these archives, we can use https://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/5 Alternatively https://github.com/gibbed/Gibbed.Dunia2

There are multiple .exe's that are geared towards modding, which I'm far from knowledgeable about, one is supposedly for .XML editing

In order to extract them, all that's needed is to just place the example.dat and example.fat file withing the Gibbed.Dunia2 Tools folder. After that we need to place the example.dat file onto the Gibbed.Dunia.2.Unpack which will open up a program pop-up window that is going to extract all of the files from the archive and create a example_unpacked folder which includes the different types of data like the .XML files, models, sounds, textures, etc...

Far Cry 3 uses a "patch" system where putting in a new patch.dat and .fat  file inside of data_win32 modifies the game, whether it be changing values, adding in new objects, etc...

The 2 mods mentioned above utilize this method in order to change the Editor (IGE-In Game Editor). The specific file being edited is the object_inventory.xml which is a giant list of all the available models, NPC's, Vehicles as well as Directories which just neatly organize where models are found within the editor.

The problem:

Objects have different tags which I have no clue in figuring out, like how big the Bbox (Bounding box/Collision model) is or what are all of the materials an object can use (e.x. a Barrel can be black/red/blue/green), it seems to be some sort of internal setting since there is no mention of which colors/materials a object can use anywhere.

Ideally a script would go over all of the folders and add in the content since doing it manually would be a painstaking process.

Hopefully this has been helpful in some way, as I've said already I tried reaching out to many different people but unfortunately it seems that there isn't anyone around who could help me figure all of this out, I wish I was skilled enough to do this myself but this seems like my only option and place where I feel like I can ask for help. If there is any way that I can help, feel free to write so.


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