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[Unity] Lethal Company (PC) - Export text from Assembly-CSharp.dll file and .assets files

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Hi! I was wondering if someone would be able to help me on how to extract text from .dll files and then import it back with the edited text. Here's a sample file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_8UMFHezKfSTgxMl23cls0toLkNuHQhD/view?usp=sharing


I'd also like to ask how to edit text from .assets Unity files. I tried UABEA but it doesn't seem to show the files where the text is, only textures, monosripts, etc; I'll also leave a sample here, it's from the same game, that's why I'm asking it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z0N31eXexheX89jQrYtW72F1rOVabixa/view?usp=sharing


Thanks in advance!

  • ikskoks changed the title to [Unity] Export text from Assembly-CSharp.dll file and .assets files
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  • Solution

You can use one of the C# decompilers to extract texts from Assembly-CSharp.dll file:
* [https://github.com/SamboyCoding/Cpp2IL Cpp2IL]
* [http://en.unity3d.netobf.com/UnityUnpacker DevX-Unpacker Magic Tools]
* [https://github.com/dnSpy/dnSpy dnSpy] (discontinued)
* [https://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/ dotPeek]
* [https://github.com/Perfare/Il2CppDumper Il2CppDumper]
* [https://github.com/djkaty/Il2CppInspector Il2CppInspector] (discontinued)
* [https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy ILSpy]

As for .assets files, it's fine to use UABEA to export/import texts.
You can follow this tutorial https://ikskoks.pl/searching-text-strings-using-total-commander/
to find texts first.

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15 minutes ago, ikskoks said:

You can use one of the C# decompilers to extract texts from Assembly-CSharp.dll file:
* [https://github.com/SamboyCoding/Cpp2IL Cpp2IL]
* [http://en.unity3d.netobf.com/UnityUnpacker DevX-Unpacker Magic Tools]
* [https://github.com/dnSpy/dnSpy dnSpy] (discontinued)
* [https://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/ dotPeek]
* [https://github.com/Perfare/Il2CppDumper Il2CppDumper]
* [https://github.com/djkaty/Il2CppInspector Il2CppInspector] (discontinued)
* [https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy ILSpy]

As for .assets files, it's fine to use UABEA to export/import texts.
You can follow this tutorial https://ikskoks.pl/searching-text-strings-using-total-commander/
to find texts first.

First of all, thank you.

The thing about the .assets file is when I use UABEA to look for the text, there’s nothing there, even though I searched the text on Total Commander and it said it was in that file along others as well, but I only find textures and other unrelated stuff.

  • ikskoks changed the title to [Unity] Lethal Company (PC) - Export text from Assembly-CSharp.dll file and .assets files
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1 hour ago, MarcoBabo said:

I started with the word "Lantern".

I see two results for word "Lantern" after using total commander:

Please check those files.

1 hour ago, ikskoks said:

I see two results for word "Lantern" after using total commander:

Please check those files.

I found two TextAsset files, but this is the only thing inside.

Captura de ecrã 2023-11-15 012836.png

2 hours ago, ikskoks said:

What is the full sentence you are looking for? Please paste it here.

I was looking for the word "lantern" because it's an item in the game, but a full sentence could be: "The autopilot will now attempt to fly to the closest safe spaceport. Your items have been lost."


This shows up on the level 3 file, but when I extract the textasset inside it, it's the same thing I showed on the attachment above. Here is the level 3 file, in case you need it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EXDMqx04beQ92vbFF1GJmXxGrNJRS5fz/view?usp=sharing

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Well, this sentence is definitely stored in this "level3" file. I could see it with hex editor.
But I'm having some issues with exporting text with UABEA. I've reported it already on their github

You can follow this report on github if you want, but that's all I can help for now.

BTW - similar issue occurs when using UnityEx Ultimate. It  just can't be extracted properly.

4 hours ago, ikskoks said:

Well, this sentence is definitely stored in this "level3" file. I could see it with hex editor.
But I'm having some issues with exporting text with UABEA. I've reported it already on their github

You can follow this report on github if you want, but that's all I can help for now.

BTW - similar issue occurs when using UnityEx Ultimate. It  just can't be extracted properly.

It’s ok, I appreciate you dedicating your time to help me!

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Good news. They fixed it in the newest nightly build https://nightly.link/nesrak1/UABEA/workflows/dotnet-desktop/master/uabea-windows.zip
You can select all assets and click "Export Raw" to export all assets and use total commander method on them to find text.

After you find text,  you can extract it like this:
1. File > Open > level3
2. Find "StartOfRound" MonoBehaviour on the asset list. Click "Export Dump" button.
3. Open TXT file in Notepad++ and edit text.



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11 hours ago, ikskoks said:

Good news. They fixed it in the newest nightly build https://nightly.link/nesrak1/UABEA/workflows/dotnet-desktop/master/uabea-windows.zip
You can select all assets and click "Export Raw" to export all assets and use total commander method on them to find text.

After you find text,  you can extract it like this:
1. File > Open > level3
2. Find "StartOfRound" MonoBehaviour on the asset list. Click "Export Dump" button.
3. Open TXT file in Notepad++ and edit text.



Man, thank you so much! I know I post a lot about different games and files types, so I really appreciate your will to help me out all the time. Thanks again!

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