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[PC] The Longest Journey *xrc


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Hi, I was just recently created a tool for translating this game, you can find it here: https://github.com/adventurebrew/kolminey/tree/main/tlj

the relevant scripts are speech.py, which extracts all texts to csv and speech_inject.py which inject modified csv back into the game and creates new xarc (archives) files

the scripts are in python (I use version 3.11) and there are some dependencies needed to be installed (pip install -r requirements.txt) preferably in virtual environment

currently the encoding is hard-coded in the inject script, you'll probably want to change it

there is also tlj_textpatch, which can be useful when uploading the csv to google sheets for editing

the description might change because the tool is in active development, please feel free to reach for me for help, I hope it helps

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