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About This File

A tool that extracts the SCEE London Studios PS3 PACKAGE (.PKF, .PKD, .PAK, .PKG, .THEMES) files.  It supports all of its known variants - plain, compressed, encrypted, 32/64-bit.

Compiled for 64-bit Windows and Linux.  Usage is simple:

scee_london  "/path/to/Pack0.pkd"  "/path/to/out_dir"

Alternatively, on Windows it's also possible to just drag and drop the PACKAGE file onto the executable.

Edited by Edness
PS2 PAK_W.PAK and DLC .PKG also supported

Game Name

SingStar, DanceStar Party (Everybody Dance), EyePet (Me & My Pet), TV Superstars, Me Motion, Aqua Vita (Aquatopia), Mesmerize, Operation Creature Feature, The Trials of Topoq, Tori-Emaki
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Trying to decrypt Everybody Dance 3 files, and it's giving me an error that it "failed to determine PACKAGE encryption key"



Tool works very nicely! Do you plan to make more tools relating singstar games?

Response from the author:

Hard to say, haha.  I don't have much of a personal interest in SingStar.  My main reason for writing this tool was for researching stuff in the Redump community.  But if there's something interesting enough, I might.  (The added bonus of getting higher quality renders of music videos than what's available through official channels was also nice)

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