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  1. NXRE

    A WIP suite for NeoX Reverse Engineering.


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  2. Spider-Man 2 Model export/import tools [PC]

    Custom model import tool v0.4 beta + model export (from .model to .ascii)

    Usage: spiderman_2_pc_mi_04.exe <model> <ascii> <materials>
    You can use models previously converted form the game: export .model file with ModdingTool, then pass it to spiderman_2_pc_model.exe
    This will output a model in .ascii format, and materials.txt. Note that due to new LODs/lookgroups layout, export tool now exports ALL meshes with all LODs. You may want to delete lower LODs before importing back to game.


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  3. TxtMergeSplitter

    Merge all text files in a folder and it's subfolders to one text file, or split it to subfolders and files. It can be useful if you have a bunch (maybe hundred or more) text files. Attached a more detailed txt, but see a short example below.
    How it works? Let's assume we have this folder and file structure:
    TxtMergeSplitter.exe m "TestFolder"
    It will make TestFolder.txt within merged all txt. To separate them at every merged txt starts with [MergeSplitPath:path\filename], so at split the program will know where to put the merged content.
    TxtMergeSplitter.exe s "TestFolder.txt"
    It will create the above folder structure and within the files.
    If you just want to merge files with specific extensions just add them to the command line. Let's assume for some reason you do not want to merge the .srt in the above example, so the command will be:
    TxtMergeSplitter.exe m "TestFolder" "*.txt" "*.eng"
    (Idea came from DeathloopTextTool, created by Amr Shaheen, thanks!)


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  4. Resorter

    Re-sort a (translated) text file to it's original order.
    The starting point was to help translating Sniper Elite 4 and Zombie Army 4. In the other rebellion games the developers arranged the strings in order as they are spoken in the cutscenes, dialogues, but in these two games are not. My SniperRepacker tool needs the original order as they are in the asr files, otherwise after the import there will be a mess. Of course I could modify the tool, but I thought this feature can be used for other games too; and because I'm lazy 🙂. So I instead made this program for common usage. Below see the usage, and more below some detailed explanation, how and why it is useful.

    Sorting based on StartPattern.
    Usage: Resorter.exe "StartPattern" "RemainingPattern" "OriginalFile" "SortedFile"
    StartPattern:     usually the text id
    RemainingPattern: the remaining text (the translation) after the text id
    SortedFile:       the sorted (and translated) text file
    OriginalFile:     the original sorted (not translated) text file
    Target File:      the re-sorted (and translated) text file to it's original order, name will be "[SortedFileName].resorted.[ext]"
    Sniper Elite 4 txt one line: M02_RADIO_OPERATOR_DLG01_L03_GERGRNT01_01=I'm serious, man - radio it in!
    Command line: Resorter.exe "^[^=]*=" ".*$" "M02_Marina.pc_en.txt" "M02_Marina.pc_en.sortedtranslated.txt"
    If some lines missing from the sorted txt, those lines will be filled from the original file.
    Empty lines in original file will be preserved in the resorted txt.
    Lines in original file which do not match for the StartPattern, will be preserved in the resorted txt.
    How this can be used?
    For example, in Sniper Elite 4 M02_Marina.pc_en contain strings in order as this:
    M02_TWO_GRUNTS_WITH_WHEELBARROW_DLG01_L05_GERGRNT01_01=Bound to smell a bit, I guess. Who knows how long it's been in the sea?
    M02_IGD1A_L02_KARL_01_ALT=A lot of brave men died on the Orchidea –
    M02_IGD1A_L02_KARL_02_ALT= we need to make sure their sacrifice was worth it.
    M02_NEAR_VILLAGE_SQUARE_DLG01_L01_GERGRNT01_01=People here think Böhm is the devil.
    M02_IGD1A_L09_WEAVER_01=The leader is a woman by the name of Sofia di Rocco.
    The capitalized characters with underscore until the equal sign is a text id, afterwards the actual string.
    There is some ordering, but mostly a mess. If I open the exported txt in Notepad++ and use Edit, Line operations, Sort lines as abc, this will be the result:
    M02_NEAR_VILLAGE_SQUARE_DLG01_L01_GERGRNT01_01=People here think Böhm is the devil.
    M02_NEAR_VILLAGE_SQUARE_DLG01_L02_GERGRNT02_01=And what do you think?
    M02_NEAR_VILLAGE_SQUARE_DLG01_L03_GERGRNT01_01=I'm just a soldier. I don't think about those things.
    M02_NEAR_VILLAGE_SQUARE_DLG01_L04_GERGRNT02_01=Sure. Me neither.
    As you can see, M02_NEAR_VILLAGE_SQUARE_DLG01_xxxx is a dialogue, right now in the right order, much easier to translate and well translate. However as I said, my tool can't import this arranged txt. And here comes the resorter!
    So, you will need the original txt file, and the sorted-translated txt file. Give them to the resorter, and it will make a new txt, now with the translations, but with the original order! Aaaand because I wanted to make this to usable in common as possible, you will need some understanding of regular expressions. But do not fear of them, much easier than you think at first. I usually use https://regex101.com/ to create regex, it is highlight what the patterns cover, so much easier than just thinking about with books and tutorials.
    For example the below command line can be used for the above file. You can copy the text and the regex for regex101.com to see how regular exp. works. Also this can be used for other game files wich uses the same line structure.
    Resorter.exe "^[^=]*=" ".*$" "M02_Marina.pc_en.txt" "M02_Marina.pc_en.sortedtranslated.txt"
    ^[^=]*= is the start pattern, this covers the text id (^ is line start, [^=] is a character which not equal sign, * is a modifier for the previous char, means zero or more times [^=], = is just equal sign)
    .*$ is covers the rest until the line end (. is any character, * is zero or more times the previous char, $ is line end)
    The other two parameters are the original and the sorted-translated text files.


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  5. ImageHeat

    ImageHeat is a program for viewing encoded textures. It's free and open source.


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  6. Dragon Age Veilguard dump/model tools

    Dragon Age The Veilguard tools.
    Work same as my previous frostbite tools.
    toc_dav.exe - dump tool
    Change .ini file parameters:
    - game path
    - dump path
    - selection to dump "ebx", "res", "chunks" or "all"
    Place oo2core_9_win64.dll from the game next to the tool.
    Then drop any .toc file onto .exe to dump assets. Or run from command line with 1 parameter - toc file name. Main file is default.toc, voice files are inside subfolders - en.toc and other languages

    Fb_dav.exe - model tool
    Takes .MeshSet as parameter.
    rgz_skeleton.ebx - main universal skeleton for all humanoids. Must be in the same folder. Game has 2 skeletons with this name, you need the one from "techanim" folder, which is bigger. If you need another skeleton, use its name as 2nd parameter. Or rename it to rgz_skeleton.ebx.
    Tool will try to find chunks automatically. If not, it gives error message with chunk name.
    Set of smd files - to fix distorted faces
    They are 2-frame animation files to transform head model to its normal state.
    fb_strands.exe & fb_strands_c.exe - hair tools
    Each hair model has .StrandHairResource and .StrandHairSet files, and also a small EBX file (about 5kb in size) next to it which has its parameters, including the initial position. This EBX file is usually called the same, with _strand_model.ebx or _model.ebx in the end of its name.
    Tool takes 2 or 3 parameters:
    fb_strands.exe <StrandHairResource> <StrandHairSet> [EBX]
    First 2 parameters are required, but if you add EBX in the end, it will try to place static part correctly. fb_strands_c.exe is experimental version for curly strands. It looks more or less fine, but not 100% proper, so i'm calling this tool experimental. Later it may be improved.
    Hairs will be exported as 2 OBJ files (one for flowing, one for static part) with curves, which can be later converted to meshes or particle systems in blender or other editor. OBJ files will have hair groups marked, which can be useful for rendering.


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  7. IA Vision tool

    This tool was designed for the archive files that was created by Interactive Vision.
    With my tool you can read, extract the content of these archive types, and of course
    build them! You can also open the archives to display images in the Image Inspector,
    and to display the script files in the IA Vision Scripter.
    [Scripts and images]:
    My program can edit convert and export the *.pcx images stored in the archives. To display the
    content of a script file (*.ini || *.xml || *.txt) or display an image, you do not need to  extract the
    content of the archives. Supported image formats: (*.pcx || *.png || *.bmp || *.tga).
    [Sound files]:
    You can also play the audio files (.wav || *.ogg) stored inside the archives with out any extraction.
    [Filelist generator]:
    You can generate a list of files that was loaded from the archive, and you can export it to see
    whether something is missing. It can be useful, if you create or update an archive to see what can
    be missing...
    [Archive creator]:
    This program has a very powerful easy to use archive creator with you can create your
    container file fast! Supported formats (*.bin || *.dat || *.htc).
    //    Installation
    To install the tool, please execute the IA Vision Tool.exe file.
    //    List of supported games. (In this version)
    +    Bhunter A.kA. Bounty hunter (full version, Alpha, Beta version)
    +    Beyond Pearl Harbor: Pacific Warriors
    +    To Serve and Command
    //    Knowing issues
    *    There is a *.bsp archive-related issue that causes that we still can not extract the content of the version 2. of the *.bsp archives.
    More technical information is needed to update my tool.
    This tool works well, but I need to implement functions for other games, especially for To Serve and Command game.
    For more information, please visit my website: www.theoutforce.hu


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  8. [PS3] SCEE London Studio PACKAGE extract

    A tool that extracts the SCEE London Studios PS3 PACKAGE (.PKF, .PKD, .PAK, .PKG, .THEMES) files.  It supports all of its known variants - plain, compressed, encrypted, 32/64-bit.
    Compiled for 64-bit Windows and Linux.  Usage is simple:
    scee_london "/path/to/Pack0.pkd" "/path/to/out_dir" Alternatively, on Windows it's also possible to just drag and drop the PACKAGE file onto the executable.


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  9. ntcompressHelper

    ntcompressHelper is a small program that automates the extraction of compressed files with ntcompress.exe by making a batch file.
    For Easiest Use: Place the program in the same folder as the .lz files you want to decompress. The folder dialog defaults to the application path itself.


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  10. Far Cry Primal tools

    fcp_unpack.exe - unpack .fat/.dat pairs.

    Drop .fat onto the tool. It will unpack all files. It will search all .XML files located in the same dir for names.
    Names for all files in big primal_main package is here - https://mega.nz/#!IZYlBSKJ!gjrLniO4goeCFlSoQQk_PqhLEGcxW0dd7nH2QqOVcfs

    You can go to current dir, and run the tool from somewhere else and specify FAT file somewhere else. So you can place everything in 3 different dirs if you like:

    1. dir with the tool
    2. dir with fat/dat pair
    3. current dir where unpacked files will go (also must have xml files for names)

    fcp_pack.exe - repack .fat/.dat pairs.

    Just run it in the dir where you have files to pack.

    oasis_fcp - modified "dunia tools" strings converter for Far Cry Primal

    1. Convert BIN to XML as usual
    2. Find line with 0xAEE923DE code and delete it. (This new format somehow has 1 section without lines in it. This is causing the old tool to fail. Maybe it's needed or something, then I'll have to find a way to handle it.)
    3. Make changes you need
    4. Convert file back to BIN
    5. Add "table_fcp" table to the end of the file (This can be done in any hex editor or commander tool, or with command line such as "copy /b oasis.bin + table_fcp oasiswithtable.bin")
    6. Pack oasis file into FAT/DAT with my packer tool.

    Important note. Patch.fat/dat is loaded before patch_sound.fat/dat so you have to find some other package to replace text, or remove old file from patch. I did this by finding the file hash in patch.fat and changing it. The hash is (F3 F8 E3 5D 29 FD BD F2) for english file. Changing any byte here will "mask" the file so game won't find it. Also if oasis file will be changed, you need to get the new table from the end of original file.

    oasis_fc4 - strings converter for Far Cry 4

    Same for FC4


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  11. FFXVI (Final Fantasy 16) models

    Tool for FFXVI (Final Fantasy 16) models.

    So far it must support all (or almost all) models from "chara" folder. Static map parts may also work. Did not test much of the others.
    Requires 1 or 2 parameters. Usage:
    FF16.exe <mdl> <pac> 2nd parameter is needed for skeletons. If you don't provide .PAC file, model will be exported as static mesh. The PAC file for character group is in its corresponding "pack" folder.


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  12. RE7 Fonts CryptTool



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  13. Console Swizzler

    Console-Swizzler is a cli tool to swizzle DDS textures for console games.
    run tool without args to see its usage.
    made by matyamod (compiled by me)


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  14. m0xf's rouge_sdf.exe

    m0xf's tool for SDF archive extraction. The tool only extracts - does not import. Originally posted on XenTax by the author.
    Open in command line.
    Usage: rouge_sdf.exe <sdftoc file> <output folder>
    Example: rouge_sdf.exe "C:\Game\sdf.sdftoc" "C:\Game Export\extracted"


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  15. Hex2Obj

    This tool is meant to take the mesh data from the mesh you want to convert into OBJ (you have to load the model file into the program). You will also have to use a hex editor to find the model's mesh data offsets and counts and then copy them into hex2obj. Depending on these parameters it will convert the hex data into an OBJ file (File/SaveAs mesh) that you can then import into your preferred 3D Program (3DS Max, Blender, Maya, etc)


       (1 review)


  16. texconv

    texconv is a utility for creating textures for the SEGA Dreamcast hardware.
    Requires Qt 5.2 or newer.
    Supports all image formats supported by Qt.
    At the time I'm writing this, these formats are supported:
    Format    Description                                Qt's support
    BMP        Windows Bitmap                            Read/write
    GIF        Graphic Interchange Format (optional)    Read
    JPG        Joint Photographic Experts Group        Read/write
    JPEG    Joint Photographic Experts Group        Read/write
    PNG        Portable Network Graphics                Read/write
    PBM        Portable Bitmap                            Read
    PGM        Portable Graymap                        Read
    PPM        Portable Pixmap                            Read/write
    XBM        X11 Bitmap                                Read/write
    XPM        X11 Pixmap                                Read/write
    texconv --in <filename> --out <filename> --format <pixelformat> [flags...]
    texconv --in img.jpg --out a.tex --format RGB565
        Creates an RGB565 texture called 'a.tex' using 'img.jpg' as input.
    texconv --in img.jpg --out a.tex --format PAL8BPP
        Creates an 8-bit paletted texture called 'a.tex' using 'img.jpg' as input.
        A palette file 'a.tex.pal' will also be created.
    texconv --in img.jpg --out a.tex --format YUV422 --compress --mipmap
        Creates a compressed, mipmapped YUV texture 'a.tex' using 'img.jpg' as
    texconv --in img1.jpg --in img2.png --format RGB565 --mipmap
        Also assuming "img1.jpg" is 64x64 and 'img2.png' is 16x16, creates a
        mipmapped RGB565 texture with mipmap levels like this:
            64x64 - 'img1.jpg'
            32x32 - 'img1.jpg' (downscaled)
            16x16 - 'img2.png'
              8x8 - 'img2.png' (downscaled)
              4x4 - 'img2.png' (downscaled)
              2x2 - 'img2.png' (downscaled)
              1x1 - 'img2.png' (downscaled)
    texconv --in img.jpg --out a.tex --format PAL4BPP --compress
            --preview preview.png --vqcodeusage usage.png
        Creates a compressed 4-bit paletted texture 'a.tex' using 'img.jpg' as
        input. A palette file 'a.tex.pal' will also be created. A preview file
        'preview.png' showing what the texture looks is generated as well as
        an image 'usage.png' that visualizes codebook usage for 'a.tex'.


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  17. [PC] [Lunia Online] Mesh, animation and skeleton importer/exporter addon for Blender 4.1.0

    An addon for Blender that supports import and export operations for .SkinnedMesh, .SkinnedAnim and .Skeleton files. Drag and drop importations are also supported, even for multiple files of the same type.

    Meshes to be exported are limited to 65536 vertices, 1 uv map and 1 texture to go along with it. Even stationary objects in the game have a simple skeleton, so it's safe to say that even the simplest object should be exported while being bind to a skeleton. The mesh's textures are not exported by this addon and should be placed manually within xml and zip/folders to work.

    Skeletons are limited to 256 bones, should have a bone named "Head"(case-sensitive) and at least one bone named either "base" or "root", both of which are case-insensitive. Not having the "Head" bone causes the game to crash in some cases as it is responsible for the positioning of entity dialog.

    There are also three helper operators that can be called from the search menu on Blender: "Check If Armature Is Valid", "Retarget meshes weights to skeleton" and "Rebuild Bone IDs for Armature".
    Check if the armature is valid is useful to see if there are any necessary adjustments to be made on the armature for it to be valid for either importation(useful when importing other things that use the armatures, such as skinned meshes) or exportation.
    When importing meshes without a valid skeleton, their weights are assigned to vertex groups with bone ids as their name. By selecting one or more meshes and a single armature, retargeting the meshes' weights will rename each vertex group on the meshes to their respective bone in the target armature.
    Rebuild bone ids for armature will work as long as a root/base bone is present. It rebuilds invalid bone_id properties on the armature and is necessary to set up new armatures or fix broken ones.

    Animations to be exported should have no problems as long as it's target armature is valid. If the "Export all actions in armatures" is not checked, then the currently selected action in the action editor will be exported. Different animations should be organized in different actions.

    There are explicit options for choosing whether to export only selected objects now.

    There is also a new option to only consider deformation bones. This is useful when exporting rigged armatures so that only bones that are responsible for deformation(and are obligatory bones, such as the root/base and Head bones) are exported, reducing the risk of the armature running over the 256 bone limit. To work with deformation bones one has to rebuild the bone id properties of the whole armature before doing other operations by using the respective operator while having "Consider only deform bones (Recommended)" turned on.

    The addon was made for Blender 4.1.0 and probably won't work on earlier versions due to the new drag and drop functionality that Blender added recently. You can try to delete the drag and drop related code and correctly assign the specular value to the correct BSDF shader node on earlier versions and it might just work.

    I've created a github repo to help in versioning and keeping track of bug fixes, the download is also there on the releases page:


    Or you can download it directly from here.


       (0 reviews)


  18. TextureFinder

    Texture Finder is a tool made by IceBerg to find texture files.
    You use the tool by loading in an unknown image file format and then use the pixel formats, with pallete, quad formats along with offsets in the program to finalize the image and converting it into .bmp when exporting. Sadly no further documentation is included with the program thus far.


       (5 reviews)


  19. The Outforce Mediacenter V1.1

    Hello, guys!
    It's me again! I haven't posted anything for a while, so I decided to make a new program for my tool I created for the game.
    It's a NET windows forms application program, that was tested multiple times.
    This is version 1.1 with some fixes and basic features. (see the attached images). This program is part of a bigger project, the "DevTools" that I designed for the game. You can also download that tool (version 2.7). I'm working on version 2.8. This tool will be updated with the v2.8 of DevTools...
    With this tool you can open any *.box archives, watch *.bik files or listen to *.mp3 files stored in the box archives. You do not need to extract anything, also do not need to create temporary folders.
    For more info, please read the attached Changelog.txt file...
    This tool will be updated multiple times!


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  20. KobaltBuilder V1.0 console

    KobaltBuilder V1.0 Console
    With this console line application, you can extract the *.npk file or create it that the Project Nomad
    game engine can handle.
    Type "Extract" to extract the content of *.npk archives or "Create" to create such an archive. To create
    *.npk archive put the files in the ToCreate folder. (You need to create this folder!)
    1.) ShowFiles: This command will list all the files found in the npk archive
    2.) Extract: This will extract you the selected file. The files will be placed in a folder that the
    program will creates automatically.
    3.) ExtractArchive: This command will extract the entire archive. The files will be placed in a folder that the
    program will creates automatically.
    This program will be updated soon! In addition, I started to working on the GUI version with more features!


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  21. BraidDatTool

    Tool to unpack/repack braid.dat archive of the Braid Anniversary Edition.
    Usage :
              unpack: -u archive_name
              repack: -r archive name compression_level
    When repacking, optionally you can specify compression level, legit values are from -4(fastest) to 9(slowest). Default value is 6(devs used it), but it's pretty slow, very slow I would say, so I decided to add this option at least for the testing purposes.


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  22. GKTool

    Tool for unpacking .PAC archives of the Grand Kingdom(PS4)


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  23. Ravenswatch Text Tool

    Can be used via GUI or CLI.
    If your antivirus detects exe/zip files as viruses, it's just a false positive. I don't know why every time I compile a .py to .exe using Nuitka, it always gets detected as a virus.


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  24. id20441_1886_maps.rar

    The Order 1886
    Post by daemon1 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:59 am
    Map tool.
    I had no time to make a universal tool for both skeletal and static meshes, so i made a separate map tool.
    I had to switch off physics for map tool, so skeletal meshes exported may be incomplete or broken. Use old skeletal tool in this case.

    Model assets are in 3861c21fc34b7612 folder, raw data files for them are in GPU folder.
    For maps, you will also need external texture streams, which is 4c7002f42ce0da08 folder.
    1. rename folder with external texture streams to just "streams" and place it next to the tool.
    2. rename files from GPU folder to *.RAW
    3. place corresponding asset and .RAW files in the same folder
    4. drag any of them (asset or .RAW) onto the tool (or use batch/command files)

    About 220 of all asset packages contain maps. For them, tool will export these files:
    - ascii file with base meshes (including skeletal parts)
    - smd file with base meshes (including skeletal parts)
    - ascii file with instanced meshes, if present (level props and other repeating things)
    - layout files with a list of all shaders (debug output, you dont need it)
    - material files with a list of all textures used in each mesh and their types
    - all textures used in a map will be exported to "textures" subfolder, so it will hold all textures for all maps in one place

    ASCII files will have 2 main texture types auto-assigned (main diffuse & main normal)

    After that you can use included blender plugin made by SecaProject to load the map.


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  25. id20530_1886_maps.rar

    The Order 1886
    Post by daemon1 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:06 am
    New version for maps tool:

    - fixed a few very rare meshes with 65k+ vertices
    - added support for texture type 12
    - smd export removed
    - blender script small fixes


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