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About This File

Merge all text files in a folder and it's subfolders to one text file, or split it to subfolders and files. It can be useful if you have a bunch (maybe hundred or more) text files. Attached a more detailed txt, but see a short example below.

How it works? Let's assume we have this folder and file structure:


TxtMergeSplitter.exe m "TestFolder"
It will make TestFolder.txt within merged all txt. To separate them at every merged txt starts with [MergeSplitPath:path\filename], so at split the program will know where to put the merged content.

TxtMergeSplitter.exe s "TestFolder.txt"
It will create the above folder structure and within the files.

If you just want to merge files with specific extensions just add them to the command line. Let's assume for some reason you do not want to merge the .srt in the above example, so the command will be:
TxtMergeSplitter.exe m "TestFolder" "*.txt" "*.eng"


(Idea came from DeathloopTextTool, created by Amr Shaheen, thanks!)

Edited by Lajti

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