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About This File


Currently, the test work has been carried out on Where Winds Meet, unless a certain game appears with the same index structure as theirs

Applicable games
Where Winds Meet

Command processing
Please put all the files you need into the same folder as the script
patch mpk.py patch.mpkdb
patch mpk.py *.mpkinfo
patch.mpkdb only has the index of patchx.mpk or patchxx.mpk files
For example patch.mpk patch1.mpk....patch50.mpk
For other mpks, the index information should be in mpkinfo
To make the script better handle, please do not put together .mpk files with the same number suffix.
For example
Because there are too many mpkinfo, many mpkinfo and mpk file names are not opposite. In some cases, there is no distinction logic written. If the numbers are the same, it may be misjudged as being to be processed. mpk
If you really need to deal with it
It is recommended to process step by step, such as importing resources1.mpk and resources.mpkinfo first. After the processing is completed, delete resources1.mpk and resources.mpkinfo in this folder, and then importing LT1.mpk and LT1.mpkinfo
If you are dealing with mpkinfo named after the in-game name
For example MpkCached_common_qinghe.mpkinfo
It is recommended to put all patches of patchxxxx.mpk into this folder




Edited by wq223

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

Game Name

Where Winds Meet-Archive Extraction Tool
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