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  1. That seems to be an issue with the texture file. I'll need to rewrite the texture loader at some point to account for a few NVT3 DDS files that are present in some LDS texture files.
  2. I'll have to try to identify which submeshes only use vertex colours and then set them according to that. I think the heads and hair mostly are in the same positions as well. Making a bit more progress.
  3. I've updated mine to 4.474 and the script still works for me. I'm not sure why you get a memory error when it's trying to read the textures. Will have to investigate...
  4. That's a bit strange. I wonder why it works fine for me and not for you. I'm using Noesis 4.466. Not sure if that makes a difference. That pl021 file loads ok for me:
  5. Another update. Should load almost everything now. Since the last updated, I've integrated reading of the textures and created the materials for each submesh, so they should display correctly. No need to decompress any files first, just load a tmd2 file and it will load the matching texture file. There are issues with some hair meshes - some of them don't seem to have proper textures, maybe they're handled differently, not sure. There are still some texture types that I'm not sure about - they could be specular, metallic, or whatever. As always, it's still a work in progress. bleach_rebirth_tmd2.zip
  6. Yes, but it's still in progress, not ready to upload it yet while I iron out a few issues.
  7. Yeah, I've got lots of files for testing, although there's about 1,700 tmd mesh files, so I probably won't check every single one myself. Still having a few issues with materials, but some of the non-working ones will now load - pl036 and pl038 above. Materials still aren't perfect yet, so still looking into those.
  8. Still working on materials. Diffuse/Normal maps look ok. But still quite a way to go.
  9. I'm looking at the textures/materials now, trying to allocate them properly. Just a few tests so far:
  10. Just any that don't display correctly.
  11. Just a small update to add a few more mesh types from the additional samples provided. bleach_rebirth_tmd2.zip
  12. Here's an initial Noesis script for the TMD2 mesh files. I've probably made some assumptions with the format, so I don't know if it'll work for other tmd2 files that I don't have samples for. It doesn't load the textures/materials as yet, mainly because I'm not 100% sure on how they're referenced, but it will do vertex colours and the bones should also work. bleach_rebirth_tmd2.zip
  13. Yeah, lds and tmd2 are both compressed. I don't know if every single one of those will be compressed as I've only got a small selection of samples posted here. So I can't check for every mesh format either.
  14. I know it works, so have you tried reloading Noesis? Also, you don't need to decompress the files first, if you have done so.
  15. You can use this Noesis script to get the textures from the LDS files. Not sure how the textures are integrated into the materials to allocate to individual submeshes. rebirth_lds.zip
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