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  1. Hi all - I've been obsessed with this little game for a very, very long time, and I'm trying to learn the file structures to try to make it work. I've got the files broken out into the different formats from the disk, and I've pretty confidently identified the .md model files. The mesh files themselves I'm exploring with ModelResearcherPro, and this is what I've come up with so far. most models have multiple meshes embedded, and there's some things I have and some things I haven't figured out yet. I'm using the attached GSG03.MD as the example model, which Iam pretty sure is a robot broken into multiple bits. (There are some models for like a map model, and it's broadly similar.) File Start: Little Endian First long 26 00 00 00 Mesh Start 7x long or floats of header - this is different for each file, but very consistent in length. First long is an address pointer to the end of the vert section, 4 bytes after the vert end marker. Then 6 other ones? Next is what I'm calling a New Mesh Indicator, but probably has some other function: 3x 00 00 80 3F (read as 1.0 as a float?) Next long is the address pointer to the of end of the mesh total (eg. 74 05 00 00 -> 0x0574) then a null long, then a set of bytes that are a consistent header within the file but I haven't sorted them out yet (eg: 17 25 06 00 A3 9E 9C FF 3F 3F 3F FF 99 99 99 0C 40 00) (somewhat consistent between files, at least the same header format, read as: 17 25 06 00 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX. ) Then an unsigned int short for....something? doesn't seem to line up with number of faces, or a pointer, or anything like that, but it changes for each mesh in the file. It's bigger than the vertex count, but that's about all I know. Maybe a total number of objects to process, and you subtract out the verts? Then a mix of triangular faces and normals, maybe? Triangular Faces using unsigned int shorts as vertex identifiers (I think), and probably normal vectors? Not really sure how to break through this, the faces don't really align with anything resembling sensible geometry. Also, there's periodically very large shorts, like FB FF, that break the vert indexing. They one's complement into somewhat sensible vertex indices, but no other rhyme or reason as far as I can tell, and I don't know how to do that automatically. At the end of the faces section, there's a long of FF 00 00 00, which I think is an end marker. Then another short 29 00, then another short that's different for each mesh, then another null short. Then a Vertex Count Short (unsigned int). This one I'm fairly confident in, and it's reproduceable. Then starts a mix of Verts and UV and maybe something else. I don't really know if this is right, but it makes the address math work out: each point is 6 floats: ??, U?, V?, X, Y, Z. Then after vertex count of verts, another FF 00 00 00 end marker. Next is 6 longs, and the first is the one that the End of Verts pointer addressed Finally either a short and a null short, or a long, but a low int 24 00 00 00, or 36 00 00 00, and is the address of the end of mesh pointer. Maybe it's actually the beginning of the next mesh? Sometimes there's an empty mesh at the beginning or end. Not sure, but they don't have an end of mesh pointer; sometimes they have a few vertexes, sometimes not. I'll get to textures eventually, but I'd really like to figure out what the mesh format is first. Anyhow, thanks for taking a read! I don't really know what I'm doing yet, but I'd really appreciate any guidance you've got on this. GSG03.7z
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