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  1. Hi the post I'm going to be referring to is: The models are compressed and I don't know how to decompress them, which makes them pretty much unusable in their current state. In this post, the author has a decompressed version of the model file (albeit not a particularly useful model example, but certainly something nonetheless) I don't have a compressed vs decompressed state version of that exact model for comparison, but I will provide you here with a few compressed files and hopefully someone can figure out something with it. Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/t8qwu7z9o71uwlmz8wom6/AJea2uhH3bbC20PukBSTH3U?rlkey=a88aen4vx9m2a5xhg90llvag3&st=xhtsq952&dl=0
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