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warhammer 40,000: kill team model .boh

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Posted (edited)

Send other sample. It's hard to tell what is what without compare.

At first look seems like it uses byte face index.

EDiT: Well i was pretty unsure that this is the model file which turns out is not. Models are D9M.

Anyway here is BMS i wrote for jfs/jfslist archive type so anyone can now unpack it.

#   Warhammer 40000 Kill Team - JFS Dump   #
Open FDDE jfslist 0
Open FDDE jfs 1
get BaseFileName basename
get TotalFileSize asize

getdstring Dummy 0xC 1
get Files uint32 1

for i = 0 < Files
	getdstring Dummy_0 0x16
	get FileNameStrLen ubyte
	getdstring FileName FileNameStrLen
	getdstring Dummy_1 0x17
	get RefStrLen_0 ubyte
	get Unknown_0 ubyte
	getdstring RefStrName_0 RefStrLen_0
	get Unknown_1 uint32
	get RefStrLen_1 ubyte
	getdstring RefStrName_1 RefStrLen_1
	get Unknown_2 ubyte
	get RefStrLen_2 ubyte
	getdstring RefStrName_2 RefStrLen_2
	getdstring Dummy_2 0xA
	get RefStrLen_3 ubyte
	getdstring RefStrName_3 RefStrLen_3
	get RefStrCount uint32
	for j = 0 < RefStrCount
		get RefStrLen ubyte
		getdstring RefStrName RefStrLen
	next j
	getdstring Dummy_3 0xA
	get Flag_0 uint32
	get Flag_1 uint32
	getdstring Dummy_4 0xA
	if Flag_0 != 0
		getdstring Dummy 0x4
		get StrLen ubyte
		getdstring StrName StrLen
		getdstring Dummy 0x3
	getdstring Dummy_5 0x4E
	string Name p "%s/%s" BaseFileName FileName
	# read JFS table
	get FileId uint32 1
	get Offset uint32 1
	get ComSize uint32 1
	get DecSize uint32 1
	get ComFlag_0 uint32 1
	get ComFlag_1 uint32 1
	if ComFlag_1 != 0
		clog Name Offset ComSize DecSize 1
		log Name Offset DecSize 1
next i


Edited by h3x3r
  • Engineers

Actually partialy figured it out. There is variable Stride. So far I came accross 36 / 52. Also multiple meshes in one file. Need time to process. Index is separated and doesn't have any offset.


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