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Unswizzling/Untiling Xbox 360 textures (Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare)

Go to solution Solved by 0x6D6F,

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Semi related to this post but thought I'd make a new post instead of bumping that thread. I am completely new to image formats and currently down a rabbit hole learning about all shorts of shenanigans like swizzling and tiling. I am trying to view a texture a texture dumped from memory from the Xbox 360 version of COD4. Based on other metadata I know the width and height is 1024, 512. I am unsure of the format but I am fairly sure it is DXN or DXT1 DDS image. I don't have the DDS header of the pixel data so I have prepended a DXT1 header for myself.

This is what it looks like without any work except for the prepended DDS header.

My python script which was generated from this c++ untile example takes this image and gives me this output:

Python script

from pathlib import Path

def xg_address_2d_tiled_x(block_offset, width_in_blocks, texel_byte_pitch):
    aligned_width = (width_in_blocks + 31) & ~31
    log_bpp = (texel_byte_pitch >> 2) + (
        (texel_byte_pitch >> 1) >> (texel_byte_pitch >> 2)
    offset_byte = block_offset << log_bpp
    offset_tile = (
        ((offset_byte & ~0xFFF) >> 3)
        + ((offset_byte & 0x700) >> 2)
        + (offset_byte & 0x3F)
    offset_macro = offset_tile >> (7 + log_bpp)

    macro_x = (offset_macro % (aligned_width >> 5)) << 2
    tile = (((offset_tile >> (5 + log_bpp)) & 2) + (offset_byte >> 6)) & 3
    macro = (macro_x + tile) << 3
    micro = (
        (((offset_tile >> 1) & ~0xF) + (offset_tile & 0xF))
        & ((texel_byte_pitch << 3) - 1)
    ) >> log_bpp

    return macro + micro

def xg_address_2d_tiled_y(block_offset, width_in_blocks, texel_byte_pitch):
    aligned_width = (width_in_blocks + 31) & ~31
    log_bpp = (texel_byte_pitch >> 2) + (
        (texel_byte_pitch >> 1) >> (texel_byte_pitch >> 2)
    offset_byte = block_offset << log_bpp
    offset_tile = (
        ((offset_byte & ~0xFFF) >> 3)
        + ((offset_byte & 0x700) >> 2)
        + (offset_byte & 0x3F)
    offset_macro = offset_tile >> (7 + log_bpp)

    macro_y = (offset_macro // (aligned_width >> 5)) << 2
    tile = ((offset_tile >> (6 + log_bpp)) & 1) + ((offset_byte & 0x800) >> 10)
    macro = (macro_y + tile) << 3
    micro = (
            (offset_tile & ((texel_byte_pitch << 6) - 1 & ~0x1F))
            + ((offset_tile & 0xF) << 1)
        >> (3 + log_bpp)
    ) & ~1

    return macro + micro + ((offset_tile & 0x10) >> 4)

def xbox_360_convert_to_linear_texture(data, pixel_width, pixel_height):
    dest_data = bytearray(len(data))
    block_pixel_size = 4
    texel_byte_pitch = 8

    width_in_blocks = pixel_width // block_pixel_size
    height_in_blocks = pixel_height // block_pixel_size

    for j in range(height_in_blocks):
        for i in range(width_in_blocks):
            block_offset = j * width_in_blocks + i
            x = xg_address_2d_tiled_x(block_offset, width_in_blocks, texel_byte_pitch)
            y = xg_address_2d_tiled_y(block_offset, width_in_blocks, texel_byte_pitch)
            src_byte_offset = (
                j * width_in_blocks * texel_byte_pitch + i * texel_byte_pitch
            dest_byte_offset = (
                y * width_in_blocks * texel_byte_pitch + x * texel_byte_pitch

            if dest_byte_offset + texel_byte_pitch > len(dest_data):
            dest_data[dest_byte_offset : dest_byte_offset + texel_byte_pitch] = data[
                src_byte_offset : src_byte_offset + texel_byte_pitch

    return dest_data

filename = "viewhands_marine_gloves_col"

dumped_image_data = bytearray(Path(filename).read_bytes())

pixel_width, pixel_height = 1024, 512

linear_texture_data = xbox_360_convert_to_linear_texture(
    dumped_image_data[0x80:], pixel_width, pixel_height

dumped_image_data[0x80:] = linear_texture_data

with open("generated_" + filename, "wb") as f:

The untiling code looks to have worked but my source and generated images have weird colours, I think perhaps I am missing something or may be using the wrong DDS header but frankly I have no idea what I am doing at this moment. Any help would be appreciated!

Here is the source file with the prepended DDS header.



Okay so replying to myself here, doing an endian swap of the bytes prior to the unswizzle results in the colours being closer to the real thing.

Byte swap with no swizzle and DX1 DDS header

def flip_byte_order_32bit(data: bytes):
    if len(data) % 4 != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Data length must be a multiple of 4 bytes for 32-bit flipping."

    flipped = bytearray()
    for i in range(0, len(data), 4):
        group = data[i : i + 4]
        flipped.extend(group[::-1])  # Reverse the 4-byte group
    return flipped



Now doing the unswizzle on that gives me this

Much closer but still not right.

  • Solution

Okay so I worked it out, I was doing the byte swap on every 4-byte chunks instead of every 2-byte chunks. 


def flip_byte_order_16bit(data: bytes):
    if len(data) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Data length must be a multiple of 2 bytes for 16-bit flipping."

    flipped = bytearray()
    for i in range(0, len(data), 2):
        group = data[i : i + 2]
        flipped.extend(group[::-1])  # Reverse the 2-byte group
    return flipped

Reversing every 2 bytes works great

Hopefully might be of use to someone every coming across this!


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