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[FF16] Extract Texture Array / Sequence? .tex file

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I mean there is a Texture Converter made by KillzXGaming and Nenkai, which works like a charm actually. But unfortunately, neither of them are able to get the detail maps from ff16.

You can download the texture files here: [texture samples]

As to the detail tilling maps, hypothetically, I think they use some sort of ways to pack all the tilling maps into one .tex

The tilling maps path is gracommon\texture\tiling\pattern

When I drag and drop the .tex file onto the Texture Converter tool, it just extract a 1kb file.

The reason why I have this idea is that Unity3D games use this kind of technique to pack several textures into one, and they call it Texture2DArray.

What's more, when I use Ninja Ripper, it does extract something and the names are not like other textures, whose suffixs are like ".0", ".1", ".2"...


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