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How to get max value

Go to solution Solved by Rabatini,

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As title says. I have an array of uint16 values and I need get the highest one. Can someone please help me. Preferably for 010 Hex Editor.  Thank you!

There is function > 

double Floor( double x)

which returns the highest integer less than or equal to x.

But it always return last Index value instead of highest one.


Anyway this is code for parsing values.

local uint32 Count=50;
struct {
    uint16 Index;


  • Engineers
  • Solution

Try something like that.


local uint32 Count = 50;
struct {
    uint16 Index;
} Buffer[Count] <optimize=false>;

local uint16 maxValue = 0;  // Initialize max value
local uint32 i;            // Loop counter

// Iterate through the Buffer array
for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
    if (Buffer[i].Index > maxValue) {
        maxValue = Buffer[i].Index;

// Output the maximum value
PrintF("The highest value is: %u\n", maxValue);


  • Thanks 1

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