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Days Gone (UE Pak) [PC]

Go to solution Solved by leop2p,

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Please help me to extract .pak archive from this game. Someone has posted BMS scripts on ZenHax, but I was not able to download it. Somebody has posted that script "unreal_tournament_4_0.4.25b.bms" extracts the archive. maybe anyone has that script.

Help please!


Edit: Found that script (unreal_tournament_4_0.4.25b_racing_master.bms), but it request a decryption key, could you help me, where I could to get it?


Edited by leop2p
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[17664] Reading pak info for \\?\C:\Games\Warez Games\Days Gone\BendGame\Content\Paks\BendGame-WindowsNoEditor_P.pak (not encrypted, ignoring)
[17664] Reading pak info for \\?\C:\Games\Warez Games\Days Gone\BendGame\Content\Paks\BendGame-WindowsNoEditor.pak (not encrypted, ignoring)
[17664] process exited with code 0xc0000005

It says it's not encrypted, but BMS scripts tells that encrypted.

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