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QuickBMS any lookup table encryption?

Go to solution Solved by ikskoks,

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I have some files which encrypted by a 256-bytes keys and I already found all these keys(256bytes)
I wounder if QuickBMS can handle a lookup table to decrypt the files?

eg: keys for 00 to FF(255) are 0xb2,0x11,0x34,0x3f,0x68,0x94,0xf3,0x22,0x6d....0x00,0xd3,0xff,0x58
the encrypt file is 01 02 05 05 ff fd 08 06...
the real data will be 11 34 94 94 58 00 6d f3... 



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I did something similar in the past using MEMORY_FILE's in quickbms for game "The Genius of Sappheiros"

https://github.com/bartlomiejduda/Tools/blob/master/NEW Tools/The Genius of Sappheiros Weekend/The_Genius_of_Sappheiros_Weekend_PAK_script.bms

Check out MAKE_KEY_ARRAY function. In your case you should probably use "goto" and "get" commands to read the data first and then you should copy data to MEMORY_FILE.

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