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Outfit7 starlite engine (pre-2023) 3d models (My Talking Tom 2/My Talking Angela 2 etc)

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I haven't stopped work completely, but I'm focusing on different mysteries. I did find some files in the asset bundle that describe colorsets. So like you can find strings like 


and there are consecutive float values in the same file such as:

FAF9793F 8F8E0E3F FAF9793F 0000803F ➡ 0.9764706, 0.5568628, 0.9764706, 1
F1F0703F ADAC2C3F F1F0703F 0000803F ➡ 0.9411765, 0.6745098, 0.9411765, 1
BDBC3C3F D5D4D43E D4D3533F 0000803F ➡ 0.7372549, 0.41568628, 0.827451, 1

Those specific values are shades of pink, and my guess is that those are the base color, the highlights and the shadows for the "pink" colorset listed above.

Posted (edited)
On 3/21/2025 at 7:00 PM, scratchcat579 said:

note: you forgot to add scale transformations in your blender importer. the format is float time, uint16 track, float16 sx, float 16 sy, float 16 sz.

What do you mean? blender-outfit7-skeleton-converter in the zip i attached has

        # scales
        sxs = struct.unpack_from('<ffff', ozz_skeleton, offset)
        sys = struct.unpack_from('<ffff', ozz_skeleton, offset + 16)
        szs = struct.unpack_from('<ffff', ozz_skeleton, offset + 32)
        for i in range(4):
            bind_pose_scales.append(Vector((sxs[i], sys[i], szs[i])))

and blender-outfit7-animation-converter has

    for i in range(scale_count):
        time = struct.unpack_from('<f', input_data[offset:offset + 4])[0]
        track = struct.unpack_from('<H', input_data[offset + 4:offset + 6])[0]
        sx = struct.unpack_from('<e', input_data[offset + 6:offset + 8])[0]
        sy = struct.unpack_from('<e', input_data[offset + 8:offset + 10])[0]
        sz = struct.unpack_from('<e', input_data[offset + 10:offset + 12])[0]

edit: And all the animations I have seen seem to work fine. Except for the fact that the animations are in absolute pose space and not relative to the rest pose. (Absolute pose space meaning that the bones must be at the origin of the skeleton, in their default orientation and scale. Or in other words: their transformation matrx must be the identity matrix)

Edited by yarcunham

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