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(PC) Pickup Express .gti raw textures

Go to solution Solved by ikskoks,

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Seems like it's a container for multiple images.
In this sample, first one is 16-bit, but I'm not sure about the pixel format. Second one is 32-bit RGBA.



File format looks like this:


// header
4 bytes (char) - signature // "GtIm"
4 bytes (uint32) - unknown  // 4
4 bytes (char) - chunk signature  // "CRC0"
4 bytes (uint32) - chunk size?  // 4
4 bytes (uint32) - CRC32 value?

// for each image (28-bytes header + x-bytes data)
   4 bytes (char) - chunk signature  // "Imag"
   4 bytes (uint32) - chunk size?
   4 bytes (uint32) - unknown  // 4 or 8
   4 bytes (uint32) - image width
   4 bytes (uint32) - image height
   4 bytes (uint32) - number of palette entries
   4 bytes (uint32) - unknown  // 1
   x bytes - palette data
   x bytes - image data

It could be repacked probably with a little tinkering, but you would need to recalculate CRC checksum for new data (or write a tool that does it automatically).

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