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hydro thunder go pixelbite .pxb format help!

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Scenes.zip I was trying to view these models. However, they use a proprietary format, and the .dll that describes them is completely obfuscated. Can you help me here? Thank you!!!

  • Engineer

the file is built in chunks. in not reasearch it, you can pay attention to the chunk with the keyword 'MESH', after it 13 uint in which the 11th is the number of vertices, if the 10th is 4112 then stride 32, otherwise 24, after the vertex buffer, 3 uint in which the 1st is the number of face indices. (I looked from my phone, so I can't say about the type of vertices). although after communicating with you in private messages, I understand that this information will not tell you anything.xD

  • Sad 1

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