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Looking for Images and 3D Models from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans G

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Posted (edited)

This is a Unity (2021.3.9f1) game that has reached EOS (End of Service).
The APK contains UI assets, which can be extracted using standard Unity tools. However, the cache files are different, and some require additional processing.

What I Have Achieved So Far:

  • Extracted Audio and Video Files
  • These files have AFS2 and CRID headers.
  • I found a decryption key inside the APK: "0048B2AB558A01B6".
  • Using CRID-usm-Decrypter and HCA key generation tools, I successfully extracted these assets.

The Problem:

  • The final implemented files before service shutdown confirm that the necessary assets exist.
  • All content up to the EOS update is present in the extracted audio and video files, confirming that the cache holds the game’s full assets.
  • However, 3D models and textures are missing, and the remaining files have no identifiable file extensions.
  • Two distinct binary patterns (see images) appear frequently in these unidentified files, leading me to believe they contain graphics data.
  • I suspect that these files contain the graphic data, but their format is unknown.
  • I also tried using AI to perform decryption with the extracted key, but this has not yielded any results either.

What I Am Currently Doing:

  • I lack experience in disassembly or reverse engineering.
  • I am using AI-assisted analysis to examine Il2CppDumper output and searching for clues via Ghidra, but progress has been slow.

I have attached the cache files, APK, and DummyDlls. or alternatively, I will provide a sample of the cache with only the relevant files.

If anyone is familiar with where to start or knows any effective tools or methods to analyze these files, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.



Edited by 3000kb
  • Like 1
  • Engineers

Thanks for your efforts!

But you don't seriously expect someone to download that 12 GB zip of cached files?

I have no idea what "discontinued ... mobile game" means here. Does it still run on your mobile?

If so I'd suggest to use a 3D ripper for mobiles.

There's different solutions.

This one looks interesting but dunno whether it meets your requirements.

Posted (edited)

It looks like my translation wasn’t clear—sorry about that.
The correct term is "EOS" (End of Service) game.

As for the files, I originally uploaded them as a full archive for reference, but if that’s an issue, I’ll prepare a smaller set with only the relevant ones.
Also, the game cannot even launch. After the service ended, it fails to start and does not reach the title screen.

Edited by 3000kb

After analyzing the DLL scripts with AI, it turns out that most of them simply pass numerical values without performing any concrete processing.

The remaining clues are likely the .so files and global-metadata.

  • Engineers
Posted (edited)

I had a quick glance at the files in the samples zip and couldn't find something 3D models related, no structures, no strings

(not surprising with a subset of 17 MB out of 12 GB of data).

I'd suggest to do a binary search of 000001000200 through out the 12 GB to maybe find face indices blocks,

or search for strings (without the quotes) like "mesh", "vertex", "index", "face".

(To know which relevant strings to search for I'd suggest to check unity games which have been analyzed successfully already.)



The APK contains UI assets, which can be extracted using standard Unity tools.

It's UI assets only, not 3D models?

Edited by shak-otay
Posted (edited)

Yes, the APK contains no individual character images or 3D models for stages or mechs.
Only system icons are present


Edited by 3000kb

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