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Hello fellow reversers 😛 

Just your another guy who loves reverse engineering in their free time and "hacking" into the games and their files in various ways😁

Currently helping to somehow bring audio editing to BMEdit (Hitman: Blood Money Editor) and also managing my own tool - Glacier 1 Audio Tool, which now has a mirror here.
I'm also actively participating in Cyberpunk 2077 modding community, am co-creator of Cyber Engine Tweaks you may have heard of (just a "tiny" mod 😛 )

Never were the introduction type, kinda feels random tbh for me 😁
But here we are 😊

Curious what will become of this forum, used both Xentax and Zenhax a lot previously, although I were not posting much. Always was a great resource, glad to be here, happy to see what's in for the future! 🥰

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