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Open .dds file Gаrdеnscаpes (Plаyrix)


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  • Dioddi changed the title to Open .dds file Gаrdеnscаpes (Plаyrix)
  • Engineer

Zstandard compression.

010 Editor Template:

typedef struct{
    char BLKSign[4];
    uint32 Unknown0x4;
    uint32 Unknown0x8;
    uint32 UncompressedSize;
    char DDSSign[4];
    uint32 DDSHeaderSize;
    uint16 DDSFlags;
    uint16 DDSHeight;
    uint16 DDSWidth;
    uint16 Unknown1;
    uint32 DataStartOffset;
    uint32 FileSize;

char ZstdCompressedBlock[hdr.FileSize - hdr.DataStartOffset];

There is weird DDS inside.

Edited by LinkOFF
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