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Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway (PC) .dat

Go to solution Solved by AlphaTwentyThree,

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Posted (edited)

Checked out the game files and after a LOT of trial and error, here's a working script. The reason it got complicated was because there's sometimes an additional random zero byte after the name and I had to implement some serious heuristics to get the proper data out of there.

# Luca Learning Ltd. - DAT extractor
# (c) 2024-02-25 by AlphaTwentyThree of ResHax
# script for QuickBMS http://quickbms.aluigi.org

get FSIZE asize
get TOC long
goto TOC
get DUMMY short
get UNK1 long
get FOLDERS long
set CURROFF 4 # for heuristics

for i = 0 < FOLDERS
	savepos MYOFF
	get TEST byte
	if TEST != 0 # re-align
		goto MYOFF
	getDstring F1 1
	getDstring F2 1
	getDstring F3 1
	getDstring F4 1
	string FOLDER p= "%s%s%s%s" F4 F3 F2 F1
	get SECSIZE long
	get FILES long
	print "%FOLDER%: %FILES% files"
	for k = 1 <= FILES
		savepos MYOFF
		get DUMMY byte
		goto MYOFF
		callfunction getBLOCK 1
		xmath TEST "OFFSET + SIZE"
		if (OFFSET < 0 || TEST > FSIZE || NAMEL > 20 || OFFSET != CURROFF) && DUMMY = 0
			goto MYOFF
			get DUMMY byte
			callfunction getBLOCK 1

		getDstring NAME NAMEL
		string NAME p= "%s/%s" FOLDER NAME
		math CURROFF += SIZE
	next k
next i

startfunction getBLOCK
	get OFFSET long
	get SIZE long
	get NAMEL byte


Edited by AlphaTwentyThree
final script

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