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Edited by AlphaTwentyThree
1 hour ago, AlphaTwentyThree said:

Hey folks, I'm trying to auto-create .txtp files in a root directory that reference all files inside the root folder structure. Currently trying with QuickBMS and I'm searching for a command that parses a string of a file with preceding path into just the file name, so `.\root\USRDIR\VFS\Music\101menu.at3` > `101menu.at3`.

Tried to call getCT on the string, but it prints out an error as the script tries to read data from the file the script is called upon (which is just a dummy, the script should only process the file structure in the current directory).
Maybe it's easier to actually do this with a batch file? Anyone has suggestions on how to achieve what I need in the easiest way?

Example for clarity

Let's say I have a structure in he following form:


All those files should stay within their respective structure.
Now I want to have one txtp per file, for example `101menu.txtp` with the content `root\USRDIR\VFS\Music\101menu.at3`. That goes for all the files in the folder structure.
I could either run a quickBMS script on an arbitrary file in the root directory or place a batch file there that does the job.

You can use the SET command in QuickBMS to process the original string, like this:

String TEST = "abc\def\ghi.test"

Set FILENAME fullname TEST

Set FILENAME filename TEST

Set FILENAME basename TEST


Your output for those 3 commands will be:





  • Engineer

If i understand it right, do you want extract all files from a folder and sub folders to a unique folder?

you can use this commando .bat


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "sourceFolder=.\root"  REM Update this to your root folder path
set "destinationFolder=.\separate_folder"

if not exist "%destinationFolder%" mkdir "%destinationFolder%"

for /r "%sourceFolder%" %%i in (*) do (
    set "fullPath=%%i"
    set "fileName=%%~nxi"
    set "destinationPath=%destinationFolder%\!fileName!"

    move "!fullPath!" "!destinationPath!" > nul

echo Files moved successfully.


This should take all your files of any folder and put into one determined by you

  • Solution

Conversed with ChatGPT for waaaay too long until I realized that I should only use it till a certain point and do the rest myself.

I've attached two batch files. Both create .txtp files with one reference each, ignoring certain unwanted extensions.

  • !txtp.bat - to be used if a folder structure does not contain any two files with the same name in different folders
  • !txtp_folders.bat
    • to be used if there a duplicate file names
    • name of the txtp files contains the complete relative path with `\` substituted by `~`
    • used as a basis for rips for hcs64, renaming will be required


  • Guest changed the title to [PLEASE DELETE]

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