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I'm working with the game GeminiLost from playfirst, they have an assets.pfp file that can be extracted using a BMS script [https://aluigi.altervista.org/bms/pfpk.bms].

After extraction it is possible to see lua scripts that were compiled using lua 5.0:


I try to use ChunkBake, luadec, unluac and they all always give the same error, using ChunkSpy it is possible to see that you can identify a large part of the file but at the end it shows an error at the end:

Pos   Hex Data           Description or Code
0000                     ** source chunk: ok.lua
                         ** global header start **
0000  1B4C7561           header signature: "\27Lua"
0004  50                 version (major:minor hex digits)
0005  01                 endianness (1=little endian)
0006  04                 size of int (bytes)
0007  04                 size of size_t (bytes)
0008  04                 size of Instruction (bytes)
0009  06                 size of OP (bits)
000A  08                 size of A (bits)
000B  09                 size of B (bits)
000C  09                 size of C (bits)
000D  08                 size of number (bytes)
000E  B6099368E7F57D41   sample number (double)
                         * x86 standard (32-bit, little endian, doubles)
                         ** global header end **

0016                     ** function [0] definition (level 1)
                         ** start of function **
0016  08000000           string size (8)
001A  3D286E6F6E652900   "=(none)"
                         source name: =(none)
0022  00000000           line defined (0)
0026  00                 nups (0)
0027  00                 numparams (0)
0028  00                 is_vararg (0)
0029  11                 maxstacksize (17)
                         * lines:
002A  00000000           sizelineinfo (0)
                         [pc] (line)
                         * locals:
002E  00000000           sizelocvars (0)
                         * upvalues:
0032  00000000           sizeupvalues (0)
                         * constants:
0036  36000000           sizek (54)
003A  04                 const type 4
003B  08000000           string size (8)
003F  7265717569726500   "require"
                         const [0]: "require"
0047  04                 const type 4
0048  12000000           string size (18)
004C  736372697074732F+  "scripts/"
0054  7374796C652E6C75+  "style.lu"
005C  6100               "a\0"
                         const [1]: "scripts/style.lua"
005E  04                 const type 4
005F  0B000000           string size (11)
0063  4D616B654469616C+  "MakeDial"
006B  6F6700             "og\0"
                         const [2]: "MakeDialog"
006E  04                 const type 4
006F  07000000           string size (7)
0073  4269746D617000     "Bitmap"
                         const [3]: "Bitmap"
007A  04                 const type 4
007B  06000000           string size (6)
007F  696D61676500       "image"
                         const [4]: "image"
0085  04                 const type 4
0086  1A000000           string size (26)
008A  75692F7375726661+  "ui/surfa"
0092  6365732F626C6163+  "ces/blac"
009A  6B5F616C70686137+  "k_alpha7"
00A2  3000               "0\0"
                         const [5]: "ui/surfaces/black_alpha70"
00A4  04                 const type 4
00A5  06000000           string size (6)
00A9  7363616C6500       "scale"
                         const [6]: "scale"
00AF  03                 const type 3
00B0  0000000000007940   const [7]: (400)
00B8  04                 const type 4
00B9  05000000           string size (5)
00BD  6E616D6500         "name"
                         const [8]: "name"
00C2  04                 const type 4
00C3  10000000           string size (16)
00C7  7965736E6F626163+  "yesnobac"
00CF  6B67726F756E6400   "kground\0"
                         const [9]: "yesnobackground"
00D7  04                 const type 4
00D8  19000000           string size (25)
00DC  7375726661636573+  "surfaces"
00E4  2F6D656E752F706F+  "/menu/po"
00EC  7075705F68656C70+  "pup_help"
00F4  00                 "\0"
                         const [10]: "surfaces/menu/popup_help"
00F5  04                 const type 4
00F6  02000000           string size (2)
00FA  7800               "x"
                         const [11]: "x"
00FC  04                 const type 4
00FD  08000000           string size (8)
0101  6B43656E74657200   "kCenter"
                         const [12]: "kCenter"
0109  04                 const type 4
010A  02000000           string size (2)
010E  7900               "y"
                         const [13]: "y"
0110  03                 const type 3
0111  0000000000005940   const [14]: (100)
0119  04                 const type 4
011A  09000000           string size (9)
011E  5365745374796C65+  "SetStyle"
0126  00                 "\0"
                         const [15]: "SetStyle"
0127  04                 const type 4
0128  16000000           string size (22)
012C  4372656174655075+  "CreatePu"
0134  7368427574746F6E+  "shButton"
013C  5374796C6500       "Style\0"
                         const [16]: "CreatePushButtonStyle"
0142  04                 const type 4
0143  17000000           string size (23)
0147  5374616E64617264+  "Standard"
014F  427574746F6E4772+  "ButtonGr"
0157  61706869637300     "aphics\0"
                         const [17]: "StandardButtonGraphics"
015E  04                 const type 4
015F  13000000           string size (19)
0163  44656661756C7442+  "DefaultB"
016B  7574746F6E536F75+  "uttonSou"
0173  6E6400             "nd\0"
                         const [18]: "DefaultButtonSound"
0176  04                 const type 4
0177  07000000           string size (7)
017B  427574746F6E00     "Button"
                         const [19]: "Button"
0182  04                 const type 4
0183  06000000           string size (6)
0187  636C6F736500       "close"
                         const [20]: "close"
018D  04                 const type 4
018E  06000000           string size (6)
0192  666C61677300       "flags"
                         const [21]: "flags"
0198  03                 const type 3
0199  0000000000001440   const [22]: (5)
01A1  04                 const type 4
01A2  03000000           string size (3)
01A6  6F6B00             "ok"
                         const [23]: "ok"
01A9  04                 const type 4
01AA  05000000           string size (5)
01AE  6B4D617800         "kMax"
                         const [24]: "kMax"
01B3  03                 const type 3
01B4  0000000000004D40   const [25]: (58)
01BC  04                 const type 4
01BD  0B000000           string size (11)
01C1  4372656174655465+  "CreateTe"
01C9  787400             "xt\0"
                         const [26]: "CreateText"
01CC  03                 const type 3
01CD  000000000000F03F   const [27]: (1)
01D5  03                 const type 3
01D6  0000000000001040   const [28]: (4)
01DE  03                 const type 3
01DF  0000000000000000   const [29]: (0)
01E7  04                 const type 4
01E8  10000000           string size (16)
01EC  4372656174655465+  "CreateTe"
01F4  78745374796C6500   "xtStyle\0"
                         const [30]: "CreateTextStyle"
01FC  04                 const type 4
01FD  0C000000           string size (12)
0201  4C6974686F636170+  "Lithocap"
0209  73656400           "sed\0"
                         const [31]: "Lithocapsed"
020D  03                 const type 3
020E  0000000000002C40   const [32]: (14)
0216  04                 const type 4
0217  0B000000           string size (11)
021B  426C61636B436F6C+  "BlackCol"
0223  6F7200             "or\0"
                         const [33]: "BlackColor"
0226  04                 const type 4
0227  09000000           string size (9)
022B  466F6E7447616D65+  "FontGame"
0233  00                 "\0"
                         const [34]: "FontGame"
0234  03                 const type 3
0235  0000000000003440   const [35]: (20)
023D  04                 const type 4
023E  05000000           string size (5)
0242  5465787400         "Text"
                         const [36]: "Text"
0247  04                 const type 4
0248  08000000           string size (8)
024C  6F6B7469746C6500   "oktitle"
                         const [37]: "oktitle"
0254  03                 const type 3
0255  0000000000004E40   const [38]: (60)
025D  03                 const type 3
025E  0000000000004440   const [39]: (40)
0266  04                 const type 4
0267  02000000           string size (2)
026B  7700               "w"
                         const [40]: "w"
026D  04                 const type 4
026E  02000000           string size (2)
0272  6800               "h"
                         const [41]: "h"
0274  04                 const type 4
0275  0E000000           string size (14)
0279  6B56416C69676E43+  "kVAlignC"
0281  656E74657200       "enter\0"
                         const [42]: "kVAlignCenter"
0287  04                 const type 4
0288  0C000000           string size (12)
028C  6B48416C69676E4C+  "kHAlignL"
0294  65667400           "eft\0"
                         const [43]: "kHAlignLeft"
0298  04                 const type 4
0299  06000000           string size (6)
029D  6C6162656C00       "label"
                         const [44]: "label"
02A3  04                 const type 4
02A4  0D000000           string size (13)
02A8  674469616C6F6754+  "gDialogT"
02B0  61626C6500         "able\0"
                         const [45]: "gDialogTable"
02B5  04                 const type 4
02B6  06000000           string size (6)
02BA  7469746C6500       "title"
                         const [46]: "title"
02C0  04                 const type 4
02C1  0B000000           string size (11)
02C5  5768697465436F6C+  "WhiteCol"
02CD  6F7200             "or\0"
                         const [47]: "WhiteColor"
02D0  04                 const type 4
02D1  07000000           string size (7)
02D5  6F6B626F647900     "okbody"
                         const [48]: "okbody"
02DC  03                 const type 3
02DD  0000000000805B40   const [49]: (110)
02E5  03                 const type 3
02E6  0000000000004740   const [50]: (46)
02EE  03                 const type 3
02EF  0000000000005E40   const [51]: (120)
02F7  03                 const type 3
02F8  0000000000805140   const [52]: (70)
0300  04                 const type 4
0301  05000000           string size (5)
0305  626F647900         "body"
                         const [53]: "body"
                         * functions:
030A  00000000           sizep (0)
                         * code:
030E  6F000000           sizecode (111)
0312  05000000           [001] getglobal  0   0        ; require
0316  41000001           [002] loadk      1   1        ; "scripts/style.lua"
031A  5D000100           [003] tforloop   0       1    ; to [5] if exit
031E  85000000           [004] getglobal  0   2        ; MakeDialog
0322  0A800001           [005] newtable   1   1   0    ; array=1, hash=0
0326  C5000002           [006] getglobal  2   3        ; Bitmap
032A  8A800003           [007] newtable   3   1   2    ; array=1, hash=4
032E  C93F7F03           [008] settable   3   254 255  ; "image" "ui/surfaces/black_alpha70"
0332  49408003           [009] settable   3   256 257  ; "scale" 400
0336  C5000004           [010] getglobal  4   3        ; Bitmap
033A  CA000305           [011] newtable   5   6   3    ; array=6, hash=8
033E  C9408105           [012] settable   5   258 259  ; "name" "yesnobackground"
0342  09417F05           [013] settable   5   254 260  ; "image" "surfaces/menu/popup_help"
0346  05030006           [014] getglobal  6   12       ; kCenter
034A  89818205           [015] settable   5   261 6    ; "x"
034E  05030006           [016] getglobal  6   12       ; kCenter
0352  0D420306           [017] sub        6   6   264  ; 100
0356  89818305           [018] settable   5   263 6    ; "y"
035A  C5030006           [019] getglobal  6   15       ; SetStyle
035E  05040007           [020] getglobal  7   16       ; CreatePushButtonStyle
0362  45040008           [021] getglobal  8   17       ; StandardButtonGraphics
0366  85040009           [022] getglobal  9   18       ; DefaultButtonSound
036A  1D800107           [023] tforloop   7       0    ; to [25] if exit
036E  9D000006           [024] tforloop   6       2    ; to [26] if exit
0372  C5040007           [025] getglobal  7   19       ; Button
0376  CA800108           [026] newtable   8   3   3    ; array=3, hash=8
037A  02800009           [027] loadbool   9   1   0    ; true
037E  49028708           [028] settable   8   270 9    ; "close"
0382  09C48708           [029] settable   8   271 272  ; "flags" 5
0386  49448108           [030] settable   8   258 273  ; "name" "ok"
038A  05030009           [031] getglobal  9   12       ; kCenter
038E  49828208           [032] settable   8   261 9    ; "x"
0392  05060009           [033] getglobal  9   24       ; kMax
0396  CDC40409           [034] sub        9   9   275  ; 58
039A  49828308           [035] settable   8   263 9    ; "y"
039E  85060009           [036] getglobal  9   26       ; CreateText
03A2  C106000A           [037] loadk      10  27       ; 1
03A6  0107000B           [038] loadk      11  28       ; 4
03AA  C105000C           [039] loadk      12  23       ; "ok"
03AE  4107000D           [040] loadk      13  29       ; 0
03B2  4107000E           [041] loadk      14  29       ; 0
03B6  9D000309           [042] tforloop   9       2    ; to [44] if exit
03BA  C503000A           [043] getglobal  10  15       ; SetStyle
03BE  8507000B           [044] getglobal  11  30       ; CreateTextStyle
03C2  C507000C           [045] getglobal  12  31       ; Lithocapsed
03C6  0108000D           [046] loadk      13  32       ; 14
03CA  4508000E           [047] getglobal  14  33       ; BlackColor
03CE  1D00020B           [048] tforloop   11      0    ; to [50] if exit
03D2  9D00000A           [049] tforloop   10      2    ; to [51] if exit
03D6  8506000B           [050] getglobal  11  26       ; CreateText
03DA  4107000C           [051] loadk      12  29       ; 0
03DE  4107000D           [052] loadk      13  29       ; 0
03E2  C105000E           [053] loadk      14  23       ; "ok"
03E6  4107000F           [054] loadk      15  29       ; 0
03EA  41070010           [055] loadk      16  29       ; 0
03EE  1D00030B           [056] tforloop   11      0    ; to [58] if exit
ChunkSpy: A Lua 5.0.2 binary chunk disassembler
Version 0.9.7 (20050605)  Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Kein-Hong Man
The COPYRIGHT file describes the conditions under which this
software may be distributed (basically a Lua 5-style license.)

* Run with option -h or --help for usage information
ChunkSpy:392: bad argument #1 to `len' (string expected, got nil)


ChunkBake: A Lua 5 binary chunk assembler
Version 0.7.0 (20050512)  Copyright (c) 2005 Kein-Hong Man
The COPYRIGHT file describes the conditions under which this
software may be distributed (basically a Lua 5-style license.)

* Run with option -h or --help for usage information
ChunkBake:260: ok.lua:1: Error: unknown character or control character


I'm confused, do I need to make any changes to all the .lua files in the game or is there an error when unzipping the .pfp file?

Edited by JeanxPereira

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