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About This File

The "Download this file" button links to the old version (which I can't get rid of). Download the appended zip file instead!

This tool is meant to take the mesh data from the mesh you want to convert into OBJ (you have to load the model file into the program). You will also have to use a hex editor to find the model's mesh data offsets and counts and then copy them into hex2obj. Depending on these parameters it will convert the hex data into an OBJ file (File/SaveAs mesh) that you can then import into your preferred 3D Program (3DS Max, Blender, Maya, etc)


Edited by shak-otay

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· Edited by lorak


Very good tool!

Is this the latest version?

From Zenhax or Xentax I got Hex2Obj v0.25a.

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