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TextureFinder 2.1

   (5 reviews)

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About This File

Texture Finder is a tool made by IceBerg to find texture files.
You use the tool by loading in an unknown image file format and then use the pixel formats, with pallete, quad formats along with offsets in the program to finalize the image and converting it into .bmp when exporting. Sadly no further documentation is included with the program thus far.

What's New in Version 2.1   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

There is also an older version of TextureFinder.v132
This one is older but can open indexed images with palettes.
The newer one TextureFinder 0.2.1 is rewritten from scratch, but it can't open indexed images with palettes.

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Excellent tool. Was able to extract texture data from Battlezone 2's weird proprietary format of dxtbz2.

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