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fcp_unpack.exe - unpack .fat/.dat pairs.

Drop .fat onto the tool. It will unpack all files. It will search all .XML files located in the same dir for names.
Names for all files in big primal_main package is here - https://mega.nz/#!IZYlBSKJ!gjrLniO4goeCFlSoQQk_PqhLEGcxW0dd7nH2QqOVcfs

You can go to current dir, and run the tool from somewhere else and specify FAT file somewhere else. So you can place everything in 3 different dirs if you like:

1. dir with the tool
2. dir with fat/dat pair
3. current dir where unpacked files will go (also must have xml files for names)

fcp_pack.exe - repack .fat/.dat pairs.

Just run it in the dir where you have files to pack.

oasis_fcp - modified "dunia tools" strings converter for Far Cry Primal

1. Convert BIN to XML as usual
2. Find line with 0xAEE923DE code and delete it. (This new format somehow has 1 section without lines in it. This is causing the old tool to fail. Maybe it's needed or something, then I'll have to find a way to handle it.)
3. Make changes you need
4. Convert file back to BIN
5. Add "table_fcp" table to the end of the file (This can be done in any hex editor or commander tool, or with command line such as "copy /b oasis.bin + table_fcp oasiswithtable.bin")
6. Pack oasis file into FAT/DAT with my packer tool.

Important note. Patch.fat/dat is loaded before patch_sound.fat/dat so you have to find some other package to replace text, or remove old file from patch. I did this by finding the file hash in patch.fat and changing it. The hash is (F3 F8 E3 5D 29 FD BD F2) for english file. Changing any byte here will "mask" the file so game won't find it. Also if oasis file will be changed, you need to get the new table from the end of original file.

oasis_fc4 - strings converter for Far Cry 4

Same for FC4

Edited by id-daemon

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Far Cry
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