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Unordinal last won the day on February 26 2024

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  1. Glad it helped! I have a VT2 repo, done in C# - code's a bit of a mess and the differences between the two games might mean most of it is useless for Helldivers but I'll leave it here just in case it's of some use: https://github.com/Unordinal/VT2Lib/ I used it to extract some models with rigs from VT2, but VT2 doesn't have the `.gpu_resources` files and the format's probably diverged quite a bit, since `.unit` files held the meshes/scene data/bones/etc for that game.
  2. I haven't actively done any reversing for Helldivers 2 but I've done some for Vermintide 2 which uses the same base engine. Here's a hash dictionary of the known extensions for that game. I can see that at least the first file type you have there matches the `.bones` file type.
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