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Angry Birds Go tracks (.stm)


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The game stores all track model data in assets/data/environments/themenumber/tracks/runnumber (route name)/track.stm.

These files contain all track geometry. I found that vertex data starts at 1AA60 hex, at least for theme 1, run 000. I couldn't figure where face data starts and ends, so I couldn't get a proper model out of it.

I used a tool called Model Researcher to find this out. You can get it here: https://mr.game-viewer.org/download.php

I'd appreciate it if someone helped me figure it out.
Sample files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/rxxk971sd63jw/data

Screenshot (280).png

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On 9/13/2024 at 7:32 AM, testing4562145 said:

it took so long for somebody to actually extract tracks, for some odd reason the only actual models ripped were the characters, 11 years later i got most of the karts and now the tracks are being researched, but there are some meshes missing

Yeah, it doesn't seem like a lot of people care about the game cuz it's pretty unknown, and uses a game engine nobody really heard of. I'm looking forward to seeing if someone can properly reverse-engineer the file formats tho.

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