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Project Gotham Racing 4 *.pak_hrd / *.stream2

Go to solution Solved by UndercoverBoy833,

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  • 4 weeks later...

I heard there was a tool to extract those files in said formats. It was on Xentax forums, but it has been lost due to the closure of the website, but if you search good enough on the internet, you might be able to find the tools.

  • 4 months later...
  • Solution

iirc id-daemon made a tool for both PGR3 and 4 both cars and maps and published in xentax before the site went closure:

Tool for PGR3 & PGR4 cars

Drag .pak_hrd onto the tool or use command line.

Tool will export all textures to a subfolder in raw format, which then can be converted with included noesis plugin.
Tool will also make a text file with a list of all materials with all textures they use.

Tool for PGR4 areas

Tool will export all static models and all instanced models to .DMF format.
To load .DMF files use this blender plugin: https://github.com/REDxEYE/decima-dmf

Tool will export all textures to a subfolder  in raw format, which then can be converted with included noesis plugin.
Tool will also make a text file with a list of all materials with all textures they use.

- to decompress .stream2 files tool needs xcompress64.dll from xbox sdk (not included)
- last UV pair (used for lightmaps) not exported.
- vertex colors not exported.


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