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Patapon 2 Remastered textures (PS4)

Go to solution Solved by mrmemmo_,

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Please, just share the game assets, not converted ones, if you want help with how to export them yourself...

Few samples directly uploaded here in zip probably the best, no need to share whole collection.

You may share the tool you extracted the files with, that may help things. But not the converted assets.

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The files I shared are the ones extracted from the game (29 files with their 29 pngs matching files)

Only share the files that have the png equivalent of the patapon 1 game to make it easier to try to figure out the format.

The patapon 2 remastered textures where extracted from the pak file:



Edited by F0NT3
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One curious thing I notice is that you often see a 7 (count) followed by 7 0xFF's 🤔. You'll probably need to find and step through the decompression code to figure it out...


file=4bcf6d67_480624ab_64_64_0_0, offset=0x292, wrap=20, unit=uint8

Edited by piken
Fix mistake about RLE
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