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Dead Rising 4 *.MDL / *TEX

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Posted (edited)

If you do not use a point cloud you'll face many extra faces and need to find out, why?

(The max script will be the key... The Vertex40Array has to be filled.)

FacesOff=((bigInfo[(findItem names "Combined Indices 2")][3])+(Vertex40Array[i].FaceOff*2))
fseek f FacesOff #seek_set


Accidentally and unexpectedly I was able to start an old copy of 3dsmax on my even older machine.

Imported the resulting fbx into Noesis:



Edited by shak-otay
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Thank you for both of your help, Now I have a new issue occurring. these models will not load in 3ds max and Noesis logs this.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Noesis\plugins\python\fmt_DeadRising4_mdl.py", line 283, in noepyLoadModel
    mdl = rapi.rpgConstructModel()
RuntimeError: Failed to construct model from rpgeo context.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Noesis\plugins\python\fmt_DeadRising4_mdl.py", line 285, in noepyLoadModel
    mdl = NoeModel(meshes)
NameError: global name 'meshes' is not defined

DR4 mdl zero.zip

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