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Oddworld - Stranger's Wrath (2005) - Model formats


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3 minutes ago, shak-otay said:

Thanks for the effort.

"None" has to be skipped to avoid this. (You still can't code, can you?)


			no = g.word(g.i(1)[0])
			print ">>>",no
			if no != None:
				x = os.path.basename(no)
				split = x.split('.')[0]
				texName= g.dirname+os.sep+split+'.dds'


No problem! Thank you for your time!
Also, no, I had some attempts to pick up python and understand this in the past but have been overall pretty unsuccessful. Let me know where to put this code

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24 minutes ago, shak-otay said:

No, it's not "present"; if fu != None: is missing (plus indentations).

Sorry, I edited the script via Sublime and now I get this when I try importing the problematic models:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "starter.py", line 612, in Parser
  File "starter.py", line 239, in meshinfoParser
    for n in range(count):


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  • Engineer

MemoryError may vanish after restarting blender.

But don't worry: I could let run through the wolvarkSniper:


..\Blender249[Oddworld Stranger's Wrath][PC][SMD][2016-06-04]\misc\wolvarkSniper.geo.meshinfo
0xb1L C[2] 6
0xbdL 0 [ 3 ] (737893, -926945688, 3, 20, 4112, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0) 0x163L
0x163L 1 [ -992055821 ] (0, 0, -992055821, 46, 1952539740, 1702124641, 192030015 2, 1667003237, 1835360885, 1551069281, 1600485733, 1818649970) 0x1dbL
0x1dbL 2 [ 97 ] (1868849512, 1735667319, 97, 0, 1648380928, 16188, 1633967104, 1 952211316, 1970567269, 1551066482, 1918986339, 1702126433) 0x253L
0x253L 3 [ 3 ] (737893, -926945688, 3, 20, 4112, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0) 0x2f9L
0x2f9L 4 [ -992055821 ] (0, 0, -992055821, 46, 1952539740, 1702124641, 192030015 2, 1667003237, 1835360885, 1551069281, 1600485733, 1818649970) 0x371L
0x371L 5 [ 97 ] (1868849512, 1735667319, 97, 0, 1648380928, 16188, 1633967104, 1 952211316, 1970567269, 1551066482, 1918986339, 1702126433) 0x3e9L
0x3e9L 6 [ 0 ] (737893, 375261130, 0, 20, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0) 0x461L
0x503L 7 [ 0 ] (737893, -1722525674, 0, 20, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0) 0x57bL
0x58bL 8 [ 0 ] (737893, 375261130, 0, 20, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0) 0x603L
0x6a5L 9 [ 2 ] (737893, -1373022986, 2, 20, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0) 0x71dL
count 2  at  0x851L
count2 6  at  0x9e1L
0xbe1L (10, 0, 266099259, 525)
0 (2, 0, 1, 2)
1 (3, 1, 1, 1)
2 (4, 2, 21, 1)
3 (5, 23, 38, 0)
< wolvarkSniper >
..\Blender249[Oddworld Stranger's Wrath][PC][SMD][2016-06-04]\misc\wolvarkSniper.geo.data
no image: ..\Blender249[Oddworld Stranger's Wrath][PC][SMD][2016-06-04]\misc\wolvarkSniper_Colormap.dds
0x0L 0 (15670, 6, 0, 17, 0, 107, 17, 0, 36, 706) ind/verts, [ 107 ], count 17
1 0 (0, 42) 45
1 1 (1, 40) 45
0 2 (2, 0, 1, 2) 45
0 3 (3, 1, 1, 1) 45
0 4 (4, 2, 21, 1) 45
0 5 (5, 23, 38, 0) 45

Need to check meshtype 107 now.

Edited by shak-otay
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