CptHazama Posted Tuesday at 01:38 AM Posted Tuesday at 01:38 AM On 3/25/2025 at 1:13 AM, DKDave said: I've updated mine to 4.474 and the script still works for me. I'm not sure why you get a memory error when it's trying to read the textures. Will have to investigate... Expand Using 64bit Noesis works
ReservedAch Posted Tuesday at 01:42 AM Posted Tuesday at 01:42 AM (edited) So I've been following this thread from today, seeing all the progress as it comes. My main aim from the beginning was to find Tier's files and edit her to the authentic look. I've been able to find an alternate, albeit possibly outdated now, method of revealing the full 3d models for the files in Noesis. The python plugin is a slight change to DKDave's code that I found earlier in the thread (same file name). It forcibly commits all triangle data to a single mesh, essentially forcing all vertices and submeshes to appear. Maybe someone can benefit from this potential checkpoint? Can't wait to see what modding brings for this amazing game. I'll continue trying to fiddle with the textures tomorrow! Biggest thanks to DKDave again, doing the Soul King's good work. bleach_rebirth_tmd2.pyFetching info... Edited Tuesday at 01:43 AM by ReservedAch 1 1
saidaiclone Posted Tuesday at 02:27 AM Posted Tuesday at 02:27 AM On 3/25/2025 at 1:13 AM, DKDave said: I've updated mine to 4.474 and the script still works for me. I'm not sure why you get a memory error when it's trying to read the textures. Will have to investigate... Expand running the "Noesis64.exe" in admin mode works but it doesnt work with the normal "noesis.exe"
dmcdevilsmaycry Posted Tuesday at 03:14 AM Posted Tuesday at 03:14 AM (edited) i cant export any models it give a error too edit: 64bit works fine Edited Tuesday at 03:19 AM by dmcdevilsmaycry
Strange Petals Posted Tuesday at 03:51 AM Posted Tuesday at 03:51 AM (edited) pl036_cos00_00.tmd2 shows misplaced or missing weights in bones upon export. tested gltf2 and fbx to make sure it's not export error. The head and hair interestingly enough did not show errors like the costume files did. Edited Tuesday at 04:21 AM by Strange Petals
0-DV89-0 Posted Tuesday at 04:08 AM Posted Tuesday at 04:08 AM On 3/25/2025 at 12:28 AM, DKDave said: Another update. Should load almost everything now. Since the last updated, I've integrated reading of the textures and created the materials for each submesh, so they should display correctly. No need to decompress any files first, just load a tmd2 file and it will load the matching texture file. There are issues with some hair meshes - some of them don't seem to have proper textures, maybe they're handled differently, not sure. There are still some texture types that I'm not sure about - they could be specular, metallic, or whatever. As always, it's still a work in progress. bleach_rebirth_tmd2.zip 2.54 kB · 30 downloads Expand I believe the hair meshes utilize vertex colors instead of traditional textures. They have the ambient occlusion textures for it though.
Lantik Posted Tuesday at 04:22 AM Posted Tuesday at 04:22 AM (edited) Looks like maybe some models aren't having proper UVs, Kisuke's hat. Chad's hair, or pl004_hair_00 also doesn't load, and I bet a few others don't as well but that's just what I've seen thus far. Edit - Looks like Kisuke's hat as an extension of being part of a hair mesh, uses vertex colors, which we've established is a current hole in the current script that the other more recent one does address. However both scripts still don't load Chad's hair, so there's that. Edited Tuesday at 04:26 AM by Lantik
dmcdevilsmaycry Posted Tuesday at 05:19 AM Posted Tuesday at 05:19 AM (edited) yep ulquiorra's 1st costume still has broken rig his 2nd release is fine though nelliels 1st hair rig is broken Edited Tuesday at 05:24 AM by dmcdevilsmaycry
CptHazama Posted Tuesday at 06:14 AM Posted Tuesday at 06:14 AM Yeah from what I've looked at, none of the models are weighted properly. Just pure spaghetti lol
ChakraWarrior2012 Posted Tuesday at 06:36 AM Posted Tuesday at 06:36 AM I assume this means there's still some work to do on the script, right?..... there's no way the models are rigged this badly in the game itself
dmcdevilsmaycry Posted Tuesday at 06:55 AM Posted Tuesday at 06:55 AM (edited) all of nelliels outfits are weighted properly her hairs arent Edited Tuesday at 06:55 AM by dmcdevilsmaycry
ChakraWarrior2012 Posted Tuesday at 08:30 AM Posted Tuesday at 08:30 AM (edited) another question: are the models using the Sparking Zero approach to coloring models? I tried some methods of converting textures and they....look odd Edited Tuesday at 08:30 AM by ChakraWarrior2012
espada9000 Posted Tuesday at 09:37 AM Posted Tuesday at 09:37 AM Can someone send me the file of Halibel release form?
datkofguy Posted Tuesday at 09:37 AM Posted Tuesday at 09:37 AM anyone having trouble exporting the models, Im exporting to fbx, but the model always exports to one single mesh, and not the separated meshes as it should be.
Benefor Posted Tuesday at 09:42 AM Posted Tuesday at 09:42 AM On 3/25/2025 at 12:28 AM, DKDave said: Another update. Should load almost everything now. Since the last updated, I've integrated reading of the textures and created the materials for each submesh, so they should display correctly. No need to decompress any files first, just load a tmd2 file and it will load the matching texture file. There are issues with some hair meshes - some of them don't seem to have proper textures, maybe they're handled differently, not sure. There are still some texture types that I'm not sure about - they could be specular, metallic, or whatever. As always, it's still a work in progress. bleach_rebirth_tmd2.zip 2.54 kB · 40 downloads Expand Thanks man ! You rock works good for me with the same noesis version as yours, using the x64 with admin privilege Hope someone will find out how to export the animations too
Dmnslyrx8 Posted Tuesday at 10:39 AM Posted Tuesday at 10:39 AM On 3/25/2025 at 8:30 AM, ChakraWarrior2012 said: another question: are the models using the Sparking Zero approach to coloring models? I tried some methods of converting textures and they....look odd Expand They use vertex colors for the coloring this time, so sorta like DBSZ in a way, so instead of material coloring, it's vertex coloring.
ChakraWarrior2012 Posted Tuesday at 01:05 PM Posted Tuesday at 01:05 PM I see.....is there a good way to rip vertex coloring yet?
Dmnslyrx8 Posted Tuesday at 01:08 PM Posted Tuesday at 01:08 PM Exporting as fbx/dae will preserve the vertex colors. Idk about gltf. 1
EllieLovesYouXoX Posted Tuesday at 02:06 PM Posted Tuesday at 02:06 PM most of these are TMD and im trying to put them into blender mainly and preserve the bones
DKDave Posted Tuesday at 02:29 PM Posted Tuesday at 02:29 PM I'll have to try to identify which submeshes only use vertex colours and then set them according to that. I think the heads and hair mostly are in the same positions as well. Making a bit more progress. 1
Frushan Posted Tuesday at 03:30 PM Posted Tuesday at 03:30 PM Yeah I think the head and hair are exported fine in terms of positions. I think the face weights are good, the hair for most models seems all over the place in that regard though. Trying to figure out why some clothes/body models have fine posing but others have messed up weights.
Funbun1560 Posted Tuesday at 04:40 PM Posted Tuesday at 04:40 PM Hey does anyone have files for Rangiku, thanks!
dmcdevilsmaycry Posted Tuesday at 04:44 PM Posted Tuesday at 04:44 PM On 3/25/2025 at 2:29 PM, DKDave said: I'll have to try to identify which submeshes only use vertex colours and then set them according to that. I think the heads and hair mostly are in the same positions as well. Making a bit more progress. Expand try nelliel's hairs, they load but the rigs and uvs/ texture stuff is broken (her tybw mask has no uvs so her texture wont work same with the others)
GDL Posted Tuesday at 05:40 PM Posted Tuesday at 05:40 PM (edited) for some hairs like en011_hair00_00 I get this error: en011_hair00_00.zipFetching info... Edited Tuesday at 07:11 PM by GDL
ChakraWarrior2012 Posted Tuesday at 07:24 PM Posted Tuesday at 07:24 PM (edited) I just compiled a list of models that don't import with the Noesis plugin (at least the ones in the HIGH folder): pretty much all of the face objects_a.tmd2 files ad005_hair00_00.tmd2 ad006_hair00_00.tmd2 ad009_hair00_00.tmd2 ad010_hair00_00.tmd2 ad011_hair00_00.tmd2 ad018_hair01_00.tmd2 ad021_hair00_00.tmd2 ad023_hair00_00.tmd2 ad024_hair00_00.tmd2 ad025_hair00_00.tmd2 ad025_wep00_00_00.tmd2 ad026_hair00_00.tmd2 ad027_hair00_00.tmd2 ad028_cos02_00.tmd2 ad028_hair01_00.tmd2 ad031_cos00_00.tmd2 ad034_wep00_00_00.tmd2 ad035_cos00_00.tmd2 ad035_face00_00.tmd2 ad036_hair00_00.tmd2 ad037_hair00_00.tmd2 ad039_cos00_00.tmd2 en000_cos00_00.tmd2 en001_cos00_00.tmd2 en001_wep00_00_00.tmd2 en002_cos00_00.tmd2 en004_cos00_00.tmd2 en005_cos00_00.tmd2 en008_hair00_00.tmd2 en011_hair00_00.tmd2 en012_cos00_00.tmd2 en013_hair00_00.tmd2 en013_hair01_00.tmd2 en013_wep02_00_00.tmd2 en013_wep02_00_01.tmd2 en014_hair00_00.tmd2 en016_hair00_00.tmd2 en017_hair00_00.tmd2 en018_cos00_00.tmd2 en019_cos01_00.tmd2 en020_cos00_00.tmd2 en021_hair00_00.tmd2 en022_hair00_00.tmd2 en023_hair00_00.tmd2 en024_cos00_00.tmd2 en025_cos00_00.tmd2 en026_hair00_00.tmd2 en027_hair00_00.tmd2 en028_hair00_00.tmd2 en029_cos00_00.tmd2 en029_wep00_00_02.tmd2 en029_wep00_00_03.tmd2 en030_cos00_00.tmd2 en031_hair00_00.tmd2 en034_hair00_00.tmd2 en035_cos00_00.tmd2 en036_cos01_00.tmd2 en036_hair00_00.tmd2 en037_cos01_00.tmd2 en037_hair01_00.tmd2 en038_cos01_00.tmd2 en038_cos02_00.tmd2 en038_face02_00.tmd2 obj001.tmd2 obj002.tmd2 obj003.tmd2 obj004.tmd2 obj006.tmd2 obj007.tmd2 obj022.tmd2 obj031.tmd2 obj034.tmd2 obj044.tmd2 obj045.tmd2 obj046.tmd2 obj047.tmd2 obj049.tmd2 pl000_cos02_00.tmd2 pl000_cos09_00.tmd2 pl000_hair00_00.tmd2 pl000_hair02_00.tmd2 pl000_hair03_00.tmd2 pl000_hair06_00.tmd2 pl000_hair07_00.tmd2 pl000_hair08_00.tmd2 pl000_hair11_00.tmd2 pl000_hair12_00.tmd2 pl000_wep04_00_00.tmd2 pl001_hair01_00.tmd2 pl002_cos00_00.tmd2 pl002_cos00_01.tmd2 pl002_cos01_00.tmd2 pl002_cos01_01.tmd2 pl002_cos02_00.tmd2 pl002_cos02_01.tmd2 pl002_hair00_00.tmd2 pl002_hair01_00.tmd2 pl002_hair02_00.tmd2 pl003_hair00_00.tmd2 pl003_wep08_00_00.tmd2 pl004_hair00_00.tmd2 pl007_hair00_00.tmd2 pl008_hair00_00.tmd2 pl008_hair01_00.tmd2 pl008_hair02_00.tmd2 pl008_hair03_00.tmd2 pl008_hair04_00.tmd2 pl008_hair05_00.tmd2 pl008_hair06_00.tmd2 pl008_wep00_00_02.tmd2 pl008_wep02_00_00.tmd2 pl008_wep02_00_01.tmd2 pl011_hair00_00.tmd2 pl012_cos00_00.tmd2 pl012_cos00_01.tmd2 pl012_cos02_00.tmd2 pl012_cos02_01.tmd2 pl012_hair00_00.tmd2 pl012_hair01_00.tmd2 pl013_cos00_00.tmd2 pl014_wep01_00_02.tmd2 pl014_wep03_00_00.tmd2 pl014_wep03_00_01.tmd2 pl015_cos01_00.tmd2 pl016_wep01_00_00.tmd2 pl017_hair00_00.tmd2 pl017_wep02_00_00.tmd2 pl018_hair00_00.tmd2 pl019_hair01_00.tmd2 pl019_hair01_10.tmd2 pl021_cos00_00.tmd2 pl021_cos00_01.tmd2 pl021_cos01_00.tmd2 pl021_face04_00.tmd2 pl021_hair01_00.tmd2 pl021_hair03_00.tmd2 pl021_hair04_00.tmd2 pl022_hair01_00.tmd2 pl022_wep01_00_01.tmd2 pl022_wep04_00_00.tmd2 pl023_cos01_00.tmd2 pl023_cos02_00.tmd2 pl024_hair00_00.tmd2 pl024_hair01_00.tmd2 pl025_cos02_00.tmd2 pl025_cos02_01.tmd2 pl025_hair00_00.tmd2 pl025_hair01_00.tmd2 pl025_hair02_00.tmd2 pl025_wep03_00_00.tmd2 pl025_wep06_00_00.tmd2 pl026_cos01_00.tmd2 pl026_cos01_01.tmd2 pl026_cos04_00.tmd2 pl026_cos04_01.tmd2 pl026_hair00_00.tmd2 pl027_hair00_00.tmd2 pl029_cos03_00.tmd2 pl029_cos03_01.tmd2 pl029_hair00_00.tmd2 pl029_hair01_00.tmd2 pl029_wep00_00_02.tmd2 pl029_wep07_00_00.tmd2 pl029_wep10_00_00.tmd2 pl031_hair00_00.tmd2 pl032_hair01_00.tmd2 pl033_wep03_00_00.tmd2 pl035_hair01_00.tmd2 pl036_hair00_00.tmd2 pl036_hair01_00.tmd2 pl036_hair02_00.tmd2 pl037_cos01_00.tmd2 pl037_cos01_01.tmd2 pl038_hair00_00.tmd2 pl039_cos01_00.tmd2 pl037_cos01_01.tmd2 pl039_hair01_00.tmd2 pl039_wep04_00_00.tmd2 pl033_wep07_00_00.tmd2 pl042_cos01_00.tmd2 pl042_cos01_01.tmd2 pl042_cos04_00.tmd2 pl042_cos04_01.tmd2 pl042_hair03_00.tmd2 pl042_hair04_00.tmd2 sp000_wep01_00_02.tmd2 sp003_hair00_00.tmd2 sp004_hair00_00.tmd2 sp005_cos00_00.tmd2 sp005_hair00_00.tmd2 Edited Tuesday at 07:38 PM by ChakraWarrior2012
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