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[PC] Justice Online (逆水寒) (NetEase game) - Asset opening (*.wdf)


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Before that one forum shutdown I was looking for help to open Justice Online, a NetEase game. To download the game you need an account, meaning a Chinese phone number which I have. I brought samples, if other files are needed I can of course look for them. The samples are including different *.wdf files: https://gofile.io/d/ctDe5v


I've tried opening packages with RazTool, unfortunately, none of the game package could be read although everything got successfully loaded I believe.

It's hard to find informations about this game online, so I'd be gladly welcoming any help.

Edited by willomillo
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  • willomillo changed the title to [PC] Justice Online (逆水寒) (NetEase game) - Asset opening (*.wdf)

There is a script in quickbms that can extract Ni Shuihan's wdf file, but it is not confirmed whether it is suitable for PC.

To run the script, please place the script file (.bms) in the directory of quickbms, then start quickbms.exe to select the script, input file, and output directory (roughly like this)

If there are errors in the script, it may be out of date. It depends on whether the author is willing to update it.

Also attached is the official website of quickbms: https://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm


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  • 1 month later...
在 2024/2/20 下午 12:44, wq223 说:







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On 4/11/2024 at 9:38 AM, A Liang said:


If you have successfully decompressed various files using this tool, then these files should already be the original content. Now you can find the corresponding tools to process them. Because I have not learned about Ni Shuihan, can you please provide a few decompression files? document?

On 4/11/2024 at 9:38 AM, A Liang said:


If you have successfully decompressed various files using this tool, then these files should already be the original content. Now you can find the corresponding tools to process them. Because I have not learned about Ni Shuihan, can you please provide a few decompression files? document?

On 4/11/2024 at 9:38 AM, A Liang said:


If you have successfully decompressed various files using this tool, then these files should already be the original content. Now you can find the corresponding tools to process them. Because I have not learned about Ni Shuihan, can you please provide a few decompression files? document?

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wq223 于 2024 年 4 月 14 日上午 6:30 说道:




I'm sorry to bother you. 
I was wondering if I could get an e-mail for you to talk to.
I could really need your help.

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On 4/14/2024 at 6:30 AM, wq223 said:

If you have successfully decompressed various files using this tool, then these files should already be the original content. Now you can find the corresponding tools to process them. Because I have not learned about Ni Shuihan, can you please provide a few decompression files? document?

If you have successfully decompressed various files using this tool, then these files should already be the original content. Now you can find the corresponding tools to process them. Because I have not learned about Ni Shuihan, can you please provide a few decompression files? document?

If you have successfully decompressed various files using this tool, then these files should already be the original content. Now you can find the corresponding tools to process them. Because I have not learned about Ni Shuihan, can you please provide a few decompression files? document?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was indeed able to extract DAT files, but no scripts available to this day can open up the files. I tried using an old Blender script I had stored in my PC, but of course it doesn't work anymore, or at least is outdated so my version of Blender cannot open it.


I leave here extracted DAT files, with some other files (misc + prefab WDF files extracted) to have a good sample. Also leaving the Blender script I found again if anybody has interest into maybe either making a Noesis script or Blender. I remember getting a DM from someone interested into making one, but the forums (Xentax) closed before I was able to answer.

I will myself try to read the Blender script to see what I can do myself.


Attached files: Blender addon
Link to samples: https://mega.nz/file/Lp8imLyD#n_e-VBcRDgT_oq4mQkD57ODzPVxY5w3webT7_qEFfcM

The samples A Liang posted might also be better if you don't want to download huge files. (complete rip of one folder)


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On 2024/5/1 at AM4点28分, willomillo said:

我确实能够提取 DAT 文件,但迄今为止还没有可用的脚本可以打开这些文件。我尝试使用存储在 PC 中的旧 Blender 脚本,但它当然不再工作,或者至少已经过时,因此我的 Blender 版本无法打开它。


我在这里留下提取的 DAT 文件,以及一些其他文件(提取的 Misc + 预制 WDF 文件)以获得一个很好的示例。如果有人有兴趣制作 Noesis 脚本或 Blender,我也会再次找到 Blender 脚本。我记得有人有兴趣制作一个 DM,但在我能够回答之前论坛(Xentax)就关闭了。

我自己会尝试阅读 Blender 脚本,看看我自己能做什么。


附件:Blender 插件

如果您不想下载大文件,阿亮发布的示例也可能会更好。 (完整翻录一个文件夹)

Blender249[163][dat][2019-01-16].zip 1.23MB · 2次下载

I have been studying these dat files in the past few days. At first I speculated that they store information at the beginning and then the official content. Later, I found that the end is similar to the model file format content of most NetEase games, as well as some formats like texture files. I am not aware of it now. I don’t know whether the file is XORed or encrypted, because I have a hard time with this aspect. I can only use ordinary decompression or tools to try. If there is encryption, then I specify the stuck, because I can’t determine whether it is a normal file, and I can’t confirm the specific file. starting and ending points, but you can still try to view some files that you think are understandable to see if they can be opened normally, such as the .tga file name that appears frequently in the file.

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On 5/3/2024 at 3:07 PM, Durik256 said:

just an example of manual mesh search


I am curious as how where you able to open models, seems like they are encrypted for me.

I believe you were the user offering to maybe do a Neosis script, but I can't really remember the nature of the discussion, sorry about that.

On 5/6/2024 at 11:46 AM, long123 said:


Textures are not encrypted and can be found unpacking the pack named "textures" or something like that. The unpacked results have names unrelated with the mesh, so you'll have to search for them.

On 5/1/2024 at 11:16 PM, wq223 said:

I have been studying these dat files in the past few days. At first I speculated that they store information at the beginning and then the official content. Later, I found that the end is similar to the model file format content of most NetEase games, as well as some formats like texture files. I am not aware of it now. I don’t know whether the file is XORed or encrypted, because I have a hard time with this aspect. I can only use ordinary decompression or tools to try. If there is encryption, then I specify the stuck, because I can’t determine whether it is a normal file, and I can’t confirm the specific file. starting and ending points, but you can still try to view some files that you think are understandable to see if they can be opened normally, such as the .tga file name that appears frequently in the file.

Thank you so much for looking at those. I also recognized NetEase file format, but I wasn't able to tweak available scripts to eventually open it either with the Blender addon, or just with RazTools. Noesis straights up crashes for me as well.

I was able to safely open all of the DDS textures after unpacking though. The headers makes the preview go haywire, but once opened in Photoshop, it just shows up fine and usable. The matter for those textures only being that they are packed in another WDF pack, not with the models.

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2024 年 5 月 8 日凌晨 1:04,willomillo 说:


我相信你是提出可能做一个 Neosis 脚本的用户,但我真的不记得讨论的性质了,很抱歉。


非常感谢您查看这些内容。我也认出了网易文件格式,但我无法调整可用的脚本,最终使用 Blender 插件或仅使用 RazTools 打开它。Noesis 也为我直接崩溃了。

不过,开箱后,我能够安全地打开所有 DDS 纹理。标题使预览变得混乱,但是一旦在Photoshop中打开,它就会显示得很好并且可用。这些纹理的问题只是它们被打包在另一个 WDF 包中,而不是与模型一起打包。



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On 5/13/2024 at 11:01 PM, long123 said:



I would recommend you to extract everything, either as a batch or little by little to identify what pack brings what texture.

I did a batch extraction and got all textures in DDS. (with a readable header, you can open them in Photoshop)

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  • 4 months later...

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