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7 minutes ago, Unordinal said:

I haven't actively done any reversing for Helldivers 2 but I've done some for Vermintide 2 which uses the same base engine. Here's a hash dictionary of the known extensions for that game. I can see that at least the first file type you have there matches the `.bones` file type.

  Hide contents

ac2b738a374cf583 actor
931e336d7646cc26 animation
dcfb9e18fff13984 animation_curves
44957ef5a3a368e4 animation_set
3eed05ba83af5090 apb
7ffdb779b04e4ed1 baked_lighting
aa5965f03029fa18 bik
e301e8af94e3b5a3 blend_set
18dead01056b72e9 bones
b7893adf7567506a chroma
f7b361bde8b4dd03 common
fe9754bd19814a47 common_package
0001a6d201e87086 compiled_shader
82645835e6b73232 config
69108ded1e3e634b crypto
8fd0d44d20650b68 data
64298613551f58d4 dds
ed74b77c6d447d84 disabled
9831ca893b0d087d entity
92d3ee038eeb610d flow
6a00deed7d3b235a flow_editor
9efe0a916aae7880 font
d526a27da14f1dc5 ini
fa4a8e091a91201e ivf
a62f9297dc969e85 keys
2a690fd348fe9ac5 level
a14e8dfa2cd117e2 lua
eac0b497876adedf material
48ff313713a997a1 mesh
3fcdd69156a46417 mod
b277b11fe4a61d37 mouse_cursor
169de9566953d264 navdata
3b1fa9e8f6bac374 network_config
ad9c6d9ed1e5e77a package
a8193123526fad64 particles
5f7203c8f280dab8 physics
22bd082459e868d8 physics_data
bf21403a3ab0bbb1 physics_properties
46cab355bd8d4d37 prototype
27862fe24795319c render_config
d37e11a77baafc01 resource
9d0a795bfe818d19 scene
cce8d5b5f5ae333f shader
e5ee32a477239a93 shader_library
9e5c3cc74575aeb5 shader_library_group
fe73c7dcff8a7ca5 shading_environment
250e0a11ac8e26f8 shading_environment_mapping
a27b4d04a9ba6f9e slug
e9fc9ea7042e5ec0 slug_album
90641b51c98b7aac sound
d8b27864a97ffdd7 sound_environment
f97af9983c05b950 spu_job
a486d4045106165c state_machine
bb0279e548747a0a statemachine_editor
0d972bab10b40fd3 strings
ad2d3fa30d9ab394 surface_properties
cd4238c6a0c69e32 texture
91f98cecac930de8 timestamp
94616b1760e1c463 timpani
99736be1fff739a4 timpani_bank
00a3e6c59a2b9c6c timpani_master
19c792357c99f49b tome
e0a48d0be9a7453f unit
8c074c8f95e7841b user_settings
f7505933166d6755 vector_field
6ad9817aa72d9533 volume
786f65c00a816b19 wav
535a7bd3e650d799 wwise_bank
af32095c82f2b070 wwise_dep
d50a8b7e1c82b110 wwise_metadata
504b55235d21440e wwise_stream
76015845a6003765 xml
712d6e3dd1024c9c ugg
a99510c6e86dd3c2 upb
2bbcabe5074ade9e input
52014e20a7fdccef xp
7b82d55316f98c9b vista
de8c9d00247f8fc6 w7
0605775c0481181b w8
293bb3b1982c6d5a main
b6b3099f78886ff9 win32
d596cd750e4e279f zD


Thank you!

I will just have to figure out how to get that hash dictonary into 010,

  • Engineers
5 minutes ago, Helldiver said:

What is "IdString Lookup"?

Tool included in stingray editor.

@Unordinal thanks for that info. Definitely worth.


anyone else getting some rather "cursed" imports of the meshes? Can't tell if these are some weird Lods or not and a bunch of the textures are mostly invalid DDS textures.image.thumb.png.1da3e553ac142624c4e9588ad34cf537.pngimage.thumb.png.3b00ca85f89c870ed4d87dc1615c7711.png

5 hours ago, h3x3r said:

Anyone familiar with IDA code. Here is that hash function.

  Reveal hidden contents
    .maxstack 8
    call     instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
    newobj   instance void class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string>::.ctor()
    stfld    class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string> Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::_map
    ldfld    class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string> Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::_map
    ldstr    asc_1429A                  // ""
    callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string>::set_Item(var<u1>, !!T0)
    call     instance void Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::ReadFile(string path)

  .method public hidebysig instance string Lookup(unsigned int64 id)
    .maxstack 8
    ldfld    class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string> Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::_map
    callvirt instance var<u1> class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string>::get_Item(void)

  .method public hidebysig instance string LookupOrHex(unsigned int64 id)
                                        // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.LoadingProfiler__DrawScope+57↑p
                                        // Stingray.Console.LoadingProfiler__DrawUnfinishedScope+3A↑p ...
    .maxstack 8
    ldfld    class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string> Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::_map
    callvirt instance bool class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string>::ContainsKey(var<u1>)
    brfalse.s loc_A5BB
    ldfld    class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string> Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::_map
    callvirt instance var<u1> class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string>::get_Item(void)

loc_A5BB:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__LookupOrHex+C↑j
    ldarga.s 1
    ldstr    aX                         // "X"
    call     instance string [mscorlib]System.UInt64::ToString(string)

  .method private hidebysig instance void ReadFile(string path)
                                        // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__.ctor+25↑p
    .maxstack 5
    .locals init (unsigned int8[] V0,
                  int32 V1,
                  int32 V2,
                  string V3,
                  unsigned int8[] V4)
    call     bool [mscorlib]System.IO.File::Exists(string)
    brtrue.s loc_A5D9

loc_A5D9:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__ReadFile+6↑j
    call     unsigned int8[] [common]Stingray.FileUtils::ReadAllBytes(string, valuetype [mscorlib]System.IO.FileShare)
    br.s     loc_A626

loc_A5E7:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__ReadFile+5A↓j
    brtrue.s loc_A622
    call     class [mscorlib]System.Text.Encoding [mscorlib]System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8()
    callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Text.Encoding::GetString(unsigned int8[], int32, int32)
    call     class [mscorlib]System.Text.Encoding [mscorlib]System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8()
    callvirt instance unsigned int8[] [mscorlib]System.Text.Encoding::GetBytes(string)
    stloc.s  4
    ldfld    class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string> Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::_map
    ldloc.s  4
    call     instance unsigned int64 Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup::MurmurHash64(unsigned int8[] data, unsigned int32 seed)
    callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<unsigned int64, string>::set_Item(var<u1>, !!T0)

loc_A622:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__ReadFile+1A↑j

loc_A626:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__ReadFile+15↑j
    blt.s    loc_A5E7

  .method private hidebysig instance unsigned int64 MurmurHash64(unsigned int8[] data, unsigned int32 seed)
                                        // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__ReadFile+43↑p
    .maxstack 4
    .locals init (int32 V0,
                  unsigned int64 V1,
                  int32 V2,
                  int32 V3,
                  unsigned int8& pinned V4,
                  unsigned int64* V5,
                  unsigned int64 V6,
                  unsigned int8& pinned V7)
    ldc.i8   0xC6A4A7935BD1E995
    ble.s    loc_A6AD
    ldelema  [mscorlib]System.Byte
    stloc.s  4
    ldloc.s  4
    stloc.s  5
    br.s     loc_A6A6

loc_A660:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+77↓j
    ldloc.s  5
    stloc.s  6
    ldloc.s  6
    ldc.i8   0xC6A4A7935BD1E995
    stloc.s  6
    ldloc.s  6
    ldloc.s  6
    ldc.i4.s 0x2F
    stloc.s  6
    ldloc.s  6
    ldc.i8   0xC6A4A7935BD1E995
    stloc.s  6
    ldloc.s  6
    ldc.i8   0xC6A4A7935BD1E995
    ldloc.s  5
    stloc.s  5

loc_A6A6:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+2E↑j
    brtrue.s loc_A660
    stloc.s  4

loc_A6AD:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+1E↑j
    ble      loc_A74C
    ldelema  [mscorlib]System.Byte
    stloc.s  7
    switch   loc_A734, loc_A728, loc_A71B, loc_A70E, loc_A701, loc_A6F4, loc_A6E7
    br.s     loc_A748

loc_A6E7:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7
    ldc.i4.s 0x30

loc_A6F4:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7
    ldc.i4.s 0x28

loc_A701:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7
    ldc.i4.s 0x20

loc_A70E:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7
    ldc.i4.s 0x18

loc_A71B:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7
    ldc.i4.s 0x10

loc_A728:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7

loc_A734:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+94↑j
    ldloc.s  7
    ldc.i8   0xC6A4A7935BD1E995

loc_A748:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+B5↑j
    stloc.s  7

loc_A74C:                               // CODE XREF: Stingray.Console.ReverseIdLookup__MurmurHash64+7F↑j
    ldc.i4.s 0x2F
    ldc.i8   0xC6A4A7935BD1E995
    ldc.i4.s 0x2F



Why are you loading this in IDA? this looks suspiciously like .Net IL Code especially from that `mscorlib` refrence

12 hours ago, orion42m said:

How would I go about running .bt files with 010 Editor?

In the menu bar you can select Templates -> Run Template, then select the matching .bt file for the file you want to inspect.

11 hours ago, Unordinal said:

Here's a hash dictionary of the known extensions for that game. I can see that at least the first file type you have there matches the `.bones` file type.

Thanks, with this I was able to discover more about the files themselves, and got my exporter to export everything.

8 hours ago, Myrkur said:

anyone else getting some rather "cursed" imports of the meshes?

Those are LoDs. It's unclear if/how we can tell which is a LoD for what so far.

I've modified Hellextractor quite a bit, and it now dumps all the files from the /data directory directly, instead of needing to go through QuickBMS. No more random 8 bytes at the start of random files, which was super annoying to deal with. It exported the entire content of the game, 17.0 GiB, in just under 50 seconds - much faster than QuickBMS had any chance to be.

Right now it just dumps the contents of meta, stream and gpu in a sequence, so more handling is necessary to work fully. But with this I've been able to somewhat piece together that each of the file types has some sort of special header at the start, which seems to tell us something about the file itself. For example, this is what i figured out about the TrueType Font content header:

// Always the same as the files own name hash.
uint64_t my_own_name_hash; 
// If no alternative font file:
// 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F
// If alternative font file:
// 87 88 08 C0 8B 88 88 3F
uint32_t __unk; 
uint32_t __unk;
uint32_t __unk;
uint32_t __unk;
uint64_t different_font_name_hash;

do {
  uint32_t count;
  uint32_t type;
  ##type## entries[count];
} while (count != 0)

// Shortest header found, file is basically empty.
C6 3C 13 E2 58 3D 1B 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00

// The average header.
C0 E7 1D 12 3C 53 27 53 87 88 08 C0 8B 88 88 3F
3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC E8 77 49 D4 BD 15 22
01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 40 5B 44 00 80 BA C3
00 40 9C 44 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

// The longest header encountered so far.
DD 17 83 34 E5 2C 8E 81 87 88 08 C0 8B 88 88 3F
3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 FB CF 7A 07 EB 33 C0
05 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 40 5B 44 00 80 BA C3
00 40 9C 44 80 00 00 00 00 40 5F 44 00 00 FE C2
00 00 FF 44 D0 F2 00 00 00 C0 71 44 00 00 7D C3
00 80 98 44 E0 3C 2C 00 00 80 6D 44 00 00 75 C3
00 60 95 44 70 20 93 00 00 00 5C 44 00 00 F0 C2
00 00 FA 44 50 76 CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

I do not yet understand what all of this means, but it's successfully allowed me to extract the .ttf content from the engine-specific .ttf containers. Different file types have different headers, for example:

  • .bik: 16 byte header that seemingly always is 0xE9 0x03 0x00[14].
  • .animation: 16 byte header, of which the last 4 bytes are the length of the file. Rest is unknown so far.
  • .bones: Some common bytes, but no noticable header information.
  • .config: 8 common bytes. Nothing else noticable.
  • .entity: No header, straight up contains content only.
  • .font: No noticable information.
  • .level: Probably is just the file itself, since all of them start with "IM"
  • .material: Same as above, seems to be straight up content.
  • .mouse_cursor: Same as above.
  • .network_config: Same as above.
  • .package: 16 byte header, but probably just content. Bytes 8 to 12 is the number of elements contained.
  • .particles: Same as .material.
  • .physics: Some common bytes between files. No noticable structure though. Likely just content.
  • .shader_library: Straight up content.
  • .shader_library_group: Just content.
  • .shading_environment: Same.
  • .shading_environment_mapping: Same.
  • .state_machine: Same.
  • .strings: No noticable header. Seems to contain a variable length unicode format, likely UTF-16. Might be compressed beyond a certain size.
  • .texture: Has a 192 byte header. It is unclear why the content for this file is in both .stream and .gpu_resources at once. Unlike .font, header size is constant. "Corrupted" DDS files are BC7_UNORM R16G16B16A16_FLOAT textures, something that is hardly ever used and requires a reasonably recent version of the DDS importer - something many tools and engines do not have.
  • .unit: Unclear so far. The engine may actually consider this to be separate files as the offsets in the meta section are relative to the start of the stream/gpu section, not relative to the entire thing.
  • .wwise_bank, .wwise_stream, .wwside_dep: Content only.

The hash list @Unordinal provided was really helpful. I'll now switch to reimplementing the MurmurHash64 that Stingray uses.

  • Like 1
42 minutes ago, Xaymar said:
  • .texture: Has a 192 byte header. It is unclear why the content for this file is in both .stream and .gpu_resources at once. Unlike .font, header size is constant. "Corrupted" DDS files are BC7_UNORM R16G16B16A16_FLOAT textures, something that is hardly ever used and requires a reasonably recent version of the DDS importer - something many tools and engines do not have.

My guess would be the stream is the main texture data, and gpu_resources is mipmaps texture data.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Helldiver said:

My guess would be the stream is the main texture data, and gpu_resources is mipmaps texture data.

I wish, that'd make it much easier. Unfortunately with DDS inspection tools, you'll be able to see that when you remove the 0xC0 long header and only export Meta+Stream, you'll only end up with 2/3rds of the file being used. That shrinks to 1/3rds of the file with you export Meta+Stream+GPU as one section. And neither section appears to repeat the other, which is making figuring out what it actually does rather difficult.

Edit: Comparing with some raw input files that were sent to me, any file containing pure text is "compiled" down to a more optimal distribution format. A lot of data appears to be lost.

Edit 2: Hashes for file types are without the ".", so '.wwise_stream' is hashed as 'wwise_stream'. It's an unseeded murmurhash64a, super easy to implement. Runs in microseconds, so I could theoretically brute force matches for each hash.

Edit 3: Spent an ungodly amount of CPU power on this:

Depth: 1
Depth: 2
  00DE8C9D00247F8FC6 = w7
  000605775C0481181B = w8
  0052014E20A7FDCCEF = xp
  00D596CD750E4E279F = zD
Depth: 3
  003EED05BA83AF5090 = apb
  00AA5965F03029FA18 = bik
  00D526A27DA14F1DC5 = ini
  00FA4A8E091A91201E = ivf
  00A14E8DFA2CD117E2 = lua
  003FCDD69156A46417 = mod
  00712D6E3DD1024C9C = ugg
  00A99510C6E86DD3C2 = upb
  00786F65C00A816B19 = wav
  0076015845A6003765 = xml
Depth: 4
  008FD0D44D20650B68 = data
  0092D3EE038EEB610D = flow
  009EFE0A916AAE7880 = font
  00A62F9297DC969E85 = keys
  00293BB3B1982C6D5A = main
  0048FF313713A997A1 = mesh
  00A27B4D04A9BA6F9E = slug
  0019C792357C99F49B = tome
  00E0A48D0BE9A7453F = unit
Depth: 5
  00AC2B738A374CF583 = actor
  0018DEAD01056B72E9 = bones
  00D7014A50477953E0 = cloth
  002BBCABE5074ADE9E = input
  002A690FD348FE9AC5 = level
  009D0A795BFE818D19 = scene
  0090641B51C98B7AAC = sound
  007B82D55316F98C9B = vista
  00B6B3099F78886FF9 = win32

I could let this run for unreasonable amounts of time (time spent is O(depth^depth^validchars)), but it's pretty much confirmed that the hash function i made is identical.

Edited by Xaymar
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Xaymar said:

I wish, that'd make it much easier. Unfortunately with DDS inspection tools, you'll be able to see that when you remove the 0xC0 long header and only export Meta+Stream, you'll only end up with 2/3rds of the file being used. That shrinks to 1/3rds of the file with you export Meta+Stream+GPU as one section. And neither section appears to repeat the other, which is making figuring out what it actually does rather difficult.

Edit: Comparing with some raw input files that were sent to me, any file containing pure text is "compiled" down to a more optimal distribution format. A lot of data appears to be lost.

Edit 2: Hashes for file types are without the ".", so '.wwise_stream' is hashed as 'wwise_stream'. It's an unseeded murmurhash64a, super easy to implement. Runs in microseconds, so I could theoretically brute force matches for each hash.

Edit 3: Spent an ungodly amount of CPU power on this:

Depth: 1
Depth: 2
  00DE8C9D00247F8FC6 = w7
  000605775C0481181B = w8
  0052014E20A7FDCCEF = xp
  00D596CD750E4E279F = zD
Depth: 3
  003EED05BA83AF5090 = apb
  00AA5965F03029FA18 = bik
  00D526A27DA14F1DC5 = ini
  00FA4A8E091A91201E = ivf
  00A14E8DFA2CD117E2 = lua
  003FCDD69156A46417 = mod
  00712D6E3DD1024C9C = ugg
  00A99510C6E86DD3C2 = upb
  00786F65C00A816B19 = wav
  0076015845A6003765 = xml
Depth: 4
  008FD0D44D20650B68 = data
  0092D3EE038EEB610D = flow
  009EFE0A916AAE7880 = font
  00A62F9297DC969E85 = keys
  00293BB3B1982C6D5A = main
  0048FF313713A997A1 = mesh
  00A27B4D04A9BA6F9E = slug
  0019C792357C99F49B = tome
  00E0A48D0BE9A7453F = unit
Depth: 5
  00AC2B738A374CF583 = actor
  0018DEAD01056B72E9 = bones
  00D7014A50477953E0 = cloth
  002BBCABE5074ADE9E = input
  002A690FD348FE9AC5 = level
  009D0A795BFE818D19 = scene
  0090641B51C98B7AAC = sound
  007B82D55316F98C9B = vista
  00B6B3099F78886FF9 = win32

I could let this run for unreasonable amounts of time (time spent is O(depth^depth^validchars)), but it's pretty much confirmed that the hash function i made is identical.

I am sorry to be a bother, but how would I use the hashes, or is it something that would only be used in the extractor


Sorry, just found out that I can’t utilize this and would really only be useful for making the extractor

Edited by orion42m
Posted (edited)


Out of 1.7 GiB of strings detected, only ~100 KiB ended up being Stingray related, and only some actually match. But this means that we will be able to restore the file structure once I get around to implementing that part.


48 minutes ago, orion42m said:

I am sorry to be a bother, but how would I use the hashes, or is it something that would only be used in the extractor


Sorry, just found out that I can’t utilize this and would really only be useful for making the extractor

Yes, the hashes themselves are not exactly useful without a tool to convert them back into data, which can be done by modifying the QuickBMS script if you feel like it. Though at this point, it might be much easier to just wait until Hellextractor does it for you 🙂

Edited by Xaymar
  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Xaymar said:

In the menu bar you can select Templates -> Run Template, then select the matching .bt file for the file you want to inspect.

Thanks, with this I was able to discover more about the files themselves, and got my exporter to export everything.

Those are LoDs. It's unclear if/how we can tell which is a LoD for what so far.

I've modified Hellextractor quite a bit, and it now dumps all the files from the /data directory directly, instead of needing to go through QuickBMS. No more random 8 bytes at the start of random files, which was super annoying to deal with. It exported the entire content of the game, 17.0 GiB, in just under 50 seconds - much faster than QuickBMS had any chance to be.

Right now it just dumps the contents of meta, stream and gpu in a sequence, so more handling is necessary to work fully. But with this I've been able to somewhat piece together that each of the file types has some sort of special header at the start, which seems to tell us something about the file itself. For example, this is what i figured out about the TrueType Font content header:

// Always the same as the files own name hash.
uint64_t my_own_name_hash; 
// If no alternative font file:
// 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F
// If alternative font file:
// 87 88 08 C0 8B 88 88 3F
uint32_t __unk; 
uint32_t __unk;
uint32_t __unk;
uint32_t __unk;
uint64_t different_font_name_hash;

do {
  uint32_t count;
  uint32_t type;
  ##type## entries[count];
} while (count != 0)

// Shortest header found, file is basically empty.
C6 3C 13 E2 58 3D 1B 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00

// The average header.
C0 E7 1D 12 3C 53 27 53 87 88 08 C0 8B 88 88 3F
3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC E8 77 49 D4 BD 15 22
01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 40 5B 44 00 80 BA C3
00 40 9C 44 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

// The longest header encountered so far.
DD 17 83 34 E5 2C 8E 81 87 88 08 C0 8B 88 88 3F
3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 FB CF 7A 07 EB 33 C0
05 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 40 5B 44 00 80 BA C3
00 40 9C 44 80 00 00 00 00 40 5F 44 00 00 FE C2
00 00 FF 44 D0 F2 00 00 00 C0 71 44 00 00 7D C3
00 80 98 44 E0 3C 2C 00 00 80 6D 44 00 00 75 C3
00 60 95 44 70 20 93 00 00 00 5C 44 00 00 F0 C2
00 00 FA 44 50 76 CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

I do not yet understand what all of this means, but it's successfully allowed me to extract the .ttf content from the engine-specific .ttf containers. Different file types have different headers, for example:

  • .bik: 16 byte header that seemingly always is 0xE9 0x03 0x00[14].
  • .animation: 16 byte header, of which the last 4 bytes are the length of the file. Rest is unknown so far.
  • .bones: Some common bytes, but no noticable header information.
  • .config: 8 common bytes. Nothing else noticable.
  • .entity: No header, straight up contains content only.
  • .font: No noticable information.
  • .level: Probably is just the file itself, since all of them start with "IM"
  • .material: Same as above, seems to be straight up content.
  • .mouse_cursor: Same as above.
  • .network_config: Same as above.
  • .package: 16 byte header, but probably just content. Bytes 8 to 12 is the number of elements contained.
  • .particles: Same as .material.
  • .physics: Some common bytes between files. No noticable structure though. Likely just content.
  • .shader_library: Straight up content.
  • .shader_library_group: Just content.
  • .shading_environment: Same.
  • .shading_environment_mapping: Same.
  • .state_machine: Same.
  • .strings: No noticable header. Seems to contain a variable length unicode format, likely UTF-16. Might be compressed beyond a certain size.
  • .texture: Has a 192 byte header. It is unclear why the content for this file is in both .stream and .gpu_resources at once. Unlike .font, header size is constant. "Corrupted" DDS files are BC7_UNORM R16G16B16A16_FLOAT textures, something that is hardly ever used and requires a reasonably recent version of the DDS importer - something many tools and engines do not have.
  • .unit: Unclear so far. The engine may actually consider this to be separate files as the offsets in the meta section are relative to the start of the stream/gpu section, not relative to the entire thing.
  • .wwise_bank, .wwise_stream, .wwside_dep: Content only.

The hash list @Unordinal provided was really helpful. I'll now switch to reimplementing the MurmurHash64 that Stingray uses.

Glad it helped! I have a VT2 repo, done in C# - code's a bit of a mess and the differences between the two games might mean most of it is useless for Helldivers but I'll leave it here just in case it's of some use: https://github.com/Unordinal/VT2Lib/

I used it to extract some models with rigs from VT2, but VT2 doesn't have the `.gpu_resources` files and the format's probably diverged quite a bit, since `.unit` files held the meshes/scene data/bones/etc for that game.

2 hours ago, Xaymar said:


Out of 1.7 GiB of strings detected, only ~100 KiB ended up being Stingray related, and only some actually match. But this means that we will be able to restore the file structure once I get around to implementing that part.


Yes, the hashes themselves are not exactly useful without a tool to convert them back into data, which can be done by modifying the QuickBMS script if you feel like it. Though at this point, it might be much easier to just wait until Hellextractor does it for you 🙂

Thank you, That is probably the case, however I still will try to take the effort and time to absorb what information I can so I might be able to be helpful in future endeavors. 

Posted (edited)

Great news, everyone! Hellextractor is now at a reasonably advanced point, and can be used for more what it's originally intended for. Lots of thanks to everyone here, as well as the contributors on other platforms. Does not yet handle file conversion, but with the new modular code, more functionality is not far away anymore.

Usage: hellextractor <mode> ...
It'll print the help if you provide an invalid mode, or provide -h as the first argument to a mode


  • Generate hashes for arbitrary text using the "hash" mode.
  • Extract files from container files using the "extract" mode.
    • Filter input files using the new "-i" option.
    • Filter ouput files using the new "-f" option.
    • Provide a Type Hash Translation file using the new "-t" option.
    • Provide a Name Hash Translation file using the new "-n" option.
    • Provide a generic String Hash Translation file using the new "-s" option.
    • Make the whole thing only print text, and not do anything with the "-d" option. (Dry run!)
  • Hash Translation files now allow converting hashes back into normal text, sample files are provided here.

Also thanks to ThePotato97 on Github for automating the build process. If you want a more up to date version, log in on github, click the actions tab, and find the most recent build, and click the asset to download.

Download: on Github



Edited by Xaymar
Downloads moved to Github so I don't have to edit this so often. No account needed anymore!
  • Thanks 2
47 minutes ago, Xaymar said:

Great news, everyone! Hellextractor is now at a reasonably advanced point, and can be used for more what it's originally intended for. Lots of thanks to everyone here, as well as the contributors on other platforms. Does not yet handle file conversion, but with the new modular code, more functionality is not far away anymore.

Usage: hellextractor <mode> ...
It'll print the help if you provide an invalid mode, or provide -h as the first argument to a mode


  • Generate hashes for arbitrary text using the "hash" mode.
  • Extract files from container files using the "extract" mode.
    • Filter input files using the new "-i" option.
    • Filter ouput files using the new "-f" option.
    • Provide a Type Hash Translation file using the new "-t" option.
    • Provide a Name Hash Translation file using the new "-n" option.
    • Provide a generic String Hash Translation file using the new "-s" option.
    • Make the whole thing only print text, and not do anything with the "-d" option. (Dry run!)
  • Hash Translation files now allow converting hashes back into normal text, sample files are provided here.

Also thanks to ThePotato97 on Github for automating the build process. If you want a more up to date version, log in on github, click the actions tab, and find the most recent build, and click the asset to download.


  •  Extract all files and use translation files to convert back to normal names:
Hellextractor.exe extract -o output -t types.txt -n files.txt -s strings.txt "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Helldivers 2\data"

hellextractor.zip 84.75 kB · 2 downloads

Do remember that the dds images can be array images, if your converting those to png, you will need to convert the other array images into pngs after splitting them apart from the original dds file.

1 hour ago, Xaymar said:

Great news, everyone! Hellextractor is now at a reasonably advanced point, and can be used for more what it's originally intended for.

I grabbed your tool you attached to your latest post, placed the most recent files/strings/types.txts from your github next to it and used the command

Hellextractor.exe extract -o output -t types.txt -n files.txt -s strings.txt "[path_to_data_folder]"

to extract and rename the tracks. 51600 got exported (17GB), but none of those files got renamed. In addition, the files don't look proper - their headers don't appear at the start. Here is a screenshot of two files:hellextractor.jpg.b3ea9a2bbec3e8ee3d837dcb3646081c.jpg

Does anybody have the same problem?

  • Engineers

Because we don't have all filenames yet. There is only like 1500K restored filenames. Also tool dumps files with additional data included in main file.

8 hours ago, Xaymar said:

I wish, that'd make it much easier. Unfortunately with DDS inspection tools, you'll be able to see that when you remove the 0xC0 long header and only export Meta+Stream, you'll only end up with 2/3rds of the file being used. That shrinks to 1/3rds of the file with you export Meta+Stream+GPU as one section. And neither section appears to repeat the other, which is making figuring out what it actually does rather difficult.

Edit: Comparing with some raw input files that were sent to me, any file containing pure text is "compiled" down to a more optimal distribution format. A lot of data appears to be lost.

Edit 2: Hashes for file types are without the ".", so '.wwise_stream' is hashed as 'wwise_stream'. It's an unseeded murmurhash64a, super easy to implement. Runs in microseconds, so I could theoretically brute force matches for each hash.

Edit 3: Spent an ungodly amount of CPU power on this:

Depth: 1
Depth: 2
  00DE8C9D00247F8FC6 = w7
  000605775C0481181B = w8
  0052014E20A7FDCCEF = xp
  00D596CD750E4E279F = zD
Depth: 3
  003EED05BA83AF5090 = apb
  00AA5965F03029FA18 = bik
  00D526A27DA14F1DC5 = ini
  00FA4A8E091A91201E = ivf
  00A14E8DFA2CD117E2 = lua
  003FCDD69156A46417 = mod
  00712D6E3DD1024C9C = ugg
  00A99510C6E86DD3C2 = upb
  00786F65C00A816B19 = wav
  0076015845A6003765 = xml
Depth: 4
  008FD0D44D20650B68 = data
  0092D3EE038EEB610D = flow
  009EFE0A916AAE7880 = font
  00A62F9297DC969E85 = keys
  00293BB3B1982C6D5A = main
  0048FF313713A997A1 = mesh
  00A27B4D04A9BA6F9E = slug
  0019C792357C99F49B = tome
  00E0A48D0BE9A7453F = unit
Depth: 5
  00AC2B738A374CF583 = actor
  0018DEAD01056B72E9 = bones
  00D7014A50477953E0 = cloth
  002BBCABE5074ADE9E = input
  002A690FD348FE9AC5 = level
  009D0A795BFE818D19 = scene
  0090641B51C98B7AAC = sound
  007B82D55316F98C9B = vista
  00B6B3099F78886FF9 = win32

I could let this run for unreasonable amounts of time (time spent is O(depth^depth^validchars)), but it's pretty much confirmed that the hash function i made is identical.

Some of these I have not seen in the game files, such as 00DE8C9D00247F8FC6. What file do you see it in?

1 hour ago, Xaymar said:

Great news, everyone! Hellextractor is now at a reasonably advanced point, and can be used for more what it's originally intended for. Lots of thanks to everyone here, as well as the contributors on other platforms. Does not yet handle file conversion, but with the new modular code, more functionality is not far away anymore.

Usage: hellextractor <mode> ...
It'll print the help if you provide an invalid mode, or provide -h as the first argument to a mode


  • Generate hashes for arbitrary text using the "hash" mode.
  • Extract files from container files using the "extract" mode.
    • Filter input files using the new "-i" option.
    • Filter ouput files using the new "-f" option.
    • Provide a Type Hash Translation file using the new "-t" option.
    • Provide a Name Hash Translation file using the new "-n" option.
    • Provide a generic String Hash Translation file using the new "-s" option.
    • Make the whole thing only print text, and not do anything with the "-d" option. (Dry run!)
  • Hash Translation files now allow converting hashes back into normal text, sample files are provided here.

Also thanks to ThePotato97 on Github for automating the build process. If you want a more up to date version, log in on github, click the actions tab, and find the most recent build, and click the asset to download.


  •  Extract all files and use translation files to convert back to normal names:
Hellextractor.exe extract -o output -t types.txt -n files.txt -s strings.txt "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Helldivers 2\data"

hellextractor.zip 84.75 kB · 16 downloads

Why are texture files labeled as .texture and not .dds, as they are all dds textures, nothing more.

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, FunnyML said:

Does anybody have the same problem?

We have a miniscule fraction of the file names, but we have most of the type names, so this is normal. The game does not use file names at all, it only uses hashes - so we have to reverse the hashes back into names.

12 minutes ago, Helldiver said:

Some of these I have not seen in the game files, such as 00DE8C9D00247F8FC6. What file do you see it in?

The 00 is an error at the start, I typod a 16 into 18. These are also just the types mentioned all over the thread.

6 minutes ago, GameBreaker said:

Why are texture files labeled as .texture and not .dds, as they are all dds textures, nothing more.

Metadata. There's more to them, that's why. It extracts data as-is, without conversion for now. Edit: Also because the actual file type is ".texture", the hash is a 100% match. It's not just a .dds file, which has a completely different hash

Edited by Xaymar
Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Xaymar said:

The 00 is an error at the start, I typod a 16 into 18. These are also just the types mentioned all over the thread.

What I meant was, I scan all package file for all file hash and type hashes. I only see 45 type hashes:

0d972bab10b40fd3 strings
18dead01056b72e9 bones
250e0a11ac8e26f8 shading_environment_mapping
27862fe24795319c render_config
2a690fd348fe9ac5 level
3b1fa9e8f6bac374 network_config
504b55235d21440e wwise_stream
535a7bd3e650d799 wwise_bank
5f7203c8f280dab8 physics
82645835e6b73232 config
92d3ee038eeb610d flow
9831ca893b0d087d entity
9e5c3cc74575aeb5 shader_library_group
9efe0a916aae7880 font
a14e8dfa2cd117e2 lua
a486d4045106165c state_machine
a8193123526fad64 particles
aa5965f03029fa18 bik
ab2f78e885f513c6 prefab
ad9c6d9ed1e5e77a package
af32095c82f2b070 wwise_dep
b277b11fe4a61d37 mouse_cursor
cd4238c6a0c69e32 texture
d50a8b7e1c82b110 wwise_metadata
d7014a50477953e0 cloth
e0a48d0be9a7453f unit
e985c5f61c169997 speedtree
eac0b497876adedf material
f7505933166d6755 vector_field
fe73c7dcff8a7ca5 shading_environment

Edit: I see my mistake now. I see https://github.com/Xaymar/Hellextractor/blob/ac0076676060df95a855696ea6e558ceb4ff4bb9/source/hd2_data.hpp#L51 shows you kept VT2 types that do not exist in Helldivers 2.

Edited by Helldiver
Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Helldiver said:

What I meant was, I scan all package file for all file hash and type hashes. I only see 45 type hashes:

25 minutes ago, Helldiver said:

Edit: I see my mistake now. I see https://github.com/Xaymar/Hellextractor/blob/ac0076676060df95a855696ea6e558ceb4ff4bb9/source/hd2_data.hpp#L51 shows you kept VT2 types that do not exist in Helldivers 2.

The enumeration there isn't used in actual decisions anymore, only translation tables are used. You're free to pick whichever types.txt you want. I don't really see a reason to restrict the types.txt to only things actually found in Helldivers 2.

Edit: Additionally I already mentioned that in my first reply.

Edited by Xaymar
Just now, Xaymar said:

The enumeration there isn't used in actual decisions anymore, only translation tables are used. You're free to pick whichever types.txt you want. I don't really see a reason to restrict the types.txt to only things actually found in Helldivers 2.

Just confusion on my part, I thought since you kept them that they were in Helldivers 2 somewhere and that my code was not working properly.

Posted (edited)

For those that love re-exporting content, the tool now supports renaming files!

    Exported: 0
    Renamed:  9
    Deleted:  0
    Skipped:  715
    Filtered: 50885

Whenever it detects that a newer name is available for a file, and the existing file matches the expected size, it'll rename instead. If the target file already exists, it'll delete the old file too, so no duplicate files in your export. It also now fixes my Big Endian / Little Endian mixup

Edit: For what it's worth, the current files.txt could be used to mount a massive dictionary attack on the hashes. It'll cut down on time required significantly, but not really by much. Just split all the strings by / and _, then merge arbitrarily until you find a match. For numbers, increment up to a reasonable amount (single digit is likely to end at 9, double at probably 99). If you know the type of the name hash, you can also do more specific trickery, like using keywords related to that type (_albedo _normal _nms _displacement)

Edited by Xaymar
  • Engineers

Possible suffixes for textures.




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