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Screamer 4x4

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Screamer 4x4 (Pathfinder)

*.cod -data container 

Mesh data (cars, drivers, prizes)
*.dat -mesh format (verticles.dat, faces.dat, norms.dat, fnorms.dat, mapcoord.dat, textures.dat)

Maps data 
*.tre -terrain objects ???
*.height -max terrain height data ???
*.min -min terrain height data ???
*.rgb -terrain color data ???
*.spl -???
*.dat -???

*.tga -standart TGA images format 
*.tex -texture format with Mip Maps data 
*.32  -UI textures format
*.32a -UI textures format with alpha

*.snd -sound 

*.cfg -standart ASCII format 

Hey guys, there's this great game called Screamer 4x4, and I'm looking for a way to read models from it. Here's an example of a car model; strangely, the vertices, normals, and other data are separated into different files: Screamer4x4car.zip 


How is it possible to read this model formats?



QuickBMS *.cod Unpack Script:  Screamer4x4.zip by h3x3r

plugin for Noesis *.cod  Unpack: fmt_cod.py by Durik256

plugin for Noesis *.dat  Mesh: fmt_4x4.py  by Durik256

plugin for Noesis *.height  Map Data: mt_height.py by Durik256

plugin for Noesis *.tex; *.32; *.32a; *.map  Texture Data: tex_tex_32a.py by Durik256

Edited by black_racer
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Hey, I have no idea what these repetitive blocks should mean.

It's 5 and 6 vertices more or less in line, then the next 11 ones:

# 0x2: verts= 1858
v 50.175781 -62.371094 -120.257813
v -12.082031 -62.500000 -120.257813
v 107.316406 -62.746094 -120.257813
v -17.449219 -63.000000 -120.257813
v -28.015625 -63.500000 -120.257813
v -12.988281 59.160156 -120.257813
v 14.417969 64.503906 -120.257813
v 3.808594 65.003906 -120.257813
v -127.796875 65.253906 -120.257813
v -1.433594 65.500000 -120.257813
v 60.824219 65.628906 -120.257813

edit: seems I had the wrong format (shorts instead of floats). Above vertices are simply WRONG.

In fact they are like so:

# 0x2: verts= 1858
v -20.149500 -4.579070 -16.799000
v -16.119101 -4.579070 -16.799000
v -12.088700 -4.579070 -16.799000
v -8.058240 -4.579070 -16.799000
v -4.027830 -4.579070 -16.799000
v 0.002593 -4.579070 -16.799000
v 4.033010 -4.579070 -16.799000
v 8.063430 -4.579070 -16.799000
v 12.093800 -4.579070 -16.799000
v 16.124300 -4.579070 -16.799000
v 20.154699 -4.579070 -16.799000


Edited by shak-otay
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5 hours ago, black_racer said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Hey guys, there's this great game called Screamer 4x4, and I'm looking for a way to read models from it. Here's an example of a car model; strangely, the vertices, normals, and other data are separated into different files: Screamer4x4car.zip 


How is it possible to read this model formats?

Can you tell me how did you extract the files from the Game.cod file?

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10 hours ago, black_racer said:

How is it possible to read this model formats?

it's simple. first UShort as num. and then the data

i made plugin for Noesis fmt_4x4.py (only face and vert)

*(the names should be verticle.dat and faces.dat, just click on any *.dat in the folder)

**(normals and uvs for each triangle. but according to the checker it does not look correct. no time for this))



Edited by Durik256
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14 hours ago, Karpati said:

Can you tell me how did you extract the files from the Game.cod file?

Hello, I used this tool: http://www.watto.org/game_extractor.html

 I think it makes sense now to write a script for QuickBMS. 

Screamer 4x4 *.cod

21 - Header (->Unique Pc HUNGARY<-)
3 - null
4 - Directory Length

// for each file
  128 - Filename (null terminated, then filled with "." for the remaining bytes)
  4 - Offset
  4 - Length


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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Durik256 said:

it's simple. first UShort as num. and then the data

i made plugin for Noesis fmt_4x4.py (only face and vert)

*(the names should be verticle.dat and faces.dat, just click on any *.dat in the folder)

**(normals and uvs for each triangle. but according to the checker it does not look correct. no time for this))



This is amazing! Thank you very much for your help.


I still need to figure out the tracks data. I think they use heightmaps there.


Textures Data: 

*.tex  - with Mip Map data






Edited by black_racer
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#	Scramer 4x4 - *.cod unpacker	#
get BaseFileName basename

getdstring Sign 0x18
get TableSize uint32
xmath Files "TableSize/136"

for i = 0 < Files
	savepos StrBaseOffset
	get FileName string
	goto StrBaseOffset
	getdstring Dummy 0x80
	get Offset uint32
	get Size uint32
	string Name p= "%s/%s" BaseFileName FileName
	log Name Offset Size
next i

Also it seems like game runs unpacked. No need to repack *.cod.

Edited by h3x3r
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2 hours ago, h3x3r said:
#	Scramer 4x4 - *.cod unpacker	#
get BaseFileName basename

getdstring Sign 0x18
get TableSize uint32
xmath Files "TableSize/136"

for i = 0 < Files
	savepos StrBaseOffset
	get FileName string
	goto StrBaseOffset
	getdstring Dummy 0x80
	get Offset uint32
	get Size uint32
	string Name p= "%s/%s" BaseFileName FileName
	log Name Offset Size
next i

Also it seems like game runs unpacked. No need to repack *.cod.

Thanks, yes game running with unpacked data

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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Durik256 said:

plugin for Noesis, for unpack *.cod fmt_cod.py

Thank you very much. Could you please tell me if it's possible to make Noesis read a heightmap and apply a texture to it? The location format looks like this, it contains a heightmap, collision data, and mesh objects in a different format than the previously researched .dat format. 


*.height - height map data 


*.min - ???


*.rgb - texture map data?


*.tre - Map mesh Format ? 

*.spl - ??? 

*.dat - Map object positions? ?



Edited by black_racer
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2 hours ago, black_racer said:

Thank you very much. ...*.height - height map data 

I didn't look at the other files. but from *.height (height map) you can make a plane by taking (width, length and height). fmt_height.py


You can also find out a little about what these files are by looking at the .cfg, for example CatasTrophy.cfg:

Dirname        = Single/Cuesta_Juno                ;Directory of the terrain

DrawTree       = draw.tre                   ;Terrain objects draw data
PhyTree        = phycoll.tre                ;Terrain objects phy. data

DrawTrophy     = catastrophyD.tre                   ;Terrain Trophy objects draw data
PhyTrophy      = catastrophyP.tre                ;Terrain Trophy objects phy. data

spline = catastrophy.spl


Xsize          = 256                        ;X meret (egysegben)
Ysize          = 256                        ;Z meret (egysegben)
Multiply1      = 72.0                       ;Szorzo (x & z)
Multiply2      = 5.25                       ;Szorzo2 (y)


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1 hour ago, Durik256 said:

I didn't look at the other files. but from *.height (height map) you can make a plane by taking (width, length and height). fmt_height.py


You can also find out a little about what these files are by looking at the .cfg, for example CatasTrophy.cfg:

Dirname        = Single/Cuesta_Juno                ;Directory of the terrain

DrawTree       = draw.tre                   ;Terrain objects draw data
PhyTree        = phycoll.tre                ;Terrain objects phy. data

DrawTrophy     = catastrophyD.tre                   ;Terrain Trophy objects draw data
PhyTrophy      = catastrophyP.tre                ;Terrain Trophy objects phy. data

spline = catastrophy.spl


Xsize          = 256                        ;X meret (egysegben)
Ysize          = 256                        ;Z meret (egysegben)
Multiply1      = 72.0                       ;Szorzo (x & z)
Multiply2      = 5.25                       ;Szorzo2 (y)


Wow, this looks amazing! Did you just apply the texture *.rgb? I'm not quite sure how texture maps are applied to surfaces, but there are four textures for each map (txt/1.tex, 2.tex, 3.tex, 4.tex). Do you think there was support for UV0 / UV1 / UV2 / UV3 back then? 

.tre seems to differ from the cars format?


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On 4/5/2024 at 6:32 PM, black_racer said:

Wow, this looks amazing! Did you just apply the texture *.rgb? I'm not quite sure how texture maps are applied to surfaces, but there are four textures for each map (txt/1.tex, 2.tex, 3.tex, 4.tex). Do you think there was support for UV0 / UV1 / UV2 / UV3 back then?


I think the textures are indicated (for each section) in the file "demo1.txt"

#by Durik256
from inc_noesis import *

def registerNoesisTypes():
    handle = noesis.register("Screamer 4x4", ".height")
    noesis.setHandlerTypeCheck(handle, CheckType)
    noesis.setHandlerLoadModel(handle, LoadModel)
    return 1

def CheckType(data):
    return 1

def LoadModel(data, mdlList):
    ctx = rapi.rpgCreateContext()
    bs = NoeBitStream(data)
    w,h = 256, 256
    txt_path = rapi.getInputName().replace('.height', '.txt')
    data = rapi.loadIntoByteArray(txt_path)
    bs0 = NoeBitStream(data)
    tx = []
    for y in range(h):

    vbuf, uvbuf = b'', b''
    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            vbuf += NoeVec3([x,bs.readUByte()/16,y]).toBytes()
            uvbuf += NoeVec3([x,y,0]).toBytes()
    rapi.rpgBindPositionBuffer(vbuf, noesis.RPGEODATA_FLOAT, 12)
    rapi.rpgBindUV1Buffer(uvbuf, noesis.RPGEODATA_FLOAT, 12)
    ibuf = b''
    for y in range(h-1):
        for x in range(w-1):
            ibuf = noePack('4I', x+(y*w), (x+1)+(y*w), x+((y+1)*w), (x+1)+((y+1)*w))
            rapi.rpgCommitTriangles(ibuf, noesis.RPGEODATA_UINT, len(ibuf)//4, noesis.RPGEO_QUAD)

    rapi.rpgSetOption(noesis.RPGOPT_TRIWINDBACKWARD, 1)
        mdl = rapi.rpgConstructModel()
        mdl = NoeModel()
    mdl.setModelMaterials(NoeModelMaterials([], [NoeMaterial('default','')]))
    return 1



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I released the 3D Object Converter v10.603 (Windows) that supports the following file formats:

  - Screamer 4x4 (verticle.dat, mapcoord.dat, faces.dat, textures.dat) *.dat format for load,

  - Screamer 4x4 *.height/txt format for load,


  - Screamer 4x4  *.32a texture format for load,

  - Screamer 4x4  *.map texture format for load,

  - Screamer 4x4  *.rgb texture format for load.


How to get the 3D Object Converter v10.603:

- Download the 3D Object Converter from http://3doc.i3dconverter.com and install it or download and use the portable version (if you don’t have it yet).

- Just use the Help/Check for updates... function to get the v10.603.)







Edited by Karpati
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Guys, thank you so much for this tremendous help. Could you please advise if you've noticed during the analysis where the information about the wheel bones is stored? In the game, a physical component is attached to them, animating the vehicle suspension.

And the second question concerns reading objects on the map in a format *.tre they seem structurally similar or differ from vehicle *.dat format?

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1 hour ago, Durik256 said:

?? all work

for preview .spl fmt_spl.py

*(*.tre they seem structurally similar or differ from vehicle *.dat format?) no, they differ

I apologize, it seems there was a conflict with Python scripts in Noesis. I updated it, and now everything works fine. Thanks

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On 4/10/2024 at 8:04 PM, Durik256 said:


对于预览 .spl fmt_spl.py

*(*.tre 它们在结构上似乎与车辆相似或不同 *.dat格式?不,它们不同

hey guy,sorry that bothering u.I've recently been unpacking a game called nishuihan, its models are very beautiful, I've tried to convert its .wad file to a .dat file, but I really don't know how to extract the models and skeletons from the .dat file, by looking at it with 010 editor I think that there are 3dmax models and skeleton files in it, can you please help me to look at it, thank you very much!



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On 4/18/2024 at 9:25 AM, alin00 said:

hey guy,sorry that bothering u.I've recently been unpacking a game called nishuihan, its models are very beautiful, I've tried to convert its .wad file to a .dat file, but I really don't know how to extract the models and skeletons from the .dat file, by looking at it with 010 editor I think that there are 3dmax models and skeleton files in it, can you please help me to look at it, thank you very much!


6.zip 24.38 MB · 5 downloads

Hi, you need to create a new topic for your mesh format, that's the only way you can get help. This thread research only Screamer 4x4 game formats

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On 4/19/2024 at 6:34 PM, black_racer said:

Hi, you need to create a new topic for your mesh format, that's the only way you can get help. This thread research only Screamer 4x4 game formats

okay thanks

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