Any complete tools can go here
63 files
By Thief1987
Tool to unpack/repack braid.dat archive of the Braid Anniversary Edition.
Usage :
unpack: -u archive_name
repack: -r archive name compression_level
When repacking, optionally you can specify compression level, legit values are from -4(fastest) to 9(slowest). Default value is 6(devs used it), but it's pretty slow, very slow I would say, so I decided to add this option at least for the testing purposes.
Ravenswatch Text Tool
By Sadamekaze
Can be used via GUI or CLI.
If your antivirus detects exe/zip files as viruses, it's just a false positive. I don't know why every time I compile a .py to .exe using Nuitka, it always gets detected as a virus.
the order 1886 map tool id20441_1886_maps.rar
The Order 1886
Post by daemon1 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:59 am
Map tool.
I had no time to make a universal tool for both skeletal and static meshes, so i made a separate map tool.
I had to switch off physics for map tool, so skeletal meshes exported may be incomplete or broken. Use old skeletal tool in this case.
Model assets are in 3861c21fc34b7612 folder, raw data files for them are in GPU folder.
For maps, you will also need external texture streams, which is 4c7002f42ce0da08 folder.
1. rename folder with external texture streams to just "streams" and place it next to the tool.
2. rename files from GPU folder to *.RAW
3. place corresponding asset and .RAW files in the same folder
4. drag any of them (asset or .RAW) onto the tool (or use batch/command files)
About 220 of all asset packages contain maps. For them, tool will export these files:
- ascii file with base meshes (including skeletal parts)
- smd file with base meshes (including skeletal parts)
- ascii file with instanced meshes, if present (level props and other repeating things)
- layout files with a list of all shaders (debug output, you dont need it)
- material files with a list of all textures used in each mesh and their types
- all textures used in a map will be exported to "textures" subfolder, so it will hold all textures for all maps in one place
ASCII files will have 2 main texture types auto-assigned (main diffuse & main normal)
After that you can use included blender plugin made by SecaProject to load the map.
the order 1886 map tool id20530_1886_maps.rar
The Order 1886
Post by daemon1 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:06 am
New version for maps tool:
- fixed a few very rare meshes with 65k+ vertices
- added support for texture type 12
- smd export removed
- blender script small fixes
the order 1886 1886.rar
The Order 1886
Post by daemon1 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:24 am
The Order 1886 tool
This tool works for skinned meshes: characters, weapons etc. For map tool - look below.
Game files have no proper names. Model assets are in 3861c21fc34b7612 folder, raw data files for them (for those which have it, including models) are in GPU folder. Since asset & raw file is called the same, you have to do the following:
1. rename files from GPU folder to *.RAW
2. place corresponding files (or all files) in the same folder
3. drag any of them onto the tool (or use batch/command files)
- oodle dll will be needed for the tool to work (usually called oo2core_5_win64.dll or so)
- some rare bones may have scales, and may not work properly
- physics engine is complex, so some cloth parts may not work properly
Spider-man 2 [PS5]
By id-daemon
Spiderman 2 (PS5) tool. Models & textures (most of them) supported now
Correct INI file for the folder where you have game data files. Be sure that folder name has 'PS5' in its name.
Then run some of these commands:
1. spiderman2 99807473A3981A8D - will extract that asset
2. spiderman2 99807473A3981A8D c:\spider\iw - will extract asset into folder with name you specified
3. spiderman2 list.txt - will extract ALL assets in list
asset lists you can find in discord
you can also edit "list.txt" to give assets any names/folders/drives you want
tool will work based on HASHES (not names), names are given for reference
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Steam QuickBMS scripts and decrypt tool
For unpacking the pack[0-9].pac by using the suzaku file index.
Start with using on the WIN\JP\suzaku.fnd file.
Export to a directory NOT within the WIN\JP folder.
This will unpack and unzip everything including the English language audio and texture files (previously unfound).
Texture .dds files can be opened with Noesis. Chr model bin files can be opened in the UniViewer_U2 or FFT0Anim_U1.
Audio .scd files can be played in FooBar2000 with the vgmstream plugin (not included).
The file packing system is a little messy so multiples of the same files can sometimes be found.
Because of this, allow QuickBMS to rename files when unpacking and not overwrite them.
Also inculded are 5 other scripts for unpacking other types of files.
For JP\system\sugimoto\ textures.bin / weathertex.bin files.
For JP\sound\sepack files.
For files with the hfm\x00 magics. Can sometimes leave data behind but should get most of the files packed.
For JP\movie\subtitle files.
For JP\menu\main\dat files, JP\__\savedata\for_show\GAMEDATA00\ TYPE0DAT.BIN / TYPE0SYS.BIN files. Might be useful on others but didn't check everything.
Also included is a 010 template of the game models by Echelo. And a decryptor by AyuanX for some files.
Marvel's Avengers (2020) Asset Ripping Tools
By Bleh
These are the tools used to extract models and other assets from the Marvel's Avengers video game that released back in 2020.
TigerDecrypt_v2_8_2_0 (Caution: Trojan software)
To clarify, the TigerDecrypt uses Trojen tools to break encryptions which allows you to pull the assets from those Tiger files. Your anti-malware software will notify you to delete the file from your computer to avoid possible corruption to your computer. Use these tools at your own risk and understand the dangers to possibly exposing yourself to hackers. If you're understanding network security, you have anti-virus software enabled, and you know how to dig into your computer with registry or CMD, then you'll be safer to handle these situations since you're well educated on the risks and what to look out for.
HUGE thanks to the community of beautiful people who made these tools and gave guidance to extracting from this game. The main objective is to acquire all the MCU character models.
- crystal dynamics
- foundation
- (and 3 more)
G1N Font Editor
By lehieu68
Koei Tecmo .g1n font format editor. Made by lehieu68.
Github Repository
Horizon Forbidden West
By id-daemon
Usage is the same as PS4/PS5 tool, but you dont need oodle dll anymore.
Change patch in .ini file, then run tool with asset package code. Example:
h2_extr_pc.exe E264271 downloads
Arc Rise Fantasia Model Splitter
By spamzilla
This automates part of the extraction of model files from Arc Rise Fantasia. It is made with Visual C#.
God of War Ragnarok [PS4] model tool
By id-daemon
God of War Ragnarok tool. Allows to export characters with bones/weights.
First, extract WAD file of a character/model you need with Hitmanhimself's tool.
This tool also needs config.ini from hitman's tool to find game files. It must be in the same folder.
Run the tool with 4 parameters:
GOW <proto> <MESH> <MG> <MG_gpu> It means 4 corresponding files for that character or weapon etc.
For example for Kratos these names are:
goProtoheroa00---16058.bin MESH_heroa00_0---14763.bin MG_heroa00_0---14766.bin MG_heroa00_0_gpu---14762.bin
- god of war
- ps4
- (and 1 more)
(Lithtech/Jupiter) REZ extract
By nolith
A tool to extract files and folders from REZ file format.
Phyre engine tools
By id-daemon
Works with many Phyre engine games:
- Godzilla 2014,
- Super Heroine Chronicles
- Onechanbara Z2 Chaos
- Final Fantasy X/X2 HD remaster
- Uta Kumi 575
- Oreimo Happy End
- Trails of Cold Steel/Sen no Kiseki
Gamewave tools
By Halamix2
A collection of tools for formats used in the ZAPiT GameWave game console (all 16 games share the same file formats):
zwf_unpack - can unpack .zwf audio files, and whole directories recursively zbm_unpack - can unpack .zbm image files, and whole directories recursively zbc_unpack - can unpack .zbc bytecode files, and whole directories recursively
Source code is available at
s3p converter
By jomin398
i used this when i converting song files or voices files from sound voltex (sdvx)
which program used `.s3p` as audio file extensions.
Usage Guide.
you need installed python.
ADDED Python to PATH variable.
Python path setting guide.
extract the zip file to .s3p files are located.
> root (.s3p files folder)
>> runMe.bat (For windows user.)
>> example.s3p
Disgaea 6, Monster Menu, & Disgaea 7 archive decompilation, texture, and model extraction toolscripts
By Grounder
Made by Maide and discotrigger from the Requiem Discord server, as well as Dimy from Noclip's server. Included are an archive extraction Python script, a NLTX texture extraction script, and the DLL associated with both. Also included is a script for Noesis to rip models (it also has wildly incomplete animation and texture support).
For the primary texture extraction script, some textures from Disgaea 7 will need to have their 0x17 hex address changed to 02 or 01 beforehand, and the resulting texture will need to have its red and blue channels swapped externally. Extraction from FAD archives is not possible with these tools. Nintendo Switch swizzle is off by default, PS4 & PS5 swizzle is not included.
Future NIS games may end up being compatible if they use the same formats.
AFS Tool
By BigEvil
Tool to explore .AFS files.
Also include
- Audio Converter currently support ADX, WAV
- Video Converter - currently support PS2 : MPG, PSP : AVI
Tested in Games
SmackDown vs RAW 2011 PS2
BIG Evil GMX graphics tool PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3/PC
By BigEvil
Comand line tool to work with PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3/PC graphic files.
Include a various formats between texture e video, include Electronic Arts files like ssh, fsh, psh.
CaptainMorgan Text Tool (PS3)
By michalss
Capitan Morgan Text Tool v.1.0 (2023)
Created @by Michalss (
-u, u = unpack text
-p, p = pack text
-h, h, /? = print help
CapitanMorganTextTool.exe -u [binary_file]
CapitanMorganTextTool.exe -p [text_file]
Gran Turismo Sport / Gran Turismo 7 [PS4] model tools
By id-daemon
GTS_MDL is the tool for models.
Current version extracts static models and textures. Skeletal models also supported, but will be exported static. Car wheels and some other parts will be not in correct positions. This may be corrected with future adding their skeletons and weights. You can convert maps (tracks/courses) with this tool, after you extract the track from PACK file with GTS_Pack tool.
IMPORTANT NOTE. The tool extracts the highest LOD of game data. Many car parts are using tesselation. These meshes are marked with "_T" in their name. Thats why they look like they are low detail. But actually those are highest quality meshes. This tech was also used in GT6.
Usage: drop model file onto the tool.
OBJ & ASCII files will be created. ASCII will have all UV layers.
GTS_PACK is the tool to unpack PACK files, which contain tracks.
It will hopefully unpack ANY pack from GTS, not just tracks.
Thats how it works:
Any pack contains a few sections
usually 2: SYS and VRAM
naturally its data loaded into system and video memory
these sections have names
after unpacking, you will see all of them in subfolder
then you must know that the usual model files are combined data for SYS and VRAM
so to make it work, you have to MERGE 2 parts of the PACK into one
for example
you have world.sys & world.vram
merge them (sys first) and then model tool will convert it
You can merge files via any tool you have for it, or windows command.
For example: copy /b WORLD.SYS + WORLD.VRAM WORLD
- gran turismo
- gt7
- (and 1 more)
The Outforce meshes extractor
Mesh extractor for the game "The Outforce".
It was created for the demo version of the PackedProject.opf file, so this program is needed to be updated, although I'm not good at neither python, nor Blender...
It only works for the .CBaseClass files...
This program was not created by me!
*Special thanks to Szkaradek123 for creating the program.
It would be really nice if someone could update it and / or "convert" the Python code to C# or C/C++.
BHunter - Devtools v1.4
Hello guys again!
Here's my tool for the game: BHunter - a.k.a bounty hunter.
This is an *.bin / *.dat extractor GUI program with many features. See attached pics.
More functions, features will be implemented, which means that
this program will be updated multiple times!
- bhunter
- bin extractor
- (and 1 more)
Photoshop .DDS Textures Viewer Plugin
By Zyxell
This is a plugin for photoshop that allows you to open texture that are in .dds file format in photoshop.
How to install?
Simply put the DDS.8bi into your Photoshop's Plug-ins folder
Example C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Plug-ins
- photoshop .dds
- photoshop .dds viewer plugin
- (and 1 more)