About This File
This program was designed for the asset container archives (*.box and *.opf).
With this tool you can directly access the contents of these archives, extract them,
build them.
You can open images, scriptfiles via my tool stored in the archive with out any
extraction. In addition, you can export the script files too and use them in your
- for example- new maps.
Regarding script files you can read, edit and save them at specific destination.
Edited by Krisztian1990
Updated version
What's New in Version 1.2.3 RC3 See changelog
{Version V1.2.3 RC3}
+ Minitray has been added!
+ Now the program comes with an installer that contains the MapDataEditor and the
updated version of MediaCenter integrated in the O3D tool.
! Code cleaned.
! Each forms are redesigned, so they're more compatible for the Theme Manager.
! Console is more powerful than previously, available on each forms.
! SyntaxChecker visual settings is now available! You can customize the visual of
the component.
! Improved Theme manager code and configuration load method.
* Fixed BoxBuilder issues. There was a folder-subfolder related issue that caused
that you can not extract the archives created by BoxBuilder which contains folders
and / or subfolders. Now the program can fully support and extract the contant of
the *.box archive you created. Folders, subfolders are not an issue anymore!
* Fixed an issue that caused overflow when trying to load the *.box archive after I
updated and cleaned the code.
* A progressBar-related issue has been fixed.
* Fixed Box extractor - loader code.
* Fixed the Console form, it won't open again after it is already opened once.
* There was a Theme manager-related issue that caused that the theme did not
changed for the ProgSettings form automatically.
* OMS Editor received some icons.
{Version V1.2.3 RC1}
+ Console has been finally implemented!
+ Theme manager has been added! (Dark-Light-Default(gray))
+ Syntax checker (OMSEDITOR form)
+ Added ToolTip (OMSEDITOR form)
+ MapDataEditor Tool
+ Code reviewed, cleaned, program loads smoother.
+ Groupboxes removed, splitcontainers added!
+ Settings form improved
* HighLighter-related issue fixed, now it is compatible with the Theme manager.
* An Image Inspector-related bug has been eliminated. The program stopped
working if you double left clicked on it, when the image mode was set to zoom.
- Finder removed (fixed and implemented in MapDataEditor tool).
? Some functions arent implemented (add single file, replace, remove file, add folder, subfolder, save modified archive, clear file - node)
? Reload original text function for OMSEDITOR (after extract slashes used)
// Previous editions
{Version V1.2.2 beta}
+ O3D Engine tool Updater has been added!
+ Welcome screen has been added.
+ Live web feed has been added!
+ Media center has been added!
+ Image Inspector now displays mouse positions (x,y).
+ Keep aspect ration function has been finally implemented.
+ BoxBuilder: remove selected file, and remove selected folder/
subfolder button has been added!
+ Number of added files as toolstriplabel added! [BoxBuilder]
+ Size of selected files as toolstriplabel added! [BoxBuilder]
+ Clear infobox button added [BoxBuilder]
+ Updated image size function.
+ ProgressBar
+ Live web news
+ Settings form has been implemented for the Download Center tool
+ BoxBuilder has been updated, now can't create a new *box file if
files aren't added to treeView component.
+ BoxBuilder has been updated for Skirmish MapData.box archive
* An aspect ratio-related bug has been fixed.
* Image size-related issue has been eliminated.
* Fixed a progressbar-related issue when loading *.box
* Fixed a SSPI-related issue
* Fixed: No program restart is required after creating a new archive
* Fixed: there was some issues that caused that the treeView1 com
ponent could not handle folder(s) and subfolder(s) well.
! There is an unknown problem with the progress bar,
when trying to load the *.opf archive. [Investigation in progress]
// ---- END OF VERSION 1.2 ---- //
// ---- PREVIOUS VERSIONS ---- //
{Version V1.1}
+ Added double click event handler for the treeView component.
+ Added double click support for the *.opf archive
+ Added extraction function for the *.opf archive
+ Added mouse event handler function for the Image Inspector.
+ Added selected filetype box.
+ Added Finder.
+ Added Filelist generator for the opened archive(s).
*Fixed a bug that caused freeze after the selected image in the Image Inspector
is rotated and then zoom-ed.
* Improved the code, so the program can correctly display the name and size (x,y) of
the selected image from treeView1 in PictureBox ( Form6).
- There is a bug in the Outforce Worker (ProgressBar) code will be fixed in
the next update!
- There are numerous errors in the Finder's code that will be fixed in the up-
coming update!
// ---- END OF VERSION 1.1 ---- //
{Version V1.0}
+ Initial edition
Full support for *.box archives (Extract, Add / replace files, folders)
+ Single / entire archive extraction
+ Support for load/read and extract the .opf archive.
+ Archive save fixed
+ Add file(s) to the selected Node (folder) now fully implemented.