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  1. Hi. I've posted a new tutorial on my blog https://ikskoks.pl/tutorial-hooking-android-bytecode-with-frida/
  2. The game stores all track model data in assets/data/environments/themenumber/tracks/runnumber (route name)/track.stm. These files contain all track geometry. I found that vertex data starts at 1AA60 hex, at least for theme 1, run 000. I couldn't figure where face data starts and ends, so I couldn't get a proper model out of it. I used a tool called Model Researcher to find this out. You can get it here: https://mr.game-viewer.org/download.php I'd appreciate it if someone helped me figure it out. Sample files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/rxxk971sd63jw/data
  3. I'm new to modding and I want to modify the game characters in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for Android. However, there isn't a QuickBMS script available for this game. I tried unpacking it normally, but the zip file only contains a limited number of files. I also attempted to decompile the APK to search for any keys, but it's quite challenging. i have attached the smali file for reference,Can anyone help me to proceed further? smali.zip
  4. Hi, having some trouble unpacking these CPK files from brave exvius JP version The CPK headers seem okay but it has a weird encryption or compression used that I can't unpack it with any tools that i've tried. ffbe-jp-cpk-files.zip
  5. I wanna extract Asphalt 9 .jmodels file from the latest and recent version of the game e.g. v4.4.0k but the files manifest.map and BigChillGhost's Asphalt 9 dumping script only supports v3.6.3a. Any chance to update the script since I have it as backup and have no prior knowledge about dumping new manifest from A9 latest version? Here's the tool and necessary files that was made by BigChillGhost Also one file that is totally corrupted after using renaming script which was this sample link which has 46kb of fbx. idk how it causes it. A9Tool_v1.4.6.7z manifest.7z restoreFileHierarchy.py
  6. Info This mobile game uses a new engine that is made with C++ and it uses its own version of the .prefab bundle file format that contains function commands that load the data into the game, this thread is focused specifically on the files used for the character models and animations in the game. Inside the character prefab files when viewed with a hex viewing program has text related to names of the objects for the model (ex: CharRoot) and followed up by text like these: genki::engine::*FunctionName* These are functions that are used for loading the data of the prefab file. Sample files: sample files.zip Function Names Character model (.prefab): ITransformr - Bone? IRenderer - Model and textures? Character Animation (.animation): These functions end with the label X/Y/Z (axis) and then Linker. ITransformEuler - Bone Rotation ITransformPosition - Bone Position.
  7. I'm not sure what type of texture format is used for this game. Sample file: Texture sample.zip
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