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[PC] CastleMiner Z

Go to solution Solved by DKDave,

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While digging into the game files, i extracted a raw file called "SWATMale", i've tried everything with model researcher/hex2obj and no success at all. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's the file if you want to take a look at it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6nwzsb7p9qu3bno/SWATMale/file (It's not .so, it's only a raw file and Mediafire thinks it's that type of file)

Edited by GabryTheSniper
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This is the basic model in that file - Model Research doesn't seem to display it properly for me.  Vertices at offset 0x598d (0x50 bytes per entry, 0x4561 vertices), faces at 0x1607e3 (0x6606 triangles).  There may also be submeshes, I haven't looked at the data in too much detail.



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2 hours ago, DKDave said:

This is the basic model in that file - Model Research doesn't seem to display it properly for me.  Vertices at offset 0x598d (0x50 bytes per entry, 0x4561 vertices), faces at 0x1607e3 (0x6606 triangles).  There may also be submeshes, I haven't looked at the data in too much detail.



can you do a screenshot of  the full table of Model Researcher so i can copy and save it as OBJ? Does it include UVs as well? (I'm asking this because i need both Count and Padding on Vertices and Faces)

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  • Solution
7 minutes ago, GabryTheSniper said:

can you do a screenshot of  the full table of Model Researcher so i can copy and save it as OBJ? Does it include UVs as well? (I'm asking this because i need both Count and Padding on Vertices and Faces)

These should should give you all the info for vertices, UVs and normals


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Is it possible for these two as well (Alien & Demon)? I'm sorry if i'm asking you guys too much, i have no experience about programming but i do only know how to extract them via OBJ and their textures. (i just need the table of model researcher or hex2obj so i can copy and export them as OBJ)

here are the examples inside of the rar: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cxnzb5nvgow4qsj/CMZ_Models.rar/file

Edited by GabryTheSniper
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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Sparagas said:

Why this tool looks like Model researcher?

Is this your tool? Is this your continuation, or a completely new tool?

This is my tool, these are tests for now. it is not a 'Model researcher.' Visual similarity was used temporarily, and there are plans to use a different user interface in the future. Currently, there is no time for that.

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