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DJ Normality

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DJ Normality last won the day on December 17 2023

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  1. Seems you might of missed some steps. I have included the plugin down in the video description.
  2. Dmnslyr pointed me to this tool which does models and animations https://github.com/uyjulian/ed8pkg2glb
  3. Been trying to get something from this game. Had some help on the .pkg files from DKDave. I was able to get some files .dae.phyre. I tried many tools but nothing works so far I've thrown at it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I decompressed files with the script but I also included the orignal .pkg if it helps. Samples https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OkAN9eO8PmIkI2qRcSgbPDDCHUI0iwfU/view?usp=drive_link
  4. Used to be Sharppy on xentax/zenhax now im a DJ. Many know me for archiving games and reversing data with Model Researcher. I dont know how to write programs, and i've never 100% figured out how to build a noesis script. I had many ppl show me things like daemon, dkdave, and vlad but I just dont understand how somethings worth with the buffer's and how 3 points are floats and all that good stuff. If I sat down and really studied it I'm sure I could be as great as some of yall. Maybe one day but for now all I can offer is my services and a huge library of assets.
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  5. Here you can find my tutorial for Horizon Forbidden West. HUGE thanks to daemon for helping me with all this and a few others on discord. Finally we have something that can work efficently. All the tools are provided in the links. Daemons tool can be found on his page in Horizon. Have any questions feel free to ask here on on discord. Tutorial Tool Usage https://sites.google.com/view/sharp-design/tutorials/horizon-forbidden-west-tutorial HFW Animation Tools https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-c4_OEFfKCLzqyqMYME0CRZBlh9Hjiye/view?usp=drive_link CMD context reg https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lrS7KsaNDha_QeajP2XvS5TPImdhbANW/view?usp=drive_link ASCII blender importer https://drive.google.com/file/d/13an1_Ct65NIRbRU436ZkIeeEkLSNpulU/view?usp=drive_link
  6. I know there are a few tools out there that can export these meshes but you need folder stuctures and its not really efficent. If we could maybe have a tool that can just export the .modelbin files that would be nice. We can always rebuild the cars from the parts converted. Any help on this would be nice considering all I know to use is 3dsimed which has been dead for awhile. These samples are from the latest Forza Horizon 7 but I can provide samples if they vary from title to title but I dont think they do. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19zvTwPlnMdeEQaotRmVoyX9mh7dUPqn9/view?usp=drive_link
  7. Was able to dump these files down to some decompressed data. But it seems to be in split files. I could merge all data back together see if it can be parsed better but for now here is a car sample that I have. Hope we can get something working. Im pretty sure DK dave helped me with some of these files 😅 https://drive.google.com/file/d/19WfjfX-QdcIxf-w8YjPfZR3t16X6Wfmg/view?usp=drive_link
  8. Game is from PS3 era but used a familar format. I dont know what engine this ran on but it seems to be popular with Twisted Metal and other series. I was able to dump the .psarc files and get to some of the meshes but they are in .lu I can see some model data here in model researcher but still cant dial it in. I'm looking for something to batch dump these, armatures are not needed but would be nice. Samples https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aXTex8N6fvtGLVGmeJzcDYCXx4zrKdhS/view?usp=drive_link
  9. Seemed to of solved it rather quickly thanks to Crazy's help. Tool and plugin was updated yesterday 10.29.23 which is convient lol https://github.com/Kizari/Flagrum-Blender/releases/tag/v1.3.3 Meshes are still funky but plugin does seem to load.
  10. Im trying to find a tool or plugin that can read these meshes I sent samples to DKDave and he did manage to pull something from them. He says the files are dense and might require something other than Noesis or Blender this one mesh was 144,000 vertices. If anyone can help with these be great since they are very high quality. They ran on Luminous Engine not sure if it helps but the tools to Final Fantasy XV do not work with this version engine. Samples https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lOLOjPsXfguoCVpUpBzOUbW_7WDdmqMi/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lna8QPN3y9rqGQ8A0bW1WxbNbZy2X1nh/view?usp=drive_link
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