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  1. Past hour
  2. Without a archive tool or a way for side loading string files (or hook them) string tools and other thing are waste of time. Also because of farmhash that exists in archive structure for each file, you CAN'T reimport/repack the files until you implant the hash function.
  3. This should offer some useful insight: https://talonbrave.info/2023/06/25/anoddworld.html It talks about the SMB's
  4. Today
  5. You may compare to npc_10_05.skeleton, which launches an errror, too, but the skeleton is displayed. I tried to patch the script for wolvarkLeader_00.skeleton, but the structure is too different. (Only boneCount 46 is found correctly.) Rewrite of code required, imho. Would be easier to give the skel_builder from Durik a try or AmateurSkeletonHunter from Bigchillghost. edit: here the bone names as a start: wledr_wledr wledr_rt wledr_stb wledr_spn1 wledr_jGuncrank wledr_jGunbarrel wledr_rudderL wledr_rudderR wledr_jPropeller wledr_spn2 wledr_spn3 wledr_nck wledr_hd wledr_hd_nd wledr_face wledr_jw wledr_lwrLipM wledr_lwrLipM_nd wledr_mBrwL wledr_mBrwL_nd wledr_mBrwR wledr_mBrwR_nd wledr_earL wledr_earL_nd wledr_earR wledr_earR_nd wledr_uprLipM wledr_uprLipM_nd wledr_clvL wledr_bcpL wledr_frmL wledr_wrstL wledr_mFng1L wledr_mFngL_nd wledr_clvR wledr_bcpR wledr_frmR wledr_wrstR wledr_mFng1R wledr_mFngR_nd wledr_grbL wledr_grbR wledr_weapnode_ranged_wpn1 wledr_weapnode_ranged_mzzl1 wledr_grndL wledr_grndR
  6. I wrote about it above... Datura2 works with a different version of the gameresources_patch1_pc2.resources file which is 18 489 775 bytes in size and the latest current Steam version is 19 329 495 bytes. I sent it there, but no one has used it yet. Therefore, his tool pulls the wrong version of the language. I sent the pattern too. And yes it is Arabic. It would be good if the tool could also extract other language versions, PL, EN, DE, etc...
  7. PS2 models are made by tiny submeshes, I got something with file "p_data_objects_characters_antonini_antonini_sgp.sgp2" but I am not really sure.. Each submesh has a tag in header. For example 1st submesh at 0x15310; "00 80 6D 6C 36 80" 5th byte is the count(36 Hex = 54 Dec). Uvs at 0x15334, same count 54, padding 24. UVs look like something but I don't know about vertices.
  8. Okay, I've actually gotten something to somewhat work.. So using the .geo files from here, if you rename the extension from .geo to .smb and run the script it actually exports something from it: Sadly however the mesh or skeleton do not import using the script and put out this error: I tried even renaming the output files to the appropriate extensions but still the same error: I attached the renamed .geo to .smb as well as the extracted files below! wolvarkLeader.rar
  9. I found one major problem in the animation import script: blender does not preserve the indices of bones when you change their parents, so I have been assigning keyframes to entirely wrong bones the whole time. The first 6 bones seem like they have the same index, then it gets wildly out of sync. This is some of the output of a debugging script, where the first number is the original index, the second number is the index blender assigns to the bone and the string is the bone's name: (0, 0, 'root'), (1, 1, 'C_main_root__SET'), (2, 2, 'C_skin_joints__SET'), (3, 3, 'c_root_uJnt'), (4, 4, 'c_addon_uJnt'), (5, 5, 'c_data_uJnt'), (6, 6, 'c_offset_uJnt'), (7, 242, 'l_armAddon_uJnt'), (8, 243, 'c_camera_uJnt'), (9, 244, 'r_armAddon_uJnt'), (10, 7, 'c_hip_00_uJnt'), (11, 8, 'rb_light_top_uJnt'), (12, 12, 'cf_light_top_uJnt'), (13, 16, 'lf_light_top_uJnt'), (14, 20, 'cb_light_top_uJnt'), (15, 24, 'cb_tight_top_uJnt'), (16, 28, 'lb_tight_top_uJnt'), (17, 32, 'ls_medium_top_uJnt'), (18, 36, 'cf_tight_top_uJnt'), (19, 40, 'rf_light_top_uJnt'), (20, 44, 'cb_medium_top_uJnt'), (21, 48, 'lb_light_top_uJnt'), (22, 52, 'r_femurRibbon_01_uJnt'), (23, 62, 'lf_medium_top_uJnt'), (24, 66, 'c_tail00_uJnt'),
  10. the tool can't export the game text in my Steam version, and the string sent is Arabic, can you send a text string in English, help @Datura2
  11. Apparently the .SGP2 files have the textures embedded with the model file as 400KB for a PS2-era character alone is a stretch. I've also attached samples of what appears to be the Bada Bing and Casino building model files (.EGP2) in case anyone's interested in those as well. buildings.7z
  12. Yesterday
  13. I've just released a new version of ImageHeat https://github.com/bartlomiejduda/ImageHeat/releases/tag/v0.9.3
  14. I used 45 face indices starting at 0x9F6E, 8F 01 90 01 91 01 ...
  15. My suspected location is correct though right? Or do you suspect they are in a different spot
  16. L1GFX.PC textures sample files Archive yes 🤔TiledGGD?? want GFX .DDS i'm sorry ConsoleTextureExplorer Not TextureFinder 🙄
  17. No. Please read readme file. Example usage is shown there.
  18. https://github.com/thesupersonic16/HatchOpener
  19. I don't know how to use this tool, can you share everything you manage to extract?
  20. Tool I shared above can decrypt and extract ALL files from the archive, but some filenames are still unknown, so you'll get names like "file123.bin" instead of "CrabBoss.hsl" You could search for them in "Unknown_Files" directory.
  21. There are extra bytes sprinkled into the face index block so you'll need to find out the logic behind that.
  22. Can you get the .hsl files? exemple Stage/2_CGZ/Enemies/Crab/CGZCrabCutscene2Spawn.hsl Stage/2_CGZ/Enemies/Crab/CrabBoss.hsl Stage/2_CGZ/Enemies/Crab/CrabDespawner.hsl Stage/2_CGZ/Enemies/Crab/CrabDestroyRect.hsl
  23. Seems like it's a container for multiple images. In this sample, first one is 16-bit, but I'm not sure about the pixel format. Second one is 32-bit RGBA. File format looks like this: // header 4 bytes (char) - signature // "GtIm" 4 bytes (uint32) - unknown // 4 4 bytes (char) - chunk signature // "CRC0" 4 bytes (uint32) - chunk size? // 4 4 bytes (uint32) - CRC32 value? // for each image (28-bytes header + x-bytes data) 4 bytes (char) - chunk signature // "Imag" 4 bytes (uint32) - chunk size? 4 bytes (uint32) - unknown // 4 or 8 4 bytes (uint32) - image width 4 bytes (uint32) - image height 4 bytes (uint32) - number of palette entries 4 bytes (uint32) - unknown // 1 x bytes - palette data x bytes - image data It could be repacked probably with a little tinkering, but you would need to recalculate CRC checksum for new data (or write a tool that does it automatically).
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