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  1. Past hour
  2. Tut localization GOWR written by me, try it Tut translate GOWR.rar
  3. Today
  4. The .str files on the 3DS and PS3 versions of these games can be opened with the VGMStream plugin with Foobar2000
  5. I just tried that number on AssetStudio and it worked perfectly, thank you!
  6. this should do it https://github.com/GreenTrafficLight/Ridge-Racer-Blender-Addon
  7. isn't this about car models in Burnout Paradise? iirc DGIorio made the blender plugin for importing BP car models and noesis tool for the bundle extractor a long time ago.
  8. Yesterday
  9. Compressed ZLIB files have these "blz2" headers. by the way
  10. There you go. Anyway check quickbms.txt you can find there things like you just want for example... NameCRC VAR CRC [LISTFILE] [TYPE] But you must change crc list format to > "0x<crc> FileName". pivotal.7z
  11. Hello! I am interested in extracting the audio files from this game, and wanted to know if you, or anyone else figured out how to do so. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks!
  12. If you unpack the file with the script. and use the tool you provided on the extracted files, you can get some text (maybe japanese).
  13. Did you tried aluigi's script with reimport 2 mode? https://aluigi.altervista.org/bms/the_evil_within.bms
  14. Yeah, these models are weird. In theory 4th Float should be a flag for triangles but I don't know how it works.. Besides I don't know why vbuf48 has Normals and vbuf32 don't, this is so strange..
  15. My script shows less extra triangles but I did not update the script to read both mesh formats at the same time, lol.
  16. Hi. I've been busy pulling models/textures/animations from a variety of games for several years now, and I'm just hoping to get better at the process. Maybe get access to some games that have stymied me.
  17. Unfortunately, none of these tools fully unarchive and repack. This game needs a tool that will extract and repack the language files. And I'm sure there are some very talented people here who can do it.
  18. Hello Folks, I've been using this quickbms script to extract a .ini file and reinject it back to the original pak, the batch file are as follows. The script worked fine ever since the early access stage of the game until the game changed from UE4 to UE5 in this July. The script can unpack the .ini file normally but fails to pack it again, even if I tried to pack it directly after unpacking it ran into this error: So far I've also tried repak as well as the official UnrealPak but none of them seemed to work, as they both will result in a different pak size after repacking. Any assistance is highly appreciated. aimod2.zip
  19. fmt_mk.py if use automatic triangle strip for step 48, from the outside it seems like everything is fine, but inside it's chaos of triangles xD I think the strip break is somehow indicated after the peaks after the bytes 00 00 00 17, but I'm not sure for example, I took several meshes for testing, and they cannot be built using the 4th float at the vertex: id: 145 numStrip: [4, 4] strip: [0,1,2,3,-1,4,5,6,7] offset: 159688 vnum: 8 stride: 48 id: 28 numStrip: [5, 5, 9, 6, 7] strip: [0,1,2,3,4,-1,5,6,7,8,9,-1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,-1,19,20,21,22,23,24,-1,25,26,27,28,29,30,31] offset: 27544 vnum: 32 stride: 48
  20. I don't remember correctly - but wasn't your py script the better solution for other models?
  21. Sorry there's no tool to repack files as far as I know, only unpack right now.
  22. Why don't you use the tool that made shak-otay? you only need to delete extra faces and flip some. Ok, just that model(it is not rigged so no bones). If you want more models use the tool. Here is it: Kitana model
  23. Script not working guys help us localize this game... PLS
  24. Can you help me please?? I need a tool for the game The Evil Within Unpack / Repack this file "common.tango resource" common.tangoresource.rar
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