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  1. Hi. Today I've posted a new tutorial on my blog: https://ikskoks.pl/tutorial-what-is-quickbms-how-to-export-and-import-with-quickbms/
  2. Hi, I'm first time here, so there may be omissions in this article, sincerely apologise. The game I'm facing with is named "Wizardry Variants Daphne", a mobile game you can download from Google Play Store. I'd like to extract some files from it, so I tried to locate its exact whereabouts, and here is what I have - The core files of this game can be found under this path: --- internal storage/Android/data/jp.co.drecom.wizardry.daphne/files/assetcache and they are in common Unity Game structure (while the version stays unknown). However, unfortunately, those files seem to be encrypted by official with some algorithm I don't recognise; thus, I'm stuck here, and this is what I'm here for. If someone knows how to deal with it, could you lend me a hand please(⋟人⋞)? A QuickBMS script is recommended, and if it is possible, a detailed procedure how to solve this kind of problem as well. (And if you are interested in this, I've uploaded some sample files in Attachment, or you can download them from this site - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/u5e4bv0boowmuibhgbbk6/AHSytI8US1xa_jY-HEoIZDw?rlkey=siwslrlacj1a6v2e2ndzidk5x&st=ahp13vt3&dl=0) Daphne.zip
  3. Version 0.4.3


    A QuickBMS archive extraction script for NetEase NeoX Engine NXPK (.npk) archives. Originally authored by aluigi (pre-v0.4.0) and modified by me. Currently Supported Games Force Extraction (no guarantees) Identity V (NeoX 1/2) Onmyoji Changelog
  4. Hello, I am new to the ResHax community, and I'm having trouble with extracting assets from the game "Bob the Builder: Festival of Fun" for the Nintendo Wii by Blast! Entertainment. I tried to create my own Noesis plugin that would import the ".h3m" (models) and ".h3t" (textures) files, and then I also used QuickBMS to extract the h3m files by creating my own script, but no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn't work. If anyone who knows about and uses Noesis and/or QuickBMS a lot, would you help me create a plugin/script suitable for that game, please? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ew1VPEODvMS9wlxoWvNi-9_FNrellCzw Also, I wish to convert the models and textures into OBJ and PNG respectively.
  5. Original poster great aluigi A real example/tutorial about a not-so-simple archive format. I think this is a bit advanced for beginners but I wanted to do something based on a recent file format I analyzed. The sample is attached: talk_Vat_00.zip Tools: QuickBMS http://quickbms.aluigi.org Hex editor if you don't have idea of what to take, try XVI32 Read hex, speak hex, eat hex: forget the decimal notation and think only to 0xNUMBER, it's what will help you during reversing... so 10 is 0xa. Things to notice: Do we have a magic number? It's a string/signature or number that is usually used to identify a file format, for example ZIP archives have "PK". In this case we have a 0x00 "CAP" which looks just like a magic. What is the endianess? The endianess is the direction of the numbers stored in the archives. Big endian of 0x11223344 is 11 22 33 44 Little endian of 0x11223344 is 44 33 22 11 The secret is watching the data as blocks of 4 bytes (32bit) so in this case after " CAP" we have: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c That second field looks just a 0xc, so a big endian. Doesn't have sense to be 0x0c000000 in little endian We don't know yet what is this 0xc, let's check it later. Then we have another 00 00 00 00, skip the fields set to zero. And now 00 00 00 e0, so 0xe0. We are at the beginning of the format so it may be an offset, or the size of a section or the number of files or maybe nothing important. Go in your hex editor and press CTRL-G, select hexadecimal and type e0: The data at that offset looks just like a DDS image, take it in your notes. We can notice that it's a non-compressed file because there are many zeroes and the file is easily identified. The next field is 00 4e db 38, so 0x4edb38. Repeat the same operation as before and at that offset you will see a sequence of complete filenames (path + name): Now go back to the beginning of the file because there are still a lot of fields between that DDS image and the current position: 00 43 41 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 .CAP............ 00 00 00 e0 00 3e db 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .....>.8........ 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2f .............../ 00 10 00 80 00 10 00 80 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 24 ...........0...$ 00 20 01 00 00 01 cc a8 00 00 00 58 00 00 00 1c . .........X.... 00 21 cd a8 00 00 6a 5f 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 1c .!....j_...x.... 00 22 38 08 00 02 a9 11 00 00 00 98 00 00 00 1c ."8............. 00 24 e1 1c 00 04 13 83 00 00 00 b8 00 00 00 1c .$.............. 00 28 f4 a0 00 04 70 93 00 00 00 d8 00 00 00 1c .(....p......... 00 2d 65 34 00 03 85 79 00 00 00 f8 00 00 00 1c .-e4...y........ 00 30 ea b0 00 04 e2 dc 00 00 01 18 00 00 00 1c .0.............. 00 35 cd 8c 00 01 8b 5a 00 00 01 38 00 00 00 1c .5.....Z...8.... 00 37 58 e8 00 07 7a 40 00 00 01 58 00 00 00 14 [email protected].... 00 3e d3 28 00 00 07 2f 00 00 01 70 00 00 00 2b .>.(.../...p...+ 44 44 53 20 7c 00 00 00 07 10 00 00 00 04 00 00 DDS |........... If you watch carefully you can notice a certain "pattern", from offset 0x20. Basically a sequence of fields that gets repeated, like 4 32bit numbers, 4 numbers, 4 numbers... So let's try to identify this pattern splitting the fields in our mind: Now it's time to make some math operations. We have the number 0xc at the beginning of the file that is also the number of these patterns composed by 4 fields each one, so probably that 0xc is the number of files. The first field is zero so if it's an offset it's for sure a relative offset: OFFSET + 0xe0 = file offset. The second field seems related to the first one. For example: OFFSET 0x00 and second field 0x100080 OFFSET 0x100080 (previous offset + previous size) and second field 0x100080 OFFSET 0x200100 (previous offset + previous size) and second field 0x1cca8 and so on. So let's say it's a SIZE. When we work with archives we need at least 3 parameters: OFFSET SIZE NAME The missing one is NAME and considering the ascendant number (0, 0x30, 0x58, 0x78) it may be a relative offset for the names table we have seen at the beginning of the analysis at offset 0x3edb38. Check it: 0x3edb38 + 0x30 = "BattleRes/talk/st_bg/screen_bg02.dds" 0x3edb38 + 0x58 = "se/talk/07Vat/Vat00_0001.msf" 0x3edb38 + 0x78 = "se/talk/07Vat/Vat00_0002.msf" Ok we have the NAME relative offset And what may be the last one? It's not important, but if you check it you will notice that it's related to the incremental name offset, it's the name size. The reversing of the file format is finished, we can extract all the files with their original filenames Let's check the relative script: http://aluigi.org/papers/bms/others/uniel.bms And in the next post we will see how to write the script from scratch with these parameters.
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