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  1. Donated $50 because I believe in this site. You should too!
    4 points
  2. Tut localization GOWR written by me, try it Tut translate GOWR.rar
    4 points
  3. https://github.com/rzhumen88/ptd-unpacker file was obfuscated, now it can be unpacked into other archives
    3 points
  4. Can you please explain your question more clearly as you've mentioned several unrelated things in one sentence.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Version 1.3.0


    Dragon Age The Veilguard tools. Work same as my previous frostbite tools. toc_dav.exe - dump tool Change .ini file parameters: - game path - dump path - selection to dump "ebx", "res", "chunks" or "all" Place oo2core_9_win64.dll from the game next to the tool. Then drop any .toc file onto .exe to dump assets. Or run from command line with 1 parameter - toc file name. Main file is default.toc, voice files are inside subfolders - en.toc and other languages Fb_dav.exe - model tool Takes .MeshSet as parameter. rgz_skeleton.ebx - main universal skeleton for all humanoids. Must be in the same folder. Game has 2 skeletons with this name, you need the one from "techanim" folder, which is bigger. If you need another skeleton, use its name as 2nd parameter. Or rename it to rgz_skeleton.ebx. Tool will try to find chunks automatically. If not, it gives error message with chunk name. Set of smd files - to fix distorted faces They are 2-frame animation files to transform head model to its normal state. fb_strands.exe & fb_strands_c.exe - hair tools Each hair model has .StrandHairResource and .StrandHairSet files, and also a small EBX file (about 5kb in size) next to it which has its parameters, including the initial position. This EBX file is usually called the same, with _strand_model.ebx or _model.ebx in the end of its name. Tool takes 2 or 3 parameters: fb_strands.exe <StrandHairResource> <StrandHairSet> [EBX] First 2 parameters are required, but if you add EBX in the end, it will try to place static part correctly. fb_strands_c.exe is experimental version for curly strands. It looks more or less fine, but not 100% proper, so i'm calling this tool experimental. Later it may be improved. Hairs will be exported as 2 OBJ files (one for flowing, one for static part) with curves, which can be later converted to meshes or particle systems in blender or other editor. OBJ files will have hair groups marked, which can be useful for rendering.
    2 points
  7. some text are in shift-jis inside EBOOT on 0xC0D22
    2 points
  8. Here's a mega.nz link to the play.vis file for Mindlock - The Apartment Play.vis
    2 points
  9. So far, I haven't figured out how to translate a game made with Visionaire Studio 5, but here's what I've discovered. 1 ) Data extraction from the vis file with Ravioli - Scanner (https://www.scampers.org/steve/sms/other.htm) 2) Image decryption: This little Python program decrypts images one by one: png_vis.py (https://github.com/AngelDevIndie/Visionaire_translation/blob/main/png_vis.py) 3) Image encryption: This little program can be used to encrypt images. RECOVER widths and heights .PNG textures.7z Put original pngs in unpakke_old_png Put modified pngs in new_png Click on RECOVER WH PNG 4) Creating a veb file (compressed vbin): Find the dat file containing the word vbin. Using a hexadecimal editor, copy the part from vbin (included) to the end of the file, then use the hexadecimal editor to create a xxxx.veb file. 5) Subtitle extraction (Visionaire Studio software required): Open the xxxx.veb file with Visionaire Studio 5. You'll see a message saying that some plugins are missing. Go to the top menu and click on the icon with 3 horizontal stripes Go to Extras - Export texts... Choose extraction file type (po or csv), extraction directory and other options 6) Subtitle translation 7) Reinserting subtitles with Visionaire Studio: Open the xxxx.veb file in Visionaire Studio 5. Go to the top menu and click on the icon with 3 horizontal stripes Go to Extras - import texts... The file can be saved as a ved file (uncompressed xml) if the translation is not finished. The file can also be saved as a veb file (compressed). 😎 What next? a) If you try to recompile with Ravioli -Scanner, your veb file will have to be reinserted into the original dat file with a hex editor, but if its size is greater than the original version, recompilation will be impossible with Ravioli Scanner. The resulting new vis file won't work in the game anyway. b) Someone has translated 3 games similar to Mindlock - The Apartment. The 3 translated games are Nelson and the Magic Cauldron, Nelson and the Magic Cauldron: The Journey and Lucy Dreaming. These 3 translation patches can be found at https://scummbr.org/forum/index.php?board=2.20. c) Having examined and compared these 3 translated games with the original versions, I realized that the translator had recompiled the game with Visionaire Studio, adding modified files (veb and/or png) to the original vis file. For the moment, I haven't investigated this further, so I don't know if it works.🙂 png_vis.py Mindlock_Subtitles.zip
    2 points
  10. Hi everyone! Formerly I made a text unpacker/repacker for Sniper Elite games and shared with you. However it had some problems, bugs, and was made in php, which I had troubles to make it a useable .exe to share with you. So I decided to reprogram it in a more modern language and environment. It took several days, but after all, totally worth it. I fixed several bugs, made new ones, but now it works with more Rebellion games and has more convenient usage. It usable with gui and command line too. Right now works with Sniper Elite 2-5 (the first one is too old and have different file format, have a separate repacker), Nazi Zombie Army 1-4, Strange Brigade, but probably works other Rebellion games which uses asura engine. It is downloadable from my website: http://lajti.hu/se_repacker.php I hope you will have fun to (not machine) translate with these games. Cheers!
    2 points
  11. Thanks anyway, but after all these words, I don't need your help anymore.
    2 points
  12. Luckily this "Sonic Galactic" game had debug symbols in "demo 2" release 😄 So it was very easy to create frida hook https://github.com/bartlomiejduda/Tools/blob/master/NEW Tools/Hatch Engine/hatch_engine_frida_script.js And I have 574 filenames already: sonic_galactic_filenames_FINAL.zip
    2 points
  13. Hi. File format looks like this: // header 5 bytes (char) - signature // "HATCH" 3 bytes - version // 01 00 00 // index 2 bytes (uint16) - file count // for each file 4 bytes (uint32) - filename CRC32 8 bytes (uint64) - file offset 8 bytes (uint64) - file uncompressed size 4 bytes (uint32) - data flag // 2 - encrypted, 0 - not encrypted 8 bytes (uint64) - file compressed size // data // for each file x bytes - file data And here's a script to dump and decompress file data. https://github.com/bartlomiejduda/Tools/blob/master/NEW Tools/Hatch Engine/Hatch_Engine_HATCH_script.bms Unfortunately all files with dataFlag=2 are encrypted. If I understand engine's source code corretly, you need original filenames and original file sizes to properly decrypt data. Here's the algorithm to decrypt: https://github.com/Axanery/HatchGameEngine/blob/master/source/Engine/ResourceTypes/ResourceManager.cpp#L172-L232 You can probably hook the game with Frida to get the filenames.
    2 points
  14. Hair strands will be added soon. Testing. Both static and flowing strands can be exported. Bellara for example has about 50000 strands.
    2 points
  15. edit: renamed .hgdata to .hg-bin (originally it's .bin, so .hg-bin to separate it from the dozens of .bin formats) Patched the given script for FVFsize=24 (NOT tested with 20 and 40, will fail): from inc_noesis import * import noesis import rapi import os def registerNoesisTypes(): handle = noesis.register("Heroes and Generals", ".hg-bin") noesis.setHandlerTypeCheck(handle, noepyCheckType) noesis.setHandlerLoadModel(handle, noepyLoadModel) #noesis.logPopup() return 1 def noepyCheckType(data): return 1 def noepyLoadModel(data, mdlList): ctx = rapi.rpgCreateContext() bs = NoeBitStream(data) bs.seek(len(data) - 0x80, NOESEEK_ABS) TMP = bs.tell() print(hex(bs.tell()), "here1") string = bs.readBytes(0x80) #set range of bytes to search index = string.find(b"\x02\x00") #search for 0x02 0x00 print(hex(bs.tell()), index, "index") bs.seek(TMP + index - 2, NOESEEK_ABS) print(hex(bs.tell()), "here3") checkVBytes = bs.readInt() print(hex(checkVBytes), hex(bs.tell()), "here4") if checkVBytes == 0x20018: VBytes = 24 elif checkVBytes == 0x20014: VBytes = 20 elif checkVBytes == 0x20028: VBytes = 40 bs.seek(0x16, NOESEEK_ABS) print(hex(bs.tell()), "here5") print(VBytes, "vbytes") check = 0 end = len(data) meshName = 0 while check != end: meshName += 1 rapi.rpgSetName(str(meshName)) VCount = bs.readInt() // VBytes print(hex(bs.tell()-4), VCount, "vcount") FCount = bs.readInt() // 2 print(hex(bs.tell()-4), FCount, "fcount") bs.seek(4, NOESEEK_REL) print(hex(bs.tell()), "VBuf") VBuf = bs.readBytes(VCount * VBytes) print(hex(bs.tell()), "IBuf") IBuf = bs.readBytes(FCount*2) #print(IBuf) rapi.rpgBindPositionBufferOfs(VBuf, noesis.RPGEODATA_FLOAT, VBytes, 0) #position of vertices rapi.rpgBindUV1BufferOfs(VBuf, noesis.RPGEODATA_HALFFLOAT, VBytes, 20) #UVs rapi.rpgCommitTriangles(IBuf, noesis.RPGEODATA_USHORT, FCount, noesis.RPGEO_TRIANGLE, 0) #SHORT for word indices TMP2 = bs.tell() checkint = bs.readInt(); print("Test sig at ", hex(TMP2), hex(checkint)) if checkint != checkVBytes: TMP2 = bs.tell() print("error ") check = end bs.seek(0x3a, NOESEEK_REL) #if checkint == 0: # bs.seek(TMP2, NOESEEK_ABS) # skip = bs.readBytes(0x3e) check = bs.tell(); if check + 1 > end: check = end mdl = rapi.rpgConstructModel() mdlList.append(mdl) rapi.rpgClearBufferBinds() return 1
    2 points
  16. fmt_DeadRising4_mdl.py only for stride 40, but you can added other its very simple
    2 points
  17. If you do not use a point cloud you'll face many extra faces and need to find out, why? (The max script will be the key... The Vertex40Array has to be filled.) FacesOff=((bigInfo[(findItem names "Combined Indices 2")][3])+(Vertex40Array[i].FaceOff*2)) fseek f FacesOff #seek_set Accidentally and unexpectedly I was able to start an old copy of 3dsmax on my even older machine. Imported the resulting fbx into Noesis:
    2 points
  18. NaughtyDogLocalizationTool.rar I edited the code a bit and now it should work for Uncharted as well.
    2 points
  19. This should offer some useful insight: https://talonbrave.info/2023/06/25/anoddworld.html It talks about the SMB's
    1 point
  20. You may compare to npc_10_05.skeleton, which launches an errror, too, but the skeleton is displayed. I tried to patch the script for wolvarkLeader_00.skeleton, but the structure is too different. (Only boneCount 46 is found correctly.) Rewrite of code required, imho. Would be easier to give the skel_builder from Durik a try or AmateurSkeletonHunter from Bigchillghost. edit: here the bone names as a start: wledr_wledr wledr_rt wledr_stb wledr_spn1 wledr_jGuncrank wledr_jGunbarrel wledr_rudderL wledr_rudderR wledr_jPropeller wledr_spn2 wledr_spn3 wledr_nck wledr_hd wledr_hd_nd wledr_face wledr_jw wledr_lwrLipM wledr_lwrLipM_nd wledr_mBrwL wledr_mBrwL_nd wledr_mBrwR wledr_mBrwR_nd wledr_earL wledr_earL_nd wledr_earR wledr_earR_nd wledr_uprLipM wledr_uprLipM_nd wledr_clvL wledr_bcpL wledr_frmL wledr_wrstL wledr_mFng1L wledr_mFngL_nd wledr_clvR wledr_bcpR wledr_frmR wledr_wrstR wledr_mFng1R wledr_mFngR_nd wledr_grbL wledr_grbR wledr_weapnode_ranged_wpn1 wledr_weapnode_ranged_mzzl1 wledr_grndL wledr_grndR
    1 point
  21. What scripts? What do you mean?
    1 point
  22. Simplest idea was to skip [6] but the result was an empty output folder. The start address of the second node of npc_20.smb is wrong - no idea, why. Added 61 to patch it, still no change in outcome. edit: surprise, I managed to extract lm_level_05_tgl.smb (Some meshes and pics but I'm lacking the correct params.)
    1 point
  23. Hello Pepsee, before you send someone into a maybe frustrating job I'd really recommend to show some results with the blender script from the 2010 release of OSW. btw, I don't remember the script(s) of AlphaTwentyThree. (The Blender script was from M. Szkaradek123, iirc.)
    1 point
  24. I'm going to do tools for it, and release it here on reshax. I plan to support characters and maps, like it was before with FF7 remake.
    1 point
  25. The .csb file inside the folder should be the UI file format used by Cocos2D There should also be an additional .plist file and .json file, which should be used to disassemble the sprite in the texture In addition, the E206 in the folder is a script file, and you can use this script I wrote to extract them and use another rename script to restore them back to their original file names It's a bit badly written decrypt.py rename.py
    1 point
  26. 请允许我稍微离题一下,我修改了之前用于其他 messiah 游戏的存储库重命名脚本,以适应您提到的游戏:Painted Travelers in Time and Space,通过存储库,我能够恢复 90% 文件的原始名称和后缀,并将它们导入正确的文件夹 剩下的几个文件是脚本文件,这类文件的原始名称信息不包含在存储库中 我尝试将 lz4 的解压缩逻辑添加到脚本中,以便它可以直接处理未压缩的存储库文件,但是失败了,所以我删除了解压缩逻辑,当您运行脚本时,他要求您输入存储库文件,您应该输入已解压的存储库文件 您可以使用早期的 BMS 脚本进行解压,我试过了,他做到了 然后您可以使用我的脚本将哈希文件名重命名为实际文件名 resource.py
    1 point
  27. one of the submesh ofs: dec: 380070 vnum: 5111 type: float stride: 12 face: auto TStrip This is not a plugin. This was an example of automatic triangle creation.
    1 point
  28. Yes, it's very valuable for learning. I'll take a good look at this article. In fact, I've been paying attention to your research for a long time.
    1 point
  29. Im sorry but its too much i banned him not any regret. People with no respect to others, rude will be panished without any warning for good!
    1 point
  30. "Yepyes, yes Based on your sample file, this doesn't seem difficult. I downloaded your 'cha_akio' file and unzipped it. It's in mdl format. Since you mentioned it's a game for the PS3 platform, we used a hexadecimal editor to inspect it. The structure is quite simple; you can quickly see in just 30 seconds that it's a separable, or continuous, structure. It labels various index files for the mesh. All you need to do is input according to the prompts. Here are some preliminary speculations:"
    1 point
  31. Currently 1394 filenames are known 2025-01-05 01:41:02 - __main__ - line 109 - INFO - ####### SUMMARY ####### 2025-01-05 01:41:02 - __main__ - line 112 - INFO - Known filenames: 1394 (61.76%) 2025-01-05 01:41:02 - __main__ - line 113 - INFO - Unknown filenames: 863 (38.24%) 2025-01-05 01:41:02 - __main__ - line 114 - INFO - All filenames: 2257 Full list available here: https://github.com/bartlomiejduda/Tools/blob/master/NEW Tools/Hatch Engine/Hatch Engine Archive Tool/filelists/sonic_galactic_demo2_filenames.txt
    1 point
  32. It's possible to get some assets after making use of the filenames I shared above: Here's my implementation of the decryption algorithm: https://github.com/bartlomiejduda/ReverseBox/blob/main/reversebox/encryption/encryption_hatch_engine.py I'm also working on a extractor for this game, but I'll share it when it will be more user friendly 😄
    1 point
  33. These are the current tools I know of that work for Destiny Rising: https://github.com/nblockbuster/dr-messiah https://github.com/cohaereo/gwynn Both are rust tools, and both were made for just Destiny Rising
    1 point
  34. i made plugin for Noesis for "Scooby Doo! & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe" *.data archive arc_data.py
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I have tool for converting d3dmesh + skl + anm here https://github.com/asilz/TelltaleChimerajavi.zip I attached a d3dmesh + skl + anm converted with my tool. You can try importing it in blender If you have any questions add me on discord, my username is proton_00969
    1 point
  37. No. Root folder is included with these files for me. In the "file" folder you drop this msg file. and then !extract
    1 point
  38. Yes, there is a bug with the movement of String or id, I hope someone can help us here, to fix this
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. *:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Heroes & Generals\_packed\_objects\ZPrimMesh This path contains a 3D model, but there was a conflict when I used the noesis script, so *. hgdata is my modified name Heroes and Generals.zip
    1 point
  41. How to find main charater model?
    1 point
  42. Thanks a lot! The skip-face insight was super helpful , now everything works lilke a charm, well there's no indices issue anymore, thank you
    1 point
  43. For the chunk files, I extracted the audios for DA Inquisition with ealayer3, which you can find online. Just drop the chunk files onto the executable and it should do the job. Haven't tested for Veilguard yet, but it should work the same. EDIT: Just tested for Veilguard. Chunk files from the music.toc extracted with ealayer3 with no issue, mp3 quality.
    1 point
  44. The tool works up to a certain version, I have tried the version v1.1122.0.0 for PC and it worked for me Tool-Spiderman.rar
    1 point
  45. Hi. I've been busy pulling models/textures/animations from a variety of games for several years now, and I'm just hoping to get better at the process. Maybe get access to some games that have stymied me.
    1 point
  46. Due to a user's request I upload the script of Mariusz Szkaradek here (because I didn't find the link any more). All kudos go to Mariusz. Important! For Windows 7 and higher it's required to copy the newGameLib folder into the blender 2.49b root directory. And no, it doesn't work with newer blender versions. Blender249[WatchDogs][PC][xbg][2014-10-25].zip
    1 point
  47. Python script header reads "blender": (2, 80, 0) but then Python module "zstandard is missing" pops up. Newer blender version required for the script to work. huracan_sterrato Uvs seem to be missing, yes. What did GreenTrafficLight say about them? If you uncomment these lines (not # Set uv, of course) some uvs are correct, those of the hood for example. # Set uv #uv = mesh.uv_layers.new() #for i in range(0, len(indices)): #for v in range(0, 3): #mesh.uv_layers[uv.name].data[(i * 3) + v].uv = (texCoords[indices[i][v]][0], 1 - texCoords[indices[i][v]][1])
    1 point
  48. FORUM RULES General Rules: In general, please bear in mind the following regulations that pertain to most commercial games (the "Application"), and which it NOT allowed on our forum: Prohibited Actions: Users are not allowed to engage in activities related to cheats, automation software, bots, hacks, mods, or any unauthorized third-party software in connection with the application. Commercial Use: Users cannot use, reproduce, or distribute the Application for commercial purposes. Actions Leading to Violation: Users should not provoke or encourage actions that violate the Application's terms of use and the User Agreement. Additional Rules: No Sharing of Illegal Content: Publicly sharing illegal content is prohibited, and consequences may be enforced. No Warez Discussion: The forum does not support discussions related to cracks, hacks, or illegal activities. Respect Others: Users are expected to treat others with respect and not engage in harmful behavior. No Unauthorized File Uploads: Users should not upload files that belong to others. Politeness: Users are encouraged to be polite and respectful to others. No Adult Content: Posting explicit content is not allowed. Seek Help Politely: When seeking assistance, users should post in the appropriate forums and ask nicely, but rule search first and then ask later is apply. Show Gratitude: If you receive help from someone, it's considered polite to thank them. Avoid Contacting Senior Members: Users are discouraged from contacting senior members via PM for help. English language is a requirement for communication on the forum to ensure better understanding among users from different countries. Use of other languages is not allowed on the forums! Do not share any commercial 3D models or discuss it Don't reply to threads here asking for help, by telling the person to join the Discord (or any other website/service) for a tool or script or whatever; instead post a publicly-accessible link or a copy of the script, or directly include the relevant tool as an attachment to your post, but preferably use our Downloads system instead. Before you create a topic in the forums Game Modding, please ensure you name it correctly! For example, [PC] GameName or at least Name of the STUDIO could also work. No generic names are allowed. All topics not following these rules will be removed. If you receive assistance from members here or on the Discord server, please reciprocate by sharing tools and knowledge in the designated section and ensure that you mark the topic as SOLVED. Before you post something use SEARCH first!! The rules state that non-compliance with these regulations can lead to instant banning or account deletion. Users are advised to adhere to the rules to avoid consequences.
    1 point
  49. Version 2.31.0


    Allows for (un)packing resources from Glacier 2's RPKGs (Resource Packages). Hitman 3 has the most supported formats. The source code and latest release are available at https://github.com/glacier-modding/RPKG-Tool
    1 point
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