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Good evening, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

I am interested in ripping character animations from several Android role-playing and RPG games, specifically from the character select menus/archives. The game I am currently interested in is Pixel Duel, which is available on the Google Play Store. These animations are cool and perfect for a side project I want to pursue. I just stumbled upon the world of ripping, so I have almost no experience when it comes to this. After researching, I could extract the APK file from the game on Bluestacks and export it to my computer. I also extracted several files from the original APK file; however, I am lost on what to do next. I do not know where these images/animations would be or how to extract them properly. Hell, I don't even know what most of these files do/mean. I would appreciate it if someone gave me a hand. This is something interesting that I would love to learn more about.

Thank you for reading, and have a good day.
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  • 3 replies

I've been battling this script for the last 3 hours trying to get the animation data to show up. I know the format; it isn't hard, I just.... it won't load. the format is

u32 NumBones @ 0x00;
u32 NumFrames @ 0x04;
u96 Pos @ 0x08;
u32 Unk @ 0x14;
u128 Rotation @ 0x18;
u96 Scale @ 0x28;

u32 Padding @ 0x34;

With numbones and frames being headers that dont repeat. thats it! (I think)


The game is Hydro Thunder Hurricane, big Endian.

The current script is attached, along with a sample model and animation file for said model. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • 24 replies

Is there a way to modify the font files of the game final fantasy vii rebirth that runs on the engine?



  • 8 replies

Scenes.zip I was trying to view these models. However, they use a proprietary format, and the .dll that describes them is completely obfuscated. Can you help me here? Thank you!!!
  • 1 reply

It is to reverse the data cracking, then repack the game file data, and then use the software to open the cracked data file and extract the resources inside
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It's called Lightning Link Casino, and it's from madness.
  • 7 replies

Welcome to the official discussion on unpacking Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) pak files! In this thread, we’ll explore tools and techniques for extracting and working with pak files used in UE4-based games
  • 0 replies

I'm new to modding and I want to modify the game characters in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for Android. However, there isn't a QuickBMS script available for this game. I tried unpacking it normally, but the zip file only contains a limited number of files. I also attempted to decompile the APK to search for any keys, but it's quite challenging. i have attached the smali file for reference,Can anyone help me to proceed further?

  • 2 replies

A QuickBMS archive extraction script for NetEase NeoX Engine NXPK (.npk) archives. Originally authored by aluigi (pre-v0.4.0) and modified by me.

Currently Supported Games

Force Extraction (no guarantees)

Identity V (NeoX 1/2)


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  • 4 reviews

Hi guys , so first imma start by saying im total noob for this , so what i am trying to do is to unpack a data.pak file of an old nokia symbian v60 game called explode arena , honostly i dont give a single $*** about the game . it is just a challenge for me and ive been failing to do a working script to extract it, i tried dragonunpacker.......... tried every thing that i can get my hands on and i failed . the most annoying thing is there are unreadable characters in the hex file so its get a lot of 0s and idk i cant determine that type of the script or the edian size or whatever . idk i know i  suck at this but lss this is the file i hope someone can help or guide me to extract it since my buddies are making fun of me cuz of this challenge , man we men are weird sometimes.

  • 1 reply

managing a new project looking for others to join reverse homebrew psx and emulation. i done some data hacking off the cd

pm me if need want something to work on and paid . its ongoing thing

discord: tri7ap

paypal $500 to start all rest after/overtime
  • 6 replies

Figured this was the best place to post this: my original post is here.

I am currently having difficulty on trying to decompress the LZO data from a .ghx2 file, or the original project file for music made with the GAX Sound Engine.
I would like to be able to decompress the data so I can easily reverse-engineer the sequence data format.

The only known "decompressors" I can find readily available are GAXPlay.exe and GAX.ocx.

I could not find any matching LZO algorithms for the data; QuickBMS didn't find any matches (even with brute-forcing). The few LZO decompression executables that I could find didn't even know what to do.

The LZO data is unheadered (i.e no LZOD header). I have separated the relevant data into a .bin file.
  • 2 replies

Would anyone like to help with the project to port the English translation of Dragon Quest Heroes to Switch? I managed to extract part of the files from linkdata.bin and now I have numerous .dat and some .gt1 files that I managed to extract and obtain the game's textures. However, I need help from someone more experienced with Koei Tecmo games to move forward.

A little context:

The game was never localized into English on the Nintendo Switch, in addition the console has some content exclusive to this version.

Why am I trying this?

I'm Brazilian and I don't have a lot of money, whenever I have access to consoles it's through second-hand devices. I played Dragon Quest Heroes for the first time on Psvita using an incomplete translation and that made me fall in love with the franchise and today I try to play all the games I can get my hands on. I would like to localize the Switch version so that in the future these games can also serve as entrance for other players.
  • 0 replies

Hello. I would like to share with you my private tutorial links collection. These are
useful topics from Xentax, Zenhax and any other reverse engineering related sites that
I was able to find in the Internet. I have put them into categories.
You may encounter situation when one tutorial fits to few categories, but it is placed
only in the category that it fits most. Also, you may encounter tutorials with "[PL]" mark,
these are tuts in Polish language. If you don't understand this language, just skip them.

Also be aware that I haven't read/watch some of these tutorials yet, so I can't recommend you
which tutorial is the best choice, sometimes I'm still learning new things just like you
and on this list you may find tuts that are not very useful for you, so don't blame
me for that.  🙂 Just pick your favourite category and start learning.
If you are complete newbie, I would recommend to start with tuts from category
"Basic knowledge".

If you have any other good source of knowledge, you can write a comment below
and I will update this tutorials collection.

Also remember that those links may be dead some day, so don't blame me for that
and just make a copy for private use  🙂

So that's it. Enjoy.  😄

Links to tutorials:

Basic knowledge / Archive extraction
    - Definitive Guide To Exploring File Formats
    - MultiExCommander Manual
    - What is a File Format?
    - Let's MultiEx
    - MultiEx Commander 4.5 YouTube tutorials
    - MexScript Documentation
    - Analyzing and Reverse Engineering a Game Archive
    - Key points to successful hex reading
    - Running a command-line tool on all the files of a directory and sub-folders (batch)
    - Overview of game file formats and archives
    - REWiki - Reverse engineering hints
   - REWiki - Links to reverse engineering resources
   - HOWTO-Reverse Engineering


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  • 16 replies

$1000, $500 upfront

I'm offering $1000 ($500 upfront before doing anything) to anyone who can help me with ff4
paypal only.

Console: PlayStation Portable (Testing with PPSSPP temp.)

Game: FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection

Patch EBOOT.BIN to read/write/access unpacked+decompressed files only (I've already unpacked PAC1.bin, and every single .LZS archive and decompressed every compressed .TM2 image and manually properly named every individual file to correctly match the file name access from EBOOT.BIN). Ignore data from both 'Interlude' and 'The After Years' entirely

Allow importing higher resolution TM2 textures.

Create a TM2 texture plugin exporter for paint.net for new textures in format RGBA16161616.

Use fake syscall/syscall to change game's rendering resolution directly from the in-game config setting. PRX module compiler sdk available for plugins

Change game's framerate to 160.

Edit in-game spell/magic animations with Effekseer

Change the old Text Dialog Window (that covers half the screen in game) into a simple speech dialog bubble.

GUI tool editor editing basics: Character Stats/Equipment/Monsters/Text strings

Battle UI/Menu element editor

Decompile/recompile event script event\script.bin only (C-like syntax)
  • 2 replies

Looking for one to RE an existing tool editor and build off it with new additions.

$1000, $500 upfront, paypal only

$500 upfront for help for an exclusive single modding tool just for me.
Payment: Paypal only.

Looking for one to RE an existing tool editor and build off that one.

Discord: derricktri

Looking for one to RE an existing tool editor and build off it with new additions.

$1000, $500 upfront, paypal only

Looking for one to RE an existing tool editor and build off it with new additions.

$1000, $500 upfront, paypal only

Looking for one to RE an existing tool editor and build off it with new additions.

$1000, $500 upfront, paypal only

Still open and ready now

Looking for one to RE an existing tool editor and build off it with new additions.

$1000, $500 upfront, paypal only

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge uses some version of DirectX .x in binary which has been presumably compressed.

This was previously nearly cracked, but not completely, on Xentax many years ago...completely lost now.

The 2001 prototype uses the uncompressed version of the .x format, which also isn't yet reversed... I've included both 2001 prototype and 2003 .x formats in hopes they can be understood. The 2001 version is prefixed as such, and contains the original source (maya binary) that the .x was presumably compiled from - in hopes it could be used for referencing how the .x should look. My hopes are the 2001 .x can be used to help further refine the 2003 .x reversing, and make sure it's more accurate

As a side note the AirplaneHR_Devastator comes from a pre-release build. It's possible there's still some differences from the retail .x format, though unlikely, given the time between the build and release.

  • 108 replies

Hello friends! I want to edit the language of the PS4 version of Marvel's Spiderman Remastered. There are people who made the PC version, but does anyone know how it will be for PS4?
  • 18 replies

I need help to identify the global header and all offset header for languages and their respective positions to create the repacker.
I've looked a lot, but I can't identify them. Below are the initial positions of the English texts that I used to export the texts.


File: SCENARIO_DLC_000.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 109584
File: SCENARIO_DLC_001.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 115440
File: SCENARIO_DLC_002.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 111744
File: SCENARIO_DLC_003.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 119376
File: SCENARIO_DLC_005.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 119536
File: SCENARIO_DLC_007.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 107504
File: SCENARIO_DLC_008.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 117744
File: SCENARIO_DLC_009.bin - Header (english texts): Decimal 114624

I'd really appreciate it if you could help me with this detail.

  • 4 replies

Hello! I'm looking to find someone who'd be willing to help me extract an archive format and make tools for Noesis that can load models and animations from the same game.

The game in question is Trapt, also known as Kagero 2: Dark Illusion, also known as Deception IV, its a game for the Playstation 2, made by TECMO and more specifically by the developers of Project Zero/Fatal Frame. Its very likely to be running on the same game engine.

I did a bit of digging and discovered the file formats in question, as well as what appear to be skeletal data for either animations or models, with the bone names being in japanese.

I posted this on the discord but figured I'd post here as well. I'm willing to negotiate price for this, but serious inquiries only please!
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