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Found 17 results

  1. Hello, I am trying to change the font of the game, and I changed the font and now I want to try it, but I do not know how to do that. The same thing with texts. I do not know how to make the game use my modified files and not the original files.
  2. Thrillville uses primarily two archive types, .ZAP and .OVL. The zap files tend to act as a container to hold numerous ovl files. Thankfully there are already tools made that allow you to extract files from the zaps, however, all of the game assets are still locked up inside the ovl(s). I would very...
  3. I extracted UV texture positions from different model files in the same game, one of which is correct and the other is incorrect. Is there anything that needs to be added? If it could help me, I would be extremely grateful. The attachment I uploaded contains two models. The 103886101 model only...
  4. While digging into the game files, i extracted a raw file called "SWATMale", i've tried everything with model researcher/hex2obj and no success at all. Any help would be appreciated. Here's the file if you want to take a look at it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6nwzsb7p9qu3bno/SWATMale/file (...
  5. I want to extract a 3D model from afile, but I don't understand the structure of the file, which is a hair model. Attached is the model file and the map and an xml file. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me with this detail. 103886401.zip
  6. Hi, sad to see that xentax shut down but here we are. I was wondering if anyone could look at these files for NBA 2K25 on PS4, they use the same 0A 0B format but I noticed something different from the other games (NFL2K5/APF2K8/NBA2K14) I can open the files with 7zip but I just can't extract them as...
  7. I need help to identify the global header and all offset header for languages and their respective positions to create the repacker. I've looked a lot, but I can't identify them. Below are the initial positions of the English texts that I used to export the texts. File: SCENARIO_DLC_00...
  8. I got the way to unpack the dirt 5 .dat files but I don't understand anything about the formats that the game uses the thing is that if someone could help me to extract models and textures, I share some assets if you want to take a look at them https://mega.nz/folder/js9VlCIB#09mgRLGkjJwqXXqc...
  9. im trying to extract all the 3d character models from a 2010 japanese psp game, kingdom - ikkitousen no ken i was able to extract the iso game file, this is whats under PSP_GAME -> USRDIR im guessing the 3D character models are under CHR.BIN, i already tried extracting the file on noesis but i didn'...
  10. I'm trying to export the assets of the backgrounds for the Windows game, Spongebob Employee of the Month. I finally managed to get the files to at least export out of .omt format using QuickBMS and with the addition of a script (bms file) but they are exported as an unusable file rather than a png....
  11. does anyone think it is possible to extract iracing models from game files?, I got a version of 2008, here are some cars if you want to take a look at them, thanks in advance https://mega.nz/file/ikkF2DYY#WajNbQgEsrDOIVIXwZa6ZMptlmof0cG9_mv6V_1iBZE
  12. Hello, I want to translate the Hell Blade 2 game into Persian, can you guide me on what to do?
  13. For some context, Helldivers 2 is running on the Stingray/Bitsquid Engine, which Vermintide, Magicka, and the original Helldivers were all built in, with a pretty significant amount of modification. Being that Stingray was discontinued by Autodesk in 2018, my typical leads into proper asset extracti...
  14. I found this blog Assassin's Creed Valhalla Localization Tutorial - HackMD but script is gone. Who had the file please re-upload.
  15. Hello, I want to translate Miami Night 2 But it seems like they encrypted the fonts, images, and text I used Kemulator nnmod which has a Memory View function that allows ripping game sprites But I wonder if there is any way to decrypt the text and font data and encrypt it back? Mia...
  16. Is there a way to open these types of file formats? most of the programs for extracting these dont work or just broken all together if anyone can help me with this please let me know :)
  17. Heya, currently trying to figure out how to open these renditions of .gr2 (Granny 3D) Files, I cannot open them in Granny Viewer as I get the error: CRC Check failed, File may be corrupted. Is there any way to open this? Example file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5mojrmytaix1sdt/gunstringer...
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